Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 381 Su Mian's Fame 11

Chapter 381 Su Mian's Fame 11
Su Wan is also sensible about the matter involving Song Rui, and will never say too much in front of Song Qi.

Therefore, such a topic was quickly turned over.

What she thinks about now is what will happen in the future.

Things in the Meng Mansion.

After all, Meng Wenzheng was also a man who had fought on the battlefield for many years, and now he has gained power in the court once he came back.

It is not easy to gain the trust of Meng Wenzheng.

What's more, she didn't have much time.

But she didn't want too much evidence.

Only the case of Meng Wei, after it is confirmed, because of the Meng family, the Meng family will definitely be suppressed.

What she wants is to solve the Meng family behind the Meng family now.

Only in this way can she slowly uproot the Meng family.

The Meng family has been proud of themselves in the Su residence for so many years, no one knows how sincere Su Cheng is towards the Meng family.

But there is a huge Meng family behind the Meng family.

So even on the surface, Prime Minister Su would treat Meng Shi well.

To their daughter, Su Qingqing indulged and doted on her.

But he treats her like nothing.

Even the mother suffered the same bleak end.

After being reborn, she thanked God for giving herself one more chance.

The only thing that was unhappy was that she still had no chance to see her mother.

This was a regret that she could not make up for in two lifetimes.


Two days later.

Su Wan put on Su Mian's human skin mask, dressed in men's clothing, and quietly appeared in the carriage.

Looking up at Song Rui in front of him, he couldn't help but chuckle.

For a while, without seeing the terrifying mask on his face, Su Wan realized that she was still not used to it.

After all, it was Song Qi who came out, the human skin mask in Ye Qin's hand, he gave it as he said.

They all have different faces.

It's not like before, she tried her best to get a mask of Su Mian.

Su Wan had never seen Song Qi's face like this before.

There is no surprise, it is extremely ordinary, the kind of ordinary that seems to be lost in the crowd.

But coupled with Song Qi's aura, it always feels a bit out of place.

Although the face and everything can be faked, Song Qi has the temperament of the superior and the feeling of the whole body over the years.

This cannot be hidden.

It is also impossible to hide.

Song Rui looked at Su Wan's snickering appearance, couldn't help but slapped her lightly on the top of her head, "Is that so funny?"

When he chose this mask, Ye Qin had almost the same reaction.

Said something.

There was nothing wrong with the mask, but it didn't fit him anyway.

Because of this sentence, Song Rui specially found a piece of ordinary clothes like servants to wear on his body.

But it seems to be of little use.

Song Rui didn't hide anything, and directly told Su Wan the exact words.

Su Wan wasn't snickering now, she just laughed outright.

"It turns out that I'm not the only one who feels this way." Su Wan looked Song Rui up and down.

No wonder he was wearing such ordinary fabrics early this morning.

Although he doesn't have much requirements on clothing.

But never treat yourself badly.

He rarely wears this kind of coarse clothes.

But even if he changed his clothes, it would be easier.

The clothes matched her face perfectly.

But it can't hide the feeling about him.

Bring your own aura.

Even if Su Wan knew, he had already restrained himself a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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