Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 338 The Concubine Xian’s Accident 3

Chapter 338 The Concubine Xian’s Accident 3
Concubine Xian was alive, and it was of no benefit to them.

In the same way, the death of Concubine Xian was the result they most wanted to see.

"I don't want to either." Song Rui responded, looking into Su Wan's eyes, "There will be many people who think like you and me."

So, this time, it wasn't Concubine Xian who did it, but she would also do it.

This is also the reason why Su Wan could frame Concubine Xian so easily in her previous life.

It is easy to fall when climbing high.

There are too many people who want to watch Concubine Xian die.

From Song Qi's gaze, Su Wan understood what he meant and nodded.

Slightly relieved.

The truth is this truth, and it's not that she doesn't understand it.

But there are too many variables.

She has no way to rely on her own memory to judge whether things in this life will continue to develop along the lines of her previous life.

"This old slave sees His Royal Highness King Qi, the princess is auspicious." The eunuch guarding outside the hall saluted.

"Get up." Song Qi didn't say much, and went directly into the room.

There are not too many people in the house.

The princes gathered together, and there was a faint cry from inside the inner room.

It should be Concubine Xian without a doubt.

Or Wang Guiren.

Su Wan looked around, and unsurprisingly, she saw Song Rui sitting in the corner.

Playing with the teacup in his hand, it seemed that their arrival had no effect on Song Rui.

Su Wan forced herself to look away.

She should have thought of such a situation a long time ago. Sooner or later, she would bump into Song Rui in front of Song Qi.

You can't avoid it, you can't avoid it.

I just don't know why, Song Rui feels a little different to her today.

Although it was just a simple glance from a distance.

But it just gave her a feeling of another person.

Su Wan was worried that Song Qi beside her would see something, so she quickly withdrew her emotions and sat beside Song Qi.

There is only a bead curtain between the inner room and the outside.

The prince and Meng Wenzheng knelt outside the bead curtain.

Su Wan quietly approached Song Rui, "Song Qi, why is Meng Wenzheng here?"

After all, this is the emperor's family business, and it would be reasonable to let these princes come over.

But Meng Wenzheng, no matter how you say it, is also a courtier, and logically, he shouldn't be here.

"After Meng Wenzheng came to court, he took the initiative to protect the concubine Xian."

It is not surprising to Su Wan that the Meng family belongs to the prince's party in private.

But what happened today was so arrogant on the surface.

Don't you worry that the emperor will be jealous?

As if seeing Su Wan's doubts, Song Rui explained, "Did you forget the happy event of the Meng family a few months ago?"

A few months ago, the Meng family's happy event?
Su Wan thought for a while before she finally came to her senses.

That's right, a few months before her coming-of-age ceremony, the youngest daughter of the Meng family got married, and the one she married was the son of Concubine Xian's mother's family and Concubine Xian's younger brother.

In this way, they can be regarded as relatives and friends.

Therefore, it is only natural for Meng Wenzheng to come forward.

Although it happened a few months ago, in Su Wan's memory, it really has been many years. The things before the coming-of-age ceremony are all piles and piles from her previous life. How could she remember so much? many.

However, Meng Wenzheng was impatient this time.

Their Meng family belonged to the prince in private, and Meng Wenzheng was considered a slightly better descendant of the Meng family.

But after being on the battlefield for a long time, even if they are scheming, they are definitely not as good as these people in the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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