Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 337 The Concubine Xian’s Accident 2

Chapter 337 The Concubine Xian’s Accident 2
But in this life, the time is too early.

At this time, the emperor should have the most trust in the prince. At the same time, Wang Guiren's pregnancy will be a long time later.

Now, this matter has happened ahead of time, and all directions are the same as in the previous life.

The only difference is that in this life, the person who framed Concubine Xian is no longer her.

Who else would do the same thing as her.

Or, in the dark, everything except herself will happen again, but she has become the only one who stays out of it.

"Su Wan?" Seeing that it was almost time for Su Wan to meditate, Song Rui opened his mouth to pull Su Wan's thoughts back.

Just now she said this without the slightest precaution.

Whether I asked or not, I'm afraid Su Wan would start to doubt it.

The best way is to pretend not to hear.

Su Wan came back to her senses, "Huh?"

She was in a trance again.

He probably didn't hear it just now.

Just pretend she said it accidentally.

"I'm done eating, let's go now." Su Wan was full of thoughts.

"Well, Zhao Che, prepare the carriage." Song Rui ordered.

"Yes, my subordinates obey."

Not long after, people have already arrived outside the palace.

Concubine Xian's accident is a major event, although it is a family matter, but after all it involves several princes, so none of them can avoid it.

"Song Qi, let you enter the palace because you want to intercede for the crown prince?"

In the previous life, it was because she was in the palace, she was the one who did it, so it was inevitable that she would be involved.

But this time, clearly not.

So what is the emperor's purpose for letting them enter the palace, she doesn't know.

It is even less clear what Song Qi's angle is.

Su Wan didn't know whose side he was on the surface.

"Sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight." Song Qi hung his token on Su Wan.

If the prince has an accident, there will be many people watching the show.

This time Su Wan didn't get involved, so naturally he wouldn't be so stupid as to let Su Wan continue to step into this muddy water.

It's just that everyone was present, and there was no reason for him not to be alone in such a big event.

"Then, can Concubine Xian escape this time?"

The emperor absolutely had no reason to let go of such a serious crime as hurting the dragonborn.

But Su Wan was still a little worried.

Concubine Xian will be thrown into the cold palace because of this matter, and after a few years in the cold palace, when the crown prince is defeated, she will die in depression.

In the current situation, Song Qi's power is still unclear, and his advantages are also very unclear.

If Concubine Xian follows the ending of her previous life this time, she won't live long.

Will the day when the prince loses be faster?
This is the result she wants to see.

But on the contrary, if this time, Concubine Xian had no accident.

If he is not thrown into the cold palace, will everything after that be rewritten?

She knew clearly in her heart that Concubine Xian was framed by someone, and the only way to keep Concubine Xian safe was to prove that she did not do it.

In this way, the emperor will definitely treat the concubine Xian better and spoil the prince even more because of guilt.

If you want to continue to deal with the prince in the future, it will not be that simple.

"Su Wan, do you really want her to escape?" Song Rui lowered his head and whispered in Su Wan's ear.

This is the imperial palace, and the walls have ears, so it shouldn't be too loud.

Su Wan was almost out of her mind, she shook her head instantly, "I don't want to."

(End of this chapter)

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