Chapter 94 Index 2 Topics
Chapter 94 Index Two Topics (7) (1)
ερtemples Temples in the city should be built in the Acropolis 31a24; temples in the countryside are distributed in 31b17.
ππεknights knight class Solon citizenship law third class citizen 74a20; Eletria knight 6a35.
καπιλικretail trade贩卖,零售贩卖源出于物物交换57a41—b23;以贩卖赚钱,不合自然57a17,b19。
κλρο(χρα)lot(of the land)份地份地是否由地主自耕? 63a8,64a14,68a34—b4,28b24—29a2,30a23—31;斯巴达律禁止份地卖买,但国内以其他方式进行兼并70a16—19(参看9a23);亚菲底禁止兼并的重农法规19a6—20;希朴达摩的土地分配67b33—37,68a40;亚氏模范城邦中的土地分配29b40—30a33(参看65b24)。
κληρονομαinheritance heritage system see "law" term.
κοινωνα πλανοthe platonic community柏拉图理想公社评述柏拉图《理想国》中所拟公社制度61a1—64b25。(一)妇孺公育:卫国之士的妇孺归公育61a4,74b9;其他阶级的妇孺是否公育没有说明64a11—b4;亚氏认为这种办法的弊害很多:(1)城邦未必因此更为一致61b16;(2)子女公育不能得到良好培养61b32;(3)儿童及其亲生父母虽经掩蔽,终可识别62a14,所谓阶级转换不切实际62b24;(4)没有父子夫妇的社会一定多犯罪,乱伦和伤害双亲这类重辜无法区别于一般的奸淫和伤害62a25—40,b29;(5)亲属感情将归淡薄62a40—b24;(6)家庭将被废弃64b1。
κμη, the village, the settlement of several families in the village is the village, 52b16; the city-state is the gathering of several villages 52b27.
μρη πóλεω, the parts of the citystate constitute the "parts" of the city-state (the "parts" are either occupation and class distinctions, or functional distinctions). Different city-states have different social organizations, and Aristotle divides the city-state into six parts ( Peasants, artisans, warriors, bourgeois citizens, priests, officials) 28a21-b23; the arrangement of the parts proposed in his model city-state 28b24-29a34.
μσοι,οthe middle class中流人物,中产阶级中产阶级的品德95a25—97a13;古代中产者较少,97b26;中产阶级为主的城邦最为优良95b25—96a21,b34,8b30。
μεαφριν transference [class] transfer 62a25 (see "Plato's Ideal Commune").
ναυικòν,òthe mariners海上作业人员91b20—25。舵师76b22,79a4,82a10;水手:船舶喻城邦,水手喻公民,76b20—35;桨工(桡手)76b22。
λιευικóν, òfishermen fishermen Tarranton and Byzantine multi-fishers 91b23.
εμπορικòν, òmerchantseamen from Aegina and Qiwo Island from 91b24.
ναμιλαι, òseamen seamen Heraclea do seamen 91b22, 27b14.
προθμευικóν, òferrymen sailors on the island of Nedus, 91b24.
νεερον,òthe youth青年“青年”和“老年”并举,论被统治和统治32b36—33a11;少壮时为战斗员,年老时为审议员(政法人员),耆耄则任神职29a6—17、30—33。
νομμα custom custom, custom custom follows the established routine 55a22, 24b22.
ξενοstrangers Hakka, aliens Aliens disturb the customs of the state 27a17.
οκα,the family,the domestic society家庭社会源于家庭52b16(参看57a21);家庭以父亲为主人,父子、夫妇、主奴三伦于此成为自然结合52a24—b26,55b19,59a37—b17,60b13,3b1—14;城邦由家庭组成而较家庭为更能自给自足60b13,61b12,69b14。
The children of fallen soldiers shall be raised by public funds68a8.
παρθεναιpartheniae illegitimate son of the Parthenians 6b29.
παρ καεκναfather and children father-son relationship 56b10, 59a37—b17 (see "ethics" term).
Πενεσα Penestae Penestae Serf of Thessaly 64a35, 69a37.
πενακοσιομδιμνοι, οpentacosiomedimni five hundred hu-class citizens of the first class 74a19 of the fourth class of Athenian Solonian law property.
συσσιαcommon meals会餐,公共食堂会餐制度始创于意大利29b5—35;克里特会餐制度称“安得赖亚”,并订有俭食规则63b41,72a5、22;斯巴达会餐制度(称“菲第希亚”)63b41,65b41,71a26—37,72a2、12—27,94b27。柏拉图所拟的会餐制度65a8,66a35,74b11;亚氏模范城邦所拟的会餐安排30a5,31a19,b16;职官和祭司的公共食堂17b38,31a25,b5。
ξιorder Laws of order so assure social order 26a29.
εκναιartisans,the skilled craftsmen技师,艺匠优于手艺者,卑于德操60a39,78a20,19a26,28b39,29a19,42a20;匠师常积资致富78a24;唯平民政府才许工匠任职官77b1;工匠(操贱业的技工和艺人)实为城邦所必需的经济条件,却不必成为公民而参加政治机能77b33—78b5,91a1,b19,26a22,31a33;在小邦中,往往以公共奴隶担任工匠的作业67b15。
φλαρχοι, οphylarch tribal elders Tribal elders council for the Council of the Hereafter (Buli) typical 1b22.
χερνηικóν, ò(ο θε)the[unskilled] laborers, coolies ("unskilled workers" in terms of labor), 77a38, 78a13-22, 91b26, 19a28, 21a6, 29a36, 37b21, 41b14, 42a20; farm laborers working in the field 91a6.
χωρισμο κα γνοclasses or castes,by occupations阶级或流品,职业区别固定不同各职业以建立阶级制度始于埃及29b2,23;区别各业高卑的原则58b33—39;公民以家资为别可分为富室、贫民和中产三级89b30,95b2;平民以职业为别或分为农商工三部89a32,或兵农商工四部90b40—91a9,b17—27。
9 economy
Aλιεα fishery 56b1, 36.
ναγκα, αthe necessaries The necessities of life are in line with the natural technology of controlling production and enriching, and the purpose is to obtain the necessities of life 53b23, 57a6-34.
νγκηnecessity needs to be the teacher of creation (invention) 29b27.
υιπεονθó, ò σον òcompensation, the principle of “autarkeia” 61a30—b9, 90a7.
βοθειαalmsgiving It is not beneficial to help the people in the way of charity, and they should be subsidized to engage in production 20a24—b11.
(End of this chapter)
ερtemples Temples in the city should be built in the Acropolis 31a24; temples in the countryside are distributed in 31b17.
ππεknights knight class Solon citizenship law third class citizen 74a20; Eletria knight 6a35.
καπιλικretail trade贩卖,零售贩卖源出于物物交换57a41—b23;以贩卖赚钱,不合自然57a17,b19。
κλρο(χρα)lot(of the land)份地份地是否由地主自耕? 63a8,64a14,68a34—b4,28b24—29a2,30a23—31;斯巴达律禁止份地卖买,但国内以其他方式进行兼并70a16—19(参看9a23);亚菲底禁止兼并的重农法规19a6—20;希朴达摩的土地分配67b33—37,68a40;亚氏模范城邦中的土地分配29b40—30a33(参看65b24)。
κληρονομαinheritance heritage system see "law" term.
κοινωνα πλανοthe platonic community柏拉图理想公社评述柏拉图《理想国》中所拟公社制度61a1—64b25。(一)妇孺公育:卫国之士的妇孺归公育61a4,74b9;其他阶级的妇孺是否公育没有说明64a11—b4;亚氏认为这种办法的弊害很多:(1)城邦未必因此更为一致61b16;(2)子女公育不能得到良好培养61b32;(3)儿童及其亲生父母虽经掩蔽,终可识别62a14,所谓阶级转换不切实际62b24;(4)没有父子夫妇的社会一定多犯罪,乱伦和伤害双亲这类重辜无法区别于一般的奸淫和伤害62a25—40,b29;(5)亲属感情将归淡薄62a40—b24;(6)家庭将被废弃64b1。
κμη, the village, the settlement of several families in the village is the village, 52b16; the city-state is the gathering of several villages 52b27.
μρη πóλεω, the parts of the citystate constitute the "parts" of the city-state (the "parts" are either occupation and class distinctions, or functional distinctions). Different city-states have different social organizations, and Aristotle divides the city-state into six parts ( Peasants, artisans, warriors, bourgeois citizens, priests, officials) 28a21-b23; the arrangement of the parts proposed in his model city-state 28b24-29a34.
μσοι,οthe middle class中流人物,中产阶级中产阶级的品德95a25—97a13;古代中产者较少,97b26;中产阶级为主的城邦最为优良95b25—96a21,b34,8b30。
μεαφριν transference [class] transfer 62a25 (see "Plato's Ideal Commune").
ναυικòν,òthe mariners海上作业人员91b20—25。舵师76b22,79a4,82a10;水手:船舶喻城邦,水手喻公民,76b20—35;桨工(桡手)76b22。
λιευικóν, òfishermen fishermen Tarranton and Byzantine multi-fishers 91b23.
εμπορικòν, òmerchantseamen from Aegina and Qiwo Island from 91b24.
ναμιλαι, òseamen seamen Heraclea do seamen 91b22, 27b14.
προθμευικóν, òferrymen sailors on the island of Nedus, 91b24.
νεερον,òthe youth青年“青年”和“老年”并举,论被统治和统治32b36—33a11;少壮时为战斗员,年老时为审议员(政法人员),耆耄则任神职29a6—17、30—33。
νομμα custom custom, custom custom follows the established routine 55a22, 24b22.
ξενοstrangers Hakka, aliens Aliens disturb the customs of the state 27a17.
οκα,the family,the domestic society家庭社会源于家庭52b16(参看57a21);家庭以父亲为主人,父子、夫妇、主奴三伦于此成为自然结合52a24—b26,55b19,59a37—b17,60b13,3b1—14;城邦由家庭组成而较家庭为更能自给自足60b13,61b12,69b14。
The children of fallen soldiers shall be raised by public funds68a8.
παρθεναιpartheniae illegitimate son of the Parthenians 6b29.
παρ καεκναfather and children father-son relationship 56b10, 59a37—b17 (see "ethics" term).
Πενεσα Penestae Penestae Serf of Thessaly 64a35, 69a37.
πενακοσιομδιμνοι, οpentacosiomedimni five hundred hu-class citizens of the first class 74a19 of the fourth class of Athenian Solonian law property.
συσσιαcommon meals会餐,公共食堂会餐制度始创于意大利29b5—35;克里特会餐制度称“安得赖亚”,并订有俭食规则63b41,72a5、22;斯巴达会餐制度(称“菲第希亚”)63b41,65b41,71a26—37,72a2、12—27,94b27。柏拉图所拟的会餐制度65a8,66a35,74b11;亚氏模范城邦所拟的会餐安排30a5,31a19,b16;职官和祭司的公共食堂17b38,31a25,b5。
ξιorder Laws of order so assure social order 26a29.
εκναιartisans,the skilled craftsmen技师,艺匠优于手艺者,卑于德操60a39,78a20,19a26,28b39,29a19,42a20;匠师常积资致富78a24;唯平民政府才许工匠任职官77b1;工匠(操贱业的技工和艺人)实为城邦所必需的经济条件,却不必成为公民而参加政治机能77b33—78b5,91a1,b19,26a22,31a33;在小邦中,往往以公共奴隶担任工匠的作业67b15。
φλαρχοι, οphylarch tribal elders Tribal elders council for the Council of the Hereafter (Buli) typical 1b22.
χερνηικóν, ò(ο θε)the[unskilled] laborers, coolies ("unskilled workers" in terms of labor), 77a38, 78a13-22, 91b26, 19a28, 21a6, 29a36, 37b21, 41b14, 42a20; farm laborers working in the field 91a6.
χωρισμο κα γνοclasses or castes,by occupations阶级或流品,职业区别固定不同各职业以建立阶级制度始于埃及29b2,23;区别各业高卑的原则58b33—39;公民以家资为别可分为富室、贫民和中产三级89b30,95b2;平民以职业为别或分为农商工三部89a32,或兵农商工四部90b40—91a9,b17—27。
9 economy
Aλιεα fishery 56b1, 36.
ναγκα, αthe necessaries The necessities of life are in line with the natural technology of controlling production and enriching, and the purpose is to obtain the necessities of life 53b23, 57a6-34.
νγκηnecessity needs to be the teacher of creation (invention) 29b27.
υιπεονθó, ò σον òcompensation, the principle of “autarkeia” 61a30—b9, 90a7.
βοθειαalmsgiving It is not beneficial to help the people in the way of charity, and they should be subsidized to engage in production 20a24—b11.
(End of this chapter)
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