Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 383 Su Mian's Fame 13

Chapter 383 Su Mian's Fame 13
In order to take care of her feelings, Song Rui completely lost his self-proclaimed name.

Su Wan's consciousness was only a little off, and Song Qi could see it all.

My heart was filled to the brim, and my smile became brighter, "Song Qi, I believe you. I believe everything you say."

A man who treats her as a king, what else does she not believe in?

But now, Su Wan's trust is the sharpest blade for Song Rui.

He is happy, but not happy.

"Master, we've arrived." Zhao Che's voice came from outside the carriage.

He was protecting him in the dark, and he didn't show up, but he could still hear his voice.

Su Wan raised her eyebrows and smiled at the person beside her, and dragged him out of the carriage together.

Outside the Meng Mansion, it was as quiet as ever.

Not a single one is seen.

Su Wan glanced at the person next to her suspiciously, and asked with her eyes indicating that she might not be the only one, right?
Meng Wenzheng's question was indeed a bit tricky, but it was not so exaggerated.

Song Rui shook his head, and whispered in Su Wan's ear, "It won't happen."

It happened for a reason, and this competition was widely circulated in the capital. After all, Meng Wenzheng is now regarded as a celebrity around the emperor, so there are quite a few people who want to come forward to curry favor.

There was only Su Wan alone, which was too unreasonable.

Sure enough, just as Song Rui and Su Wan got out of the carriage, someone from the Meng residence immediately came out and took their carriage aside.

left in the dark.

"Don't worry, two gentlemen, after the end, someone will naturally deliver your carriage." The young man in front of him saluted them.

This is also done to prevent these people from bringing too many people in.

Su Wan nodded, expressing that she didn't care much.

As soon as she entered the courtyard of the Meng Mansion, Su Wan unexpectedly saw a person she didn't want to see.

Su Qingqing.

Today, she came in as Su Mian.

But Su Qingqing knew that she was Su Wan.

It's just that no one will believe her.But Su Qingqing was here today, and it was inevitable that there would be another row.

Before that, Song Qi helped her forge a good copy of Su Mian's identity and background, including all her family background, and publicized it in the capital.

So she, Su Mian, can be considered a little famous in this capital.

"What's your name, son?" asked the servant in front of him, holding a tag in his hand.

There are a lot of people who come to Meng Mansion today, but basically they don't see each other.

The purpose is to keep it secret in the Meng Mansion.

The final candidate was decided by Meng Wenzheng himself, so no one else could see the answers to these test questions except Meng Wenzheng himself.

Meng Wenzheng was very cautious.

"Next to Su Mian." Su Wan's voice was not loud, but the Meng Mansion was too quiet, so Su Qingqing, who was standing far away, still heard it.

Turning around almost instantly, he saw Su Wan.

The boy didn't notice these strange things, "So it's Mr. Su. Please come over with Mr. Su, your location is a little further away."

Su Wan nodded, Meng Wenzheng really thought about everything.

She had been in for so long, and the people present couldn't see the other answerers at all.

Therefore, no one would know who the Meng Mansion would have intersected with, or who they would win over in the future.

However, just as Su Wan walked out a few steps, Su Qingqing in the distance really couldn't bear her temper and ran over immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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