Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 382 Su Mian's Fame 12

Chapter 382 Su Mian's Fame 12
Although he doesn't have much requirements on clothing.

But never treat yourself badly.

He rarely wears this kind of coarse clothes.

But even if he changed his clothes, it would be easier.

The clothes matched her face perfectly.

But it can't hide the feeling about him.

Bring your own aura.

Even if Su Wan knew, he had already restrained himself a lot.

"But it's rare to see you with such an ordinary appearance, and I'm not used to it." Su Wan smiled and pulled Song Qi's clothes, feeling a sense of equality for a moment.

Song Rui stared at Su Wan slightly, and asked her silently.

Su Wan clicked her tongue, "You are a prince. You have lived in the royal family since you were a child, and you always give people a sense of aloofness. Now that it has become like this, it suddenly seems to have fallen from the clouds. I feel that I am equal to you. Yes, stand at the same height."

What Su Wan said was very sincere.

Although she is the eldest lady of the Su family, she has never lived worse than a servant.

Although she has no inferiority complex, this feeling of inertia cannot be changed.

As now.

Now looking at Song Qi who is at the same level as her, she feels a balance in her heart for no reason.

Song Rui stared deeply at Su Wan's eyes, and pulled her into his arms, "In my heart, you are the king."

For the first time, I lost the self-proclaimed name I had used for many years.

He never knew that someone as tough as Su Wan would also have this feeling of looking up to him.

This perception made him unhappy.

Since they are husband and wife, he and Su Wan should always be equal.

Only such a relationship can last long.

In the past, I always thought so in my heart.

It's just that she never talked to Su Wan.

Now that I think about it, when I was Prince Rui at the beginning, and later became the emperor, this feeling in Su Wan's heart has accumulated over time, and I'm afraid it will only get worse.

He never didn't know.

In the past, I didn't like to talk about anything, and I always thought that if I was good to Su Wan, she would be fine.

Now it seems that it is not at all.

If you don't tell me, Su Wan won't ask.

She would never know.

Then you will think wildly in your own mind.

As time went by, I naturally thought more and more.

Su Wan was shocked.

She just sighed a little, she didn't expect the man in front of her to be so serious.

It's not that Su Wan didn't understand the weight of these words, it really left a heavy mark on her heart.

She always thought that Song Qi's liking for her was nothing more than a simple liking.

Or maybe they're husband and wife, equally in love.

But it never occurred to him that he held such a heavy weight in his heart.

Even if it was fake, even if it was to coax her, Su Wan admitted that she was surprised by Song Qi at this moment.

What followed was great joy, no matter how calm she was, she was still a little girl in front of her feelings.

I like to hear nice words, and I like to hear such promises even more.

Song Rui looked into Su Wan's eyes and knew what she was thinking, "Su Wan, I didn't mean to joke with you just now."

He is not just talking sweet words, but in his heart, he really thinks so.

Not the slightest fiction.

In order to take care of her feelings, Song Rui completely lost his self-proclaimed name.

Su Wan's consciousness was only a little off, and Song Qi could see it all.

My heart was filled to the brim, and my smile became brighter, "Song Qi, I believe you. I believe everything you say."

A man who treats her as a king, what else does she not believe in?

(End of this chapter)

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