Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 404 I Never Betrayed You In The Past Life, And I Won’t Be In This Life 4

Chapter 404 I Never Betrayed You In The Past Life, And I Won’t Be In This Life 4
I was a little lost for a while.

But he reacted quickly.

Now that things had happened, he naturally had nothing to hide in front of Su Wan.

"Su Wan, this king knows that what you want to deal with is the Su family, the Meng family, and all the people who treated you badly in the past." Song Rui said all these words word by word.

Su Wan was stunned.

But not surprised.

Her goal is so obvious, when she first cooperated with Song Qi, she never thought that she would be able to hide from Song Qi one day.

So now even if she is seen through, she still thinks it is very common.

"Since you know, you should know that I won't stop, and you shouldn't stop me." Su Wan thought that Song Qi was worried that she would be in danger, so he didn't want to see her continue to go deeper into danger.

Song Qi has what he wants and what he wants to do.

Likewise, she does too.

"Since our goals are the same, you should not stop me. After solving them, you should know that it is only good for you."

They are not only their own opponents and enemies, but also Song Qi's opponents and enemies.

So if you have the same purpose, you should do things together.

Get what they want together.

Song Rui admitted that Su Wan was telling the truth.

However, in the royal family, this is a choice he does not have.

But Su Wan is different, Su Wan can still choose.

You can choose, let him do everything.

But at these words, he was timid.

I dare not speak.

Because what appeared in front of his eyes was suddenly Su Wan's body covered in blood, lying in front of him.

He only hoped that Su Wan in this life could live well and stay by his side.

"What you want is that this king can help you accomplish it." Song Rui couldn't help but speak after all.

He may not be unable to change the disaster of his previous life.

Right now, they absolutely can't rest assured, watching Su Wan get into danger.

But he still indulged again and again.

He has been helping Su Wan, and he is also helping himself.

But never, never considered the current situation.

It was only when he got to this point that he realized that it was a mistake for him to agree to Su Wan.

A biggest mistake.

When Su Wan heard this, she clearly understood that Song Qi was trying to persuade her to turn around.

In other words, he was persuading her not to go into such danger herself.

But what Song Qi didn't know was that the reason she wanted revenge was not only because of the harsh treatment over the years.

She wanted revenge because these people killed her, her child, and everything about her.

With blood and deep hatred, she will never tolerate her continuing to stand by and watch.

"Song Qi, you don't understand how deep my hatred for the Su family is. If you knew, you would never stop me." Su Wan looked at Song Qi with firm eyes.

Song Rui calmed down, his eyes were full of affirmation.

"This king knows."

Why he hated them so much, he knew better than anyone else.

Su Wan thought that Song Qi was deliberately persuading her, and immediately said, "No, you will never understand."

The whole body is very repulsive.

Song Rui understood that Su Wan was really angry now.

It's different from just getting angry from embarrassment.

In this aspect, Su Wan and him seem to be very similar.

When talking about the past, she also lost control of her emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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