Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 339 The Concubine Xian’s Accident 4

Chapter 339 The Concubine Xian’s Accident 4
All of them are human beings.

This time Meng Wenzheng was also eager to ask for credit. He watched the prince pleading and wanted to help the prince.

But I forgot this time, it was not a trivial matter.

Although Concubine Xian was wronged, she couldn't escape the charge.

The prince will be implicated in this matter.

Not to mention Meng Wenzheng.

None of the princes present pleaded with Concubine Xian, but one of his courtiers overstepped.

The emperor was in a fit of anger right now, so naturally he couldn't think of so much.

But when this incident passed and the emperor calmed down, he would naturally doubt the relationship between the Meng family and the prince.

The emperor was already suspicious.

This is a good thing for Su Wan.

It will only be easier for her to do it at Meng's house in the future.

The begging for mercy in the inner room gradually grew louder.

Su Wan listened carefully, it was Concubine Xian's voice.

She does have that heart, so she can't explain it now, and there is no evidence to prove her innocence.

The emperor recognized that it was the concubine Xian who was vicious.

The prince was eager to save his mother, and kowtowed outside the bead curtain to plead guilty.

I just hope to give him time to investigate the truth.

Besides, Su Wan looked around.

Almost all the people were doing their own things, watching the scene of the prince's confession, equally indifferent.

On this point, Song Qi was right, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.

The two of them were really not the only ones who came to see the show.

"The family affection of the emperor's family is indeed very cold." Su Wan sighed subconsciously.

Although I knew the development of the matter, but watching it with my own eyes, I still felt very cold.

Listening to Su Wan's whisper, Song Rui frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "This king won't."

To her, he is just a husband, not the prince of the emperor's family.

Su Wan frowned and looked back at Song Rui.

The meaning of this look is very obvious.

If he really can't, then what is he doing now?
Song Rui sighed, "This king will not treat you, nor will our children in the future."

In this world, in his previous life, he could get it without knowing anything.

In this life, he will never let go.

Not only because of himself, but also because of Su Wan.

Only by standing at the top can we better protect Su Wan, otherwise what awaits them is death without a place to bury them.

Being in the emperor's family, many times he is not really greedy for the throne.

What's more, I have to fight.

If you don't fight, it means letting others slaughter you.

But in the future, he and Su Wan's children will never repeat this mistake.

Absolutely not.

Because in the future, there will only be him and Su Wan, and no one else.

Su Wan was caught off guard.

What did she say?It directly made Song Qi jump the topic to their children.

It's clear, it's still a long way off.

"Don't think about it all the time." Song Rui raised his hand and gently stroked Su Wan's beautiful hair.

"Don't move around." Su Wan frowned, a little unhappy.

Song Rui saw that Su Wan's attention was diverted a little, and put down his palm.

"Come here, put the concubine Xian in the cold palace, and don't visit her without an order!" The emperor's voice came from the inner room.

The loud voice excited the nerves of the people outside.

Su Wan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Same fate as previous life.

This also means that, except for the time difference, everything is still going on according to the past track.

(End of this chapter)

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