Chapter 50

Facts have proved that this whole night of intermittent tossing is just the beginning, far from the end——

Just because he didn't eat meat for two months, she didn't get out of bed for two days and one night. After thinking about it for a while, she felt that she was at a loss, that she was losing money, but what should I do?She has no strength at all now, and her voice is hoarse, and she can't swear or swear, so she can only lie there and grind her teeth.

A certain person, who was both angry with God, pushed the dining car back refreshed, cut a piece of cheesecake and brought it to her mouth to seduce her: "Your favorite flavor."

Hu didn't speak for a while, and decided to kill him with his eyes.

Zhan Yiyang didn't force her, and ate the cake in front of her. Seeing her swallowing her saliva with hunger, the corners of his mouth twitched, his smile was not a smile, and he didn't deserve a beating.

He put the dinner plate on the bedside table, and pretended to lie back with his arms around her, but Hu hurriedly stopped him: "We... Let's go swimming!"

He lifted her quilt.

"Go snorkeling!"

He undid the straps of her bathrobe.

"go fishing!"

He undid the collar of her bathrobe.

"Go and see the dolphins!"

He pecked her bare shoulder.

"Go parachute at sea!"

His hand reached into the hem of her bathrobe.

Hu shuddered, and immediately came back to life. The dining car was parked at the end of the bed. She crawled over with hands and feet. In the blink of an eye, she had inserted a whole pork chop and announced to someone: "I want to eat! Eat!"

Someone smiled with satisfaction.

Hu Yi buried her head in eating the pork chops. If she still had the strength to cry, she would have already burst into tears.

Turning grief and anger into appetite, eating and drinking enough, nestled back on the bed and continued to pretend to be dead, Zhan Yiyang patted her up, took a tissue to help her wipe off the sauce from the corners of her mouth, his movements were soft and his eyes were soft, "Sleep and watch the sunset in the evening. "

Hu Yi was frightened by this boy with a gentleman's appearance and a devil's heart, his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys "thumped" and immediately slapped his hand holding the tissue: "Still sleeping?"

He had a weird expression on his face and didn't answer.

"Even if you don't worry about my bones falling apart, you have to worry about yourself! What if you are exhausted? Even if you don't worry about yourself, worry about other newlywed guests! You have used up all the condoms , What do they use? Even if you are not worried about other guests, you are also worried about Ms. Zhou! She is still waiting for me to give her a healthy grandson, do you know that your current behavior is not only destroying my body , is destroying your son's future living environment!"

Hu Yi has tears in his eyes, earnestly and persuasively, but all this is useless at the hands of some well-dressed beast. He slowly bullies her, kisses her chattering mouth, and then——

"Pure, sleep, sleep." He said helplessly.


Seeing her startled, Zhan Yiyang laughed: "Or do you plan to fight for another [-] rounds?"
Hu Yixia felt that it was necessary to reflect on why he was always wrong recently. There is still a difference between "beasts in clothes" and "beasts are not as good as". It is obvious that Zhan is the former, not the latter. Hu made a decision to learn the hidden knowledge slowly in the future. Naturally, sleep is the most important thing at the moment, but she really tired.

The sun, the beach, and the handsome guy in beach pants, wait for her to sleep well before enjoying it.

Sleep until late evening.

The bright sun gradually receded behind the clouds, and the sound of ebbing waves floated into the suite located on the water. It had been a long time since I fell asleep like this and woke up naturally. turquoise sea water.

It was beautiful, she stretched.

Halfway through the stretch, Hu paused.Thinking of the grievances he had suffered in the past two days and one night, Hu Yi suddenly became mortified, quietly bent his knees to gather strength, estimated where he was sleeping, and kicked him without hesitation.

Whether he can get revenge or not depends entirely on this kick, Hu Xia laughed wildly in his heart.

She couldn't laugh anymore in the next second——

Someone wasn't on the bed at all, so she missed it.

Looking around in disappointment, he was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a handsome guy in beach shorts with wide shoulders and narrow waist on the terrace. Looking again, it turned out to be Zhan Yiyang.

Zhan Yiyang made a phone call on the balcony, and suddenly he made a living again.Outside the terrace is the infinity swimming pool, which leads directly to the blue sea. It is a good idea to push him into the sea when he is not prepared. Hu Yi immediately regrouped, hurriedly put on his T-shirt, pushed open the French windows, and walked out of the house. She quietly Moved over, moved behind him, and was about to strike——

"You still have time to stop now." Zhan Yiyang's tone was not very good.

Did he say this to the phone, or to her?Hu didn't dare to make a move anymore, let's see the situation before we talk.

"He cares about you more than I do," he added.

The sound of the waves covered up the movement on the other end of the phone, and no matter how hard you pricked up your ears to listen, you could only hear Zhan Yiyang's voice: "Don't say such things to me again."

Hu Xia had never heard his tone before. There was helplessness and pity. Her sensitive nose immediately smelled three words: adultery!

An unknown fire rushed to the head in such a "bass", and he didn't do anything for a while, and he didn't need to push it with his hands, he just kicked it with his feet.

She had just raised her foot by a fifth when she heard him say, "I love you..."

When her feet were raised by a third, Zhan Yiyang saw the reflection falling on the sea, and suddenly became alert, turned around in silence, held down the other's raised feet, and walked into the sea—

"Hey hey... Plop!"

Comrade Hu entered the water, and the capitalists won. Zhan Yiyang frowned and watched the attacker's head emerge from the water. He was taken aback, squatted down quickly, and stretched out his hand to pull her up.

Hu grabbed his hand, held it firmly, and then pulled it hard——

He also fell into the water with her.

"Who were you calling?"

Zhan Yiyang was silent for a while, seeing his insidious appearance, he knew that he was looking for excuses, Hu Yi never expected him to answer very frankly: "Connie."

"Connie? Huh! How kind of a cry!"

"Hu Yixia."

"Hu Yixia? Humph! You are so kind!"

Zhan Yiyang straightened her head which was tilted to one side angrily: "Then what do you want me to call her?"

"Like me, call her a fake babe."


"Hey! You secretly called other women, and you still have the face to bargain with me?"

Zhan Yiyang's eyes narrowed slightly, which is his usual way of putting pressure on his opponents. The low air pressure wrapped around Hu in circles, and the unsatisfied Comrade Hu paused, and began to pave the way for him. A: "Did she call you or did you call her?"

If she is pestering you, I will forgive you for the time being—this hint is already so obvious, but this guy replied without changing his face and heartbeat: "I hit you."

"Hey! You really have the guts to say it!" Thinking of the "I love you" that I vaguely heard just now, Hu Yi immediately exploded again, "If you miss her so much, go back to her! Anyway, Fang Zhou won't marry her Yes, I just took advantage of your wish!"

She pushed him away and crawled back to the bank.Just about to stand up, he suddenly grabbed the back of the neck.She knelt on the bank, and he stood in the water. She looked angry, but he looked cold: "Apologize."

Is there any reason for her to apologize to the fake foreign girl?
Hu was so angry that he opened his mouth and bit his mouth.He took the bite without saying a word, but instead slapped it. Seeing that his lips were bleeding, he timidly let go of his teeth, but he absolutely refused to admit defeat, and threw a "Who told you to mess with me, mess with me again!" I'll kill you" look.

He let her stare at her without any reaction, and he felt bored even after a little hustle. He wanted to break off his claws, but he pushed her head even lower with all his strength.

The tip of his nose bumped against the tip of his nose, and he looked directly into her eyes: "Don't even think about leaving me or asking me to leave you."

Did he ask her to apologize for this?
He waited for her to say "I'm sorry", but he still couldn't swallow the breath: "Then you have to apologize to me, how can you just say I love to other women-I mean, you won't You must take the initiative to call her—no, even if she calls you, you are not allowed to answer it without me!"

After changing one sentence three times before barely finishing it, Hu Yi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and added viciously: "I'll go back to my room later to draft my 'Five Disciplines, Five Irregularities', if you dare to make mistakes again, I will... ...just...just..."

Hu Yi choked on his own words.

Curse him for having a son?Wouldn't that be tantamount to cursing herself?

"Greetings" to the eighteen generations of his ancestors?Isn't that the same as "greeting" her mother-in-law and father-in-law?
She "just...just...just" for a long time, Zhan Yiyang understood, and accepted her words: "No problem, I apologize. No matter what you draft, I will sign it."

After finishing speaking, he signaled her with his eyes, "Now it's your turn to apologize", Hu Yi gritted his teeth and lowered his head: "Is it right..."

Zhan Yiyang raised her face and let her see the wound on his lips: "I prefer you to express your apology with actions."

Hu Yixia digested his implication, approached him a little uncertainly, licked his wound, looked up to see his reaction, he silently waited for her to continue.

Hu Yiyi overcame the self-contempt in his heart, and licked the blood away bit by bit, while comforting himself, animals clean their wounds like this, no surprises, no surprises.

After finally getting it done, she was about to get up, but his hand was still on the back of her neck.

"Why don't you let go?"

He couldn't help but kissed her.

The mouthful of blood, plus the mouthful of sea salt, was astringent and bitter. Hu Yixia wondered how he could swallow it. She was frowning from the bitterness in her mouth, and she couldn't get into it at all. Her fingers were covered with something. Something, she naturally noticed it immediately.

With his lips still in his mouth, she had already looked down.diamond ring?
A certain person was dissatisfied with her absent-mindedness, and lightly bit the tip of her tongue before letting go. Hu was all focused on the diamond ring, without feeling any pain at all: "Did you buy it while I was sleeping?"

Zhan Yiyang folded his arms, waiting for her ecstatic reaction.

After studying for a long time, Hu raised his head, and told his conclusion very solemnly: "This diamond seems to be smaller than the previous one."
Zhan Yiyang propped up his hands on the terrace and landed neatly on the shore. The two drowned chickens looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

She shook her head vigorously, trying to splash all the water from her hair onto his face, at this moment Zhan Yiyang suddenly stopped laughing, thinking that she had caused trouble, and hurriedly wiped the water off his face.

"The honeymoon ends early, we will return home tomorrow."

When Hu Yi heard it, he was stunned.After being stunned, I became anxious: "Are you too stingy? I just said that the diamond is a bit small, so you want to drive me back to the country?"

Zhan Yiyang stroked his forehead helplessly.

"Uh...uh, I took a closer look. Although it's a little smaller, but in terms of craftsmanship, this one is much better than the previous one." In order to save his honeymoon, Hu Yixia brazenly praised him, and hurriedly raised his hand Facing the sun, let the diamond ring refract as much light as possible, "Wow! Look at it! How bright, how bright, how..."

Zhan Yiyang decisively covered her mouth.

The mouth under the palm was still protesting "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Zhan Yiyang covered it tightly, and explained: "I have some business to go back to deal with."

(End of this chapter)

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