Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 349 The Mysterious Celestial Master 9

Chapter 349 The Mysterious Celestial Master 9
"Since that's the case, there is no need to visit this king's residence if there is nothing to do." Song Rui directly issued the order to evict the guests.

Didn't Song Xiang just want to test his attitude?
Now I have expressed my attitude and made my words clear.

When he is free in the future, he doesn't want to continue to see Song Xiang in Prince Rui's residence.

"I'm bothering the third brother." Song Xiang got the answer she wanted, so she didn't continue.

After all, Song Rui had already chased him away.

Today, it seems that he is a little paranoid?

This Song Rui seemed to be no different from the past.

I was in the palace just now, so I'm afraid it was deliberately so inconspicuous?
As Song Xiang left, she found a reasonable answer in her heart.

"My lord, do you want to go back to the mansion now?" Seeing that Song Xiang had gone far away, Zhao Qing entered the room and asked in a low voice.

He could clearly see the hostility of the prince just now.

There was a look of impatience all over his body.

Tired of dealing with people like King Xiang.

The former Prince Xiang rarely visited Prince Rui's residence.

I don't know what's going on today.

Zhao Qing naturally couldn't figure it out.

"Go back." Song Rui glanced at the sky outside, and the expression between his brows softened a bit.

At the thought of seeing Su Wan later, I was feeling uncomfortable just now, and instantly felt relieved.

Without the feeling of Su Wan being by his side, he would feel uncomfortable all day now.

Seeing Song Rui's obviously relaxed expression, Zhao Qing secretly smiled.

Sure enough, the prince's impatience is purely because the princess is not around.

He has been with the prince for so many years, and it is rare to see the prince so restless.

Today it is all seen.

It's just that I haven't seen you for a long time.

In other words, when the prince handles trivial matters, the princess is basically by his side. If he is not here today, the prince will lose his patience in an instant.

Zhao Qing followed behind the prince with his own thoughts full of thoughts.

Not long after, he had already returned to Prince Qi's mansion.

It was time for dinner.

"Where is the concubine?" Song Rui asked as soon as he entered the mansion.

"My lord, the concubine is having dinner in the front hall." The servants replied nervously.

We agreed not to come back for dinner today.

Now it's time to catch up.

Song Rui's heart softened, his brows smiled, and he arrived at the front hall in a few steps.

Su Wan was sitting under the table, with her back to Song Rui at the moment, fiddling in the bowl with her hands.

It took a long time to take a bite.

Song Rui stepped forward and hugged Su Wan from behind, with a low voice and a smile, "The princess's appetite is so poor when the king is not here?"

Su Wan was startled, then overjoyed, "Song Qi? Aren't you coming back?"

Indeed, originally there were not many people in this mansion.

When she was in the Su Mansion, eating was always a matter for her to find a way to fill her stomach.

There is no question of appetite.

Now that she has arrived at the Qi Palace, Song Qi has been by her side for a long time, and her appetite has really been slowly taken away.

Eating alone, I didn't feel anything before.

Now, I really have absolutely no appetite.

Wanting to drag Hongfu to have dinner with him, Hongfu is unwilling to say anything.

She couldn't resist Hongfu, so she had to eat it by herself.

"Well, I'm done with my work, so I'll be back first. You haven't answered my question." Song Rui just stood behind Su Wan, smelling the faint fragrance of her body, feeling very happy.

"Yes, if you don't eat with me, I won't even have an appetite."

(End of this chapter)

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