Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 405 I Never Betrayed You In The Past Life, And I Won’t Be In This Life 5

Chapter 405 I Never Betrayed You In The Past Life, And I Won’t Be In This Life 5
The whole body is very repulsive.

Song Rui understood that Su Wan was really angry now.

It's different from just getting angry from embarrassment.

In this aspect, Su Wan and him seem to be very similar.

When talking about the past, she also lost control of her emotions.

"So Song Qi, don't say this again, and don't hinder what I want to do now. I won't stop, and you can't stop either." Su Wan immediately took a step back, a short distance away from Song Qi. Far.

It seemed that he was very worried that he would continue to come up to hinder him.

Song Rui frowned slightly.

It doesn't look very good.

"Song Qi, listen, if you continue to stop me, I will not compromise. If you insist on going your own way, I will choose to leave the palace." Su Wan issued an ultimatum.

When I said these words, I couldn't help but feel a severe pain in my heart.

She clearly understands in her heart that she is reluctant.

In this life, she agreed, and warned herself not to continue giving her body and mind easily.

But after all, things like feelings are beyond her control.

same.Su Wan also understood that the person in front of her would not let her go.

Although there is no intersection with Song Qi in the past, Su Wan knew that the Song Qi in front of her would never be willing to let her go.

For her, it will be sincere.

go away.

These two words touched Song Rui's most sensitive nerves.

If there is anything Song Rui can't hear the most now, it's probably Su Wan.

He would never allow Su Wan to leave him in the slightest.

Now such a small possibility is enough for Su Wan to say such a thing.

Does it mean that Su Wan never really thought about staying by his side from the beginning to the end?
The person in her heart has always been Song Rui?Is he from the past?
Song Rui understood that his thoughts were very irrational, but he still couldn't help thinking wildly.

Even if you don't want to admit it, you have to admit it.

At this moment, he was really jealous of himself for no reason.

Knowing that what Su Wan always liked in his heart was his past self, he would feel heartbroken.

The current self is always standing in front of her, a brand new self.

But if he knew that Su Wan had him and Song Qi in his heart, he would not be happy either.

This is not, the real him.

"If you don't speak, are you still planning to stop me?" Su Wan Jiang Song Qi remained silent, feeling a little flustered in his heart.

If he did admit it, really said yes.

What should she do?
Did he really leave Song Qi's side?

Su Wan admitted that at this moment she suddenly realized that she couldn't do it.

But the words that are spoken are like water that has been poured out and cannot be taken back.

Song Rui sighed slightly, knowing that now, whether it is Su Wan or himself, they must continue to follow this path.

No one can turn back.

Since Su Wan can't be persuaded, the only thing he can do is to support her with all his strength behind Su Wan's back.

His seizure of the throne can no longer be as secretive as it is now.

The only way for Su Wan to stop and stay by his side with complete peace of mind is to help her solve all her enemies.

Those who hurt Su Wan in the past are also Song Rui's enemies.

If he can't solve it by himself, he can go with Su Wan.

(End of this chapter)

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