Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 379 Su Mian's Fame 9

Chapter 379 Su Mian's Fame 9
Especially what Su Wan did to him.

Su Wan nodded hastily, with a very sure look, "Naturally."

After finally changing the subject, if you say you don't want it at this time, isn't it just asking for trouble?

She knew that Su Wan was changing the subject.

But at this time, Song Rui naturally accommodated her.

"If you want me to go there, I will go there."

Su Wan:  …

What he said, it seemed that if she didn't invite Song Rui, he wouldn't come over.

But at this time, she was still very sensible.

It doesn't matter if you say a soft word.

After all, he is a man who has been aloof since he was a child.

Sometimes it's understandable that you can't stand being questioned like that by the people around you.

There was a smile on Su Wan's face, and the smile was really a bit doggy, "Song Qi, I really hope you will go over."

Listening to this, it is really comfortable.

Song Rui was also amused by Su Wan's appearance for a while.

The slight embarrassment just now disappeared in an instant.

"Well, the king will accompany you there, don't worry." Let her go to such a dangerous place alone.

Song Rui couldn't do this kind of thing.

Even if Su Wan didn't say anything, he would definitely accompany her there.

Su Wan grinned, her eyes filled with smiles.It's been a long time since I saw such a radiant look...

Zhao Che, who was standing outside the house, silently looked not far away.

Now seeing the prince and the concubine showing affection from time to time, he is used to it.

The prince was in a better mood after being coaxed by the princess, and their life would naturally be easier.

It's just that, seeing this affection so much, he suddenly had the idea of ​​getting married.

Lest I stay here every day and be completely abused by the prince...

Raising his eyes, he subconsciously glanced at Zhao Qing who was in the dark.

In an instant, my heart became a little more balanced.

At any rate, he could still stand upright in front of the prince and wait, complaining silently in his heart.

On the face of it, Zhao Qing is Prince Rui's bodyguard, but now in this Prince Qi's mansion, it is impossible for him to appear openly and aboveboard.

So the task of secretly protecting the princess naturally fell on Zhao Qing.

Just as Zhao Che was in a trance, the door behind him suddenly slammed shut, pulling Zhao Che's expression back in an instant.

He is just out of his wits, and he can be discovered by the prince...

inside the house.

Su Wan stared blankly at the door that was suddenly closed by Song Rui, a little confused, "What are you doing?"

All right, what's wrong with this?
"No problem." Song Rui replied blankly.

Recently, the task he gave to Zhao Che and the others was too light, wasn't it?

It's not that if you wait by his side, you can't be lost in thought.

It's just that Zhao Qing in the dark was known to Su Wan all along.

Ever since she married him, Su Wan always thought that those who guarded her in the dark had already been removed.

He has been worried, so he still keeps it.

As for Zhao Che's big move just now, relying on Su Wan's intelligence, if she saw it, he would definitely be discovered.

In front of Su Wan, it's better to be cautious.

Su Wan frowned, but didn't pay much attention.

Sometimes I always feel that Song Qi seems to be hiding something from her, and sometimes I always have a feeling of deja vu.

Su Wan didn't know if this was her own illusion.

On the contrary, the feeling of being with Song Qi is not as uncomfortable as she was worried about before.

(End of this chapter)

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