Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 350 The Mysterious Celestial Master 10

Chapter 350 The Mysterious Celestial Master 10
Su Wan didn't hesitate at all, and directly admitted it.

It is true that she has no appetite because of Song Qi's absence.

This is nothing to hide.

Song Rui liked the way she said what she said, and was in a good mood, so she let go of Su Wan and sat next to Su Wan, "Well, the princess cares so much about this king, so naturally this king will come back quickly, lest the princess wait Be anxious."

Su Wan blushed.

The meaning behind the words was as if she was a little bitch who was waiting for her husband to come back for dinner at home.


Su Wan cursed softly.

Song Rui's ears are very good, "This king is telling the truth, why did the princess say such a thing?"

Competing with someone like him, I have no choice but to admit defeat.

Su Wan was silent.

Song Rui chuckled, and stopped teasing Su Wan, and started having dinner quietly with Su Wan.

Song Rui's eyes fell on Su Wan from time to time, and his eyes gradually became deeper.

After waiting for so long, he realized that he couldn't wait any longer.

His heart is restless.

Su Wan must be his person today.

Song Rui's eyes fell on the meal in front of him, he lowered his eyes, and finished eating in silence.

Relatively silent.

Perhaps it was really a psychological effect. As soon as Song Qi came back, Su Wan felt that her appetite seemed to improve a lot.

Before I knew it, I ate half a bowl.

A lot of things have happened recently, Su Wan can vaguely feel that such a stable life won't be too long.

Something big will happen soon.

"Song Qi, can I..." Su Wan put down the small bowl in her hand, and was about to ask Song Qi if she wanted to meet the so-called Celestial Master sometime.

But before Su Wan finished speaking, she was interrupted by Song Rui.

"My lord has some things to deal with. Go to the study first. If you are tired, just take a rest." After speaking, he left immediately.

Su Wan was left in a daze.

Inexplicably, Song Rui had the feeling of running away.

It's her illusion, isn't it?
But it doesn't look like it.

Su Wan felt puzzled, so she didn't ask any further questions, and went back to her room first.

After washing up, Song Qi didn't come back until an hour later.

There is no one around.

Su Wan felt a little bad in her heart.

After thinking for a while, Fu stood up again, "Hongfu."

"Princess, what are your orders?" Hong Fu pushed the door open and entered.

"Song Qi hasn't come back yet?" Could something have happened?

"The prince is in the study, what is the princess doing?" Hong Fu looked puzzled.

It's just that I haven't seen you for a few hours, does the princess miss you so much?

Seeing that the relationship between the princess and the prince is getting better, Hong Fu is very happy.

It's so late, still in the study?
Something was wrong after the meal, but it was fine when I came back just now.

Su Wan was a little worried.

He put on his clothes directly and walked towards the study.

Zhao Che stood guard outside the door.

When she saw Su Wan coming, she breathed a sigh of relief, then pretended to be surprised, looked at Su Wan, "Princess, it's so late, why haven't you rested yet?"

Su Wan frowned and looked at Zhao Che.

She came over, why is Zhao Che so nervous?
The more I think about it, the more strange it becomes.

"Where is the prince, I have something to ask him." Su Wan didn't talk nonsense with Zhao Che.

Knowing that these people are Song Qi's confidantes, everything that Song Qi can tell her is what Song Qi wants to tell her.

Once Song Qi wanted to hide something, these people would not reveal a single word to her.

(End of this chapter)

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