Chapter 100 Appendix 4
Chapter 100 Appendix IV (2)
Schneider, TG Schneider's school version of "Aristotelis Politica" (Aristotelis Politica) two volumes, published in Frankfurt in 1809.Schneider edited and revisited ancient Latin translations.
Corae Gu Lai School Edition, published in Paris in 1821.
Thurot's French translation of Aristotle's Ethics and Politics, published in Paris in 1823.
Gttling Gottling's version of "Aristotelis de Politica" (Aristotelis de Politica), published in Jena in 1824.Gottling used the Ms and P1 manuscripts for collation.
StHilaire, B St. Tiller's Greek school text and French translation "Aristotle's Politics" (Politique dAristote), published in Paris in 1837.
Stahr, A. Aristotle's "Politics", published in Leipzig in 1839, in the Chinese version and German translation. C Stahl revised translation, published in Stuttgart in 1860.Stahl's translation is known for its fine review.
Lindau's German translation, published at Dels in 1843.
Bernay Bernard's translation of "Aristotle's Politics" Volumes [-] to [-].
Bekker2 "Becker's Aristotle "Politics" re-edited. Becker initially applied Paris manuscripts and Laurentian manuscripts to volume eight of "Aristotle's Complete Works" "de Republica" The manuscripts and Martian manuscripts were edited throughout, and later re-collated with more manuscripts and Latin translations. In 1855, the octavo "School Edition of Political Science" was published separately.
Susmihl, F. Susmihl's Greek text and German translation.Su analyzed various political manuscripts available in contemporary times, and classified them into two groups of π1 and π2. He made a proofreading of the whole text, and worked harder than his predecessors.The first edition was printed in Leipzig in 1872.A second edition, with expanded textual notes, was published in 1879.The collation of the first and second editions focused on the π1 group and the Γ manuscript.The three editions were collated and took into account the π1 and π2 manuscripts, and were published as Bibliotheca Teubneriana in 1882. In 1894, the annotated version (Volumes [-] to [-], Volume [-] and Volume [-]) co-authored by Su and RD Hicks was published.
Kirchmann, GHvon Kirchmann German translation "Aristotle "Politics" (AristPolitik), published in Leipzig in 1880 ("Philosophische Bibliothek").
Welldon Wellton English translation, Newman called it a careful translation.
Jowett, B Zhou Yite's English translation of "Aristotle "Politics of A" (The Politics of A) two volumes, published in Oxford in 1885, with volume analysis and index made by Davis (HWCDavis).
Newman, WL Newman's Annotated Edition (four volumes), published in Oxford, 1887-1902.Newman's revisions, interpretations, and annotations are more extensive than those of his predecessors.A 1950 photocopy is available.
Rackham, H Rackham Greek-English bilingual edition, "The Loeb Classical Lib", published in London and New York in 1932.
Barker, E. Barker's English translation, with introduction, chapter analysis, notes and appendices, published in Oxford in 1946; reprinted in 1948.Now there is a printed version in 1952.
(V) Medieval interpretations and modern monographs on Aristotle's "Politics"
Aquinas, StThomas Thomas Aquinas (1225?—1274): Commentarii TAquinatis, published in Venice in 1595.Aquinas's "Comments" commented on Aristotle's works, including "Physics", "Metaphysics", "Ethics", and "Politics" in the long articles, in "On the Soul" in the novella, and in "On the Sensation" and "On the Soul" in the short articles. On Memory, etc.
Gissen Gissen: Commentarii in Politicum opus Aristotelis, Frankfurt, 1608.
Piccart: An Annotation of the Political Works of Aristotle, published in Leipzig, 1615.
Spengel, L. Spengel: "On Aristotle's "Politics"" (Ueber die Politik des A) "Philosophical Journal of the Mingheng Academy of Sciences" Vol. 1841, [-]).
Bojessen: "Bedragtil Fortolkningen om Aristoteles Boger om staten" (Bedragtil Fortolkningen om Aristoteles Boger om staten), published in Copenhagen in 1844.
Nickes: On Aristotle's Political Works (de APoliticorum libris), published in Bonn, 1851.
Rassow, Observationes Criticae in Aristotelem, Berlin, 1858. "Bemerkungen üeber einige stellen der Pdes A" (Bemerkungen üeber einige stellen der Pdes A), published in Weimar in 1864.
Thurot: Etudes sur Aristote, Paris, 1860.The pages below 749 in the book are "Critical Reviews of the Volumes of Political Science".
Schutz: The Foundations of the State Established by the First Volume of Aristotle's Political Science (de Fundamentis republicae, quae primoPoliticorum libro ab Apositasunt), published in Potsdam, 1860.
Oncken: "Aristotle's Political Lectures" (Staat lehre des A), published in Leipzig in 1870 and 1875 (two volumes).
Bonitz: Studies on Aristotle, (Aristotelischestudien), published in Vienna, 1863, volume two of which deals with Politics.
Hampke Hampke: "Aristotle's "Politics" Volume I Explanation" (Bemerkungen üeber des erste Büch der Poldes A), published in Luke (Luck) in 1863.
Buchsenschutz: Chapters 8-11 of Aristotle's "Politics" Volume 1867, published in [-].
Madvig Madvig: "Adversaria critica ad scriptores Graecos" (Adversaria critica ad scriptores Graecos), published in Copenhagen in 1871, the 461 pages of the eighth volume are related to Aristotle's "Politics".
Vahlen: On the Works of Aristotle (Aristotelische Aufsatze), published in Vienna, 1872, volume two of which deals with Politics.
Jackson: "Aristotle's Political Science, Volume I, Chapter Three," Philology Quarterly, Volume VII, 1887.
Postgate: "Notes on the Politics of Aristotle" (Notes on the Politics of A), published in Cambridge in 1877.
Arnim, Hvon Arnim: The Compilation of Aristotle's Political Science (Zur Entstehungsgeschichte der APolitik), published in Vienna, 1924.
(VI) Aristotle's bibliography cited in the translation notes of this book
Analytica priora analysis before Analpr points before
Analytica posteriora analysis post-analysis Analpost post-analysis
de Anima on the soul de An soul
de Caelo on the sky de Cael on the sky
de Generatione Animalium on the reproduction of animals GA reproduction
de Partibus Animalium on the composition of animals PA composition
Ethica Eudemia Eudemia Ethics EE Eulen
Ethica Nicomachea Ethics EN Nillen
Historia Animalium
Magna Moralia Ethics MM Ethics
Metaphysica Metaphysics Met Metaphysics
Meteorologica Meteorology Meteor Meteorology
Mundo, de (PseudoA) On the World (PseudoA) de Mund World
Oeconomica (PseudoA) Economics (Pseudo) Oecon Economics
Physica physics Phys physics
Physiognomica Physiogn Physiognomy
De Poetica Poetics Poet Poetics
Problemata (Pseudo-A) problem set (pseudo) Probl problem
Rhetorica Rhetoric Rhetoric
Topica proposition Top proposition
(End of this chapter)
Schneider, TG Schneider's school version of "Aristotelis Politica" (Aristotelis Politica) two volumes, published in Frankfurt in 1809.Schneider edited and revisited ancient Latin translations.
Corae Gu Lai School Edition, published in Paris in 1821.
Thurot's French translation of Aristotle's Ethics and Politics, published in Paris in 1823.
Gttling Gottling's version of "Aristotelis de Politica" (Aristotelis de Politica), published in Jena in 1824.Gottling used the Ms and P1 manuscripts for collation.
StHilaire, B St. Tiller's Greek school text and French translation "Aristotle's Politics" (Politique dAristote), published in Paris in 1837.
Stahr, A. Aristotle's "Politics", published in Leipzig in 1839, in the Chinese version and German translation. C Stahl revised translation, published in Stuttgart in 1860.Stahl's translation is known for its fine review.
Lindau's German translation, published at Dels in 1843.
Bernay Bernard's translation of "Aristotle's Politics" Volumes [-] to [-].
Bekker2 "Becker's Aristotle "Politics" re-edited. Becker initially applied Paris manuscripts and Laurentian manuscripts to volume eight of "Aristotle's Complete Works" "de Republica" The manuscripts and Martian manuscripts were edited throughout, and later re-collated with more manuscripts and Latin translations. In 1855, the octavo "School Edition of Political Science" was published separately.
Susmihl, F. Susmihl's Greek text and German translation.Su analyzed various political manuscripts available in contemporary times, and classified them into two groups of π1 and π2. He made a proofreading of the whole text, and worked harder than his predecessors.The first edition was printed in Leipzig in 1872.A second edition, with expanded textual notes, was published in 1879.The collation of the first and second editions focused on the π1 group and the Γ manuscript.The three editions were collated and took into account the π1 and π2 manuscripts, and were published as Bibliotheca Teubneriana in 1882. In 1894, the annotated version (Volumes [-] to [-], Volume [-] and Volume [-]) co-authored by Su and RD Hicks was published.
Kirchmann, GHvon Kirchmann German translation "Aristotle "Politics" (AristPolitik), published in Leipzig in 1880 ("Philosophische Bibliothek").
Welldon Wellton English translation, Newman called it a careful translation.
Jowett, B Zhou Yite's English translation of "Aristotle "Politics of A" (The Politics of A) two volumes, published in Oxford in 1885, with volume analysis and index made by Davis (HWCDavis).
Newman, WL Newman's Annotated Edition (four volumes), published in Oxford, 1887-1902.Newman's revisions, interpretations, and annotations are more extensive than those of his predecessors.A 1950 photocopy is available.
Rackham, H Rackham Greek-English bilingual edition, "The Loeb Classical Lib", published in London and New York in 1932.
Barker, E. Barker's English translation, with introduction, chapter analysis, notes and appendices, published in Oxford in 1946; reprinted in 1948.Now there is a printed version in 1952.
(V) Medieval interpretations and modern monographs on Aristotle's "Politics"
Aquinas, StThomas Thomas Aquinas (1225?—1274): Commentarii TAquinatis, published in Venice in 1595.Aquinas's "Comments" commented on Aristotle's works, including "Physics", "Metaphysics", "Ethics", and "Politics" in the long articles, in "On the Soul" in the novella, and in "On the Sensation" and "On the Soul" in the short articles. On Memory, etc.
Gissen Gissen: Commentarii in Politicum opus Aristotelis, Frankfurt, 1608.
Piccart: An Annotation of the Political Works of Aristotle, published in Leipzig, 1615.
Spengel, L. Spengel: "On Aristotle's "Politics"" (Ueber die Politik des A) "Philosophical Journal of the Mingheng Academy of Sciences" Vol. 1841, [-]).
Bojessen: "Bedragtil Fortolkningen om Aristoteles Boger om staten" (Bedragtil Fortolkningen om Aristoteles Boger om staten), published in Copenhagen in 1844.
Nickes: On Aristotle's Political Works (de APoliticorum libris), published in Bonn, 1851.
Rassow, Observationes Criticae in Aristotelem, Berlin, 1858. "Bemerkungen üeber einige stellen der Pdes A" (Bemerkungen üeber einige stellen der Pdes A), published in Weimar in 1864.
Thurot: Etudes sur Aristote, Paris, 1860.The pages below 749 in the book are "Critical Reviews of the Volumes of Political Science".
Schutz: The Foundations of the State Established by the First Volume of Aristotle's Political Science (de Fundamentis republicae, quae primoPoliticorum libro ab Apositasunt), published in Potsdam, 1860.
Oncken: "Aristotle's Political Lectures" (Staat lehre des A), published in Leipzig in 1870 and 1875 (two volumes).
Bonitz: Studies on Aristotle, (Aristotelischestudien), published in Vienna, 1863, volume two of which deals with Politics.
Hampke Hampke: "Aristotle's "Politics" Volume I Explanation" (Bemerkungen üeber des erste Büch der Poldes A), published in Luke (Luck) in 1863.
Buchsenschutz: Chapters 8-11 of Aristotle's "Politics" Volume 1867, published in [-].
Madvig Madvig: "Adversaria critica ad scriptores Graecos" (Adversaria critica ad scriptores Graecos), published in Copenhagen in 1871, the 461 pages of the eighth volume are related to Aristotle's "Politics".
Vahlen: On the Works of Aristotle (Aristotelische Aufsatze), published in Vienna, 1872, volume two of which deals with Politics.
Jackson: "Aristotle's Political Science, Volume I, Chapter Three," Philology Quarterly, Volume VII, 1887.
Postgate: "Notes on the Politics of Aristotle" (Notes on the Politics of A), published in Cambridge in 1877.
Arnim, Hvon Arnim: The Compilation of Aristotle's Political Science (Zur Entstehungsgeschichte der APolitik), published in Vienna, 1924.
(VI) Aristotle's bibliography cited in the translation notes of this book
Analytica priora analysis before Analpr points before
Analytica posteriora analysis post-analysis Analpost post-analysis
de Anima on the soul de An soul
de Caelo on the sky de Cael on the sky
de Generatione Animalium on the reproduction of animals GA reproduction
de Partibus Animalium on the composition of animals PA composition
Ethica Eudemia Eudemia Ethics EE Eulen
Ethica Nicomachea Ethics EN Nillen
Historia Animalium
Magna Moralia Ethics MM Ethics
Metaphysica Metaphysics Met Metaphysics
Meteorologica Meteorology Meteor Meteorology
Mundo, de (PseudoA) On the World (PseudoA) de Mund World
Oeconomica (PseudoA) Economics (Pseudo) Oecon Economics
Physica physics Phys physics
Physiognomica Physiogn Physiognomy
De Poetica Poetics Poet Poetics
Problemata (Pseudo-A) problem set (pseudo) Probl problem
Rhetorica Rhetoric Rhetoric
Topica proposition Top proposition
(End of this chapter)
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