Chapter 891
Although Sanhuang and others set off a month earlier, when they arrived at the small world, at least 200 people had already gathered here.

I saw more than 200 strong people in the realm of virtual immortals all at once, which would be unimaginable in normal times.

Only the treasures of the ancient saints could attract so many monks.

"Most of them are at the first and second level of the virtual immortals, some are at the third level of the virtual immortals, and very few are at the fourth level of the virtual immortals." Li Xiuxian relied on his keen perception to guess the cultivation bases of these monks at random.

Although these more than 200 monks are also strong in the realm of Xuxian, they are not considered the strongest part. At least they have not seen any strong men in the seventh level of Xuxian.

The Three Sovereigns greeted the other monks, as long as there were no deadly enemies between the powerhouses of the Immortal Realm, they would basically have some friendship.

After all, compared with the monks below, the circle of Xuxian Realm is obviously much smaller, so it is not surprising to know each other.

Li Xiuxian found a random stone platform to sit cross-legged on, and he didn't know many people here, so it would be better to be alone than to follow the three emperors, at least he could be quieter.

But Li Xiuxian's other identity destined him not to be quiet.

"Master Li?" The cultivator was obviously still a little uncertain, perhaps he himself didn't expect to meet a noble alchemy master here.

Li Xiuxian raised his head and glanced at the cultivator, and it was this raise that made the cultivator confirm that the person in front of him was the youngest alchemist in the history of the spirit world.

"Sure enough, it's Divine Master Li. I didn't expect you to come here." The monk looked at Li Xiuxian in surprise.

"You are." Li Xiuxian looked at the monk suspiciously, he didn't seem to know this monk in his memory.

"I'm Bi Youlong from the blue-eyed tribe!" The middle-aged monk smiled.

The blue-eyed clan is not considered a big clan in the spirit world, and there are very few strong people in the clan, not even the current human race.

However, this cultivator is also a strong person in the third level of the immortal realm. It is not an easy matter for a small clan to be born with a strong person in the immortal realm.

"Could it be that the divine master came here this time to pick some elixir in the imperial tomb?" Bi Youlong looked at Li Xiuxian.

This is a rare opportunity to get close to the divine master, and Bi Youlong will not let it go so easily.

You must know that if you have a good relationship with a god teacher, it will be of great benefit not only to yourself, but also to the blue-eyed tribe behind him. Maybe the blue-eyed tribe can rise because of it.

The so-called reaching out and not hitting smiling people, Li Xiuxian didn't want to show Bi Youlong's face, the two of them just talked without saying a word.

I don't know if Bi Youlong did it on purpose, or because he was too pure-minded to tell Li Xiuxian about everything in the Biyan clan.

However, Li Xiuxian guessed that it was probably the former. After all, he would not be a fool if he could cultivate to the realm of imaginary immortality, and what Bi Youlong said actually meant to invite Li Xiuxian to the Biyan clan.

"Isn't this fellow Daoist Bi Youlong from the Biyan tribe? How do you know God Master Li from my human race?" Luna came out with a smile.

Li Xiuxian glanced at Moon God, not surprised that she would appear here.

Although Sanhuang went out to greet his friends, Luna has been following him secretly, whether it is monitoring or protection, anyway, Sanhuang's meaning is that Li Xiuxian cannot be left alone.

"Moon God Fellow Daoist, I just admire Divine Master Li, and I don't have any extravagant thoughts." Apparently, Bi Youlong was very afraid of Moon God, so he hurriedly explained.

Moon God snorted: "It's better to be like this, otherwise you don't need to exist in this spirit world."

Luna is already a blatant threat, but Bi Youlong dare not make any sense. With Luna's strength, he has the qualifications, and if Luna makes a move, then his blue-eyed clan will really disappear.

Li Xiuxian looked at the gathering of more and more powerhouses in the realm of imaginary immortals. Apart from the battlefield of spirits and demons, it was really unexpected to see so many powerful people in the realm of imaginary immortals.

But what surprised Li Xiuxian even more was that the Kunpeng clan was out in full force this time, more than 30 strong men below the seventh level of the Xuxian came, four were from the seventh level of the Xuxian, and one was from the eighth level of the Xuxian.

Li Xiuxian also met Shaoyu among the Kunpeng clan. At this time, Shaoyu was a good boy, and his speech and behavior were quite graceful.

However, Li Xiuxian believes that Shaoyu's changes all come from the majestic man beside him, the only existence of the eighth-level Xuxian in the Kunpeng clan.

If Li Xiuxian's guess is correct, this person is the current patriarch of the Kunpeng clan.

Unexpectedly, the patriarch of Kunpeng, who has been traveling the world with the ancestor of Kunpeng, will also appear here.

A powerhouse of the eighth level of the virtual immortal, such a level of powerhouse is also extremely rare.

Shaoyu also saw Li Xiuxian, but didn't come over. He just blinked at Li Xiuxian, the bitterness on his face was extremely obvious.

Li Xiuxian shook his head helplessly, this Shaoyu was under his father's control.

"Everyone came very early!" Thousands of long swords fell from the void.

"Venerable Wanjian!" Li Xiuxian was shocked, this time only Venerable Wanjian was sent by Xuantian Palace.

Li Xiuxian admits that Venerable Wanjian is very strong, and his body is comparable to a strong man in the eighth level of the Void Immortal Realm. Take advantage of it.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's open the ancient imperial tomb directly. We are here for the treasures of the ancient imperial tomb, not to listen to your nonsense." A monk snorted.

The murderous intent in Venerable Wan Jian's eyes flashed away, the head of this cultivator was thrown up instantly, and the strong man of the third level of Xuxian died instantly.

"This time, my Xuantian Palace opened the ancient imperial mausoleum, so everyone here must abide by the rules of my Xuantian Palace. If there is anyone who violates it, you will see the end." Venerable Xuantian glanced at the monks present.

Wherever they looked, not many people dared to look at him.

"First, since my Xuantian Palace opened the ancient imperial tomb this time, every force entering it must hand over a treasure, or die!"

"Secondly, after entering the imperial mausoleum, among the treasures you get, the Xuantian Palace must occupy one."

"Thirdly, the Taikoo Imperial Mausoleum has been opened for 100 years, and it will be closed after the expiry date. If it has not been released within these 100 years, then it can only be trapped to death."

Except for the third condition, the first two conditions made the monks present a little angry.

To sum it up, one must pay an entrance fee to enter this ancient imperial tomb, and one must also pay an exit fee to get out.

No wonder the Xuantian Temple was so generous and only sent Venerable Wanjian to come. They didn't plan to enter the Xuantian Temple at all, but charged here.

The entrance fee is okay, but once you enter the ancient imperial tomb and want to come out, you must pay the treasures in the ancient imperial tomb, otherwise this will end...

No one would doubt the authenticity of the words of Venerable Wanjian. Except for the few people present who can resist the strength of Venerable Wanjian, the rest are no opponents at all, so they can kill whoever they want.

"Come with me!" After finishing the conditions of Xuantian Palace, Venerable Wanjian led all the monks to the Immemorial Imperial Mausoleum.

Li Xiuxian could only follow the Three Emperors to prepare to enter the imperial mausoleum. As for the entrance fee, the Three Emperors paid for it. With the Three Emperors' wealth, five decent treasures could still be bought.

The monks present did not challenge the Xuantian Palace either, the monks in the Immortal Realm didn't have a few treasures on them.

"It's here." Venerable Wan Jian took a look, and after a spell was played, the whole space began to tremble.

"Imperial Imperial Mausoleum!" Some monks couldn't help but exclaimed.

Four incomparably huge stone walls drilled out of the ground unexpectedly.

These four stone statues are holding swords and facing the center, they are really magnificent.

"This is actually the fine gold of Taiyun, and these four giant statues are all carved from a whole piece of fine gold of Taiyun!" Li Xiuxian was also surprised.

Taiyun fine gold is an extremely rare refining material, and its hardness is even higher than Gengjin. Even if a little bit of Taiyun fine gold is added to an ordinary flying sword, it will immediately become indestructible.

Not to mention Li Xiuxian, such a huge Taiyun Jingjin, even a powerhouse at the eighth level of the virtual immortal may not have seen it.

However, Venerable Wan Jian ignored the four giant statues, walked straight to the center of the four giant statues, and sneaked the thumb-sized fairy crystal into the central groove.

"Om!" Immediately, using this Ninth Grade Immortal Crystal as a medium, four spiritual lights rushed out and shone on the four giant statues.


"Crack!" The space between the four giant statues began to shatter.

"It's still hidden in another space!" Li Xiuxian was also amazed, and had a new understanding of the strength of this ancient saint clan.

It turned out that a space was opened up again in a space, and these four giant statues were just teleportation arrays.

"The other end of this passage is the tomb of the ancient saint clan. I don't know what dangers lie in this tomb, but life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, and the choice is yours." Venerable Wan Jian just snorted and turned his head. Sitting on the side of the teleportation array.

"Let's go, is it possible that they are afraid that Xuantian Temple will make a fool of themselves?" A monk tapped his right foot and directly got into the teleportation array.

All the monks present lost the aura of this monk, obviously this monk has entered another space.

"Crack!" But every so often, just two or three breaths, the jade tablet on a monk's chest suddenly shattered.

"Brother!" The monk exclaimed, the monk who had just entered the imperial mausoleum died, and his natal jade tablet was completely shattered.

All the monks were tense. Although the monks who just entered it were only at the second level of Xuxian, they would not die so quickly. What happened in this ancient imperial tomb, unexpectedly in such a short period of time Just let a strong man with the second level of Xuxian die unexpectedly.

"Go in together!" Suddenly several monks entered it, but soon, the natal soul cards left by these monks also shattered.

"Dead, they are all dead!" At this moment, all the strong Xuxians present panicked!

(End of this chapter)

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