Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 378 Su Mian's Fame 8

Chapter 378 Su Mian's Fame 8
It is okay to have some little fun, but it will be bad if it is over.

But although I believe it, it takes time.

Song Rui scrutinized Su Wan's face for a while, then turned his back, but took Su Wan's palm instead.

"However, it still takes time."

Su Wan frowned, how could she not understand what Song Rui meant?
To put it bluntly, she can solve it as soon as possible, but it still takes time.

"Then what do you want?" Su Wan curled her lips, looking at the man who was too petty at this moment.

There is a feeling of being full in my heart.

That feeling of being valued and cared about.

The corner of Song Rui's mouth curled up, "When the time comes, this king will accompany you."

with her?

Su Wan's eyes widened, "Aren't you joking? That's the Meng Mansion."

If their identities could be entered openly, why would she go to such lengths to enter under someone else's identity?

The Meng family is from the prince's side, and they are very guarded against the princes of the other prince's houses, no matter whether they have the intention to seize the throne or not.

What's more, they are all princes, sons of the emperor, even if they show no intention of seizing the throne in front of the emperor, I will not believe it among these princes.

As the prince, which one would not have the heart to seize the throne?

If not, it is just pretending to show others.

"It's not your Qi Palace." Su Wan added.

Song Rui put down the chopsticks with one hand, looked at the person in front of him, raised his eyebrows, "You can't trust me like that?"

In Su Wan's mind, is she so unreliable?

Song Rui felt that he had been hit by a wave.

It's because he has hidden his strength for too long, when did he give Su Wan such an illusion?
What's more, he can't go in openly, and he didn't say that he can't use other methods.

As long as he thinks, there is nothing in this world that can really stop him.

Can't believe it?
When Su Wan heard this, she immediately shook her head like a rattle, "No, that's not what I meant."

She really didn't mean that.

She knew very well that a man's self-esteem still needed to be maintained.

If she admits it at this time, she can guarantee that her end will not be too good.

Besides, this is not something that can be trusted or not, but the fact is right in front of you.

She was telling the truth.

But in the current situation, she also knows that she can't continue to entangle on this issue.

Instead, he changed the subject, "Will you accompany me in the Meng Mansion the day after tomorrow?"

The recruitment of military divisions this time was carried out in secret.

So the final result is also unfolded in the Meng Mansion.

The movement was very small, so as not to disturb the emperor's attention.

What's more, there is still a crown prince helping the Meng family to cover it up, so the emperor will naturally not pay attention.

It's just that now that the crown prince is locked up, it's a sensitive time, so the Meng Mansion's actions will become more subtle.

"You want me to go over?" Although he knew that Su Wan was just trying to comfort himself at this time, Song Rui said that looking at Su Wan's expectant eyes, it was obvious to him that he still wanted to follow suit.

Especially what Su Wan did to him.

Su Wan nodded hastily, with a very sure look, "Naturally."

After finally changing the subject, if you say you don't want it at this time, isn't it just asking for trouble?

She knew that Su Wan was changing the subject.

(End of this chapter)

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