Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 406 I Never Betrayed You In The Past Life, And I Won’t Be In This Life 6

Chapter 406 I Never Betrayed You In The Past Life, And I Won’t Be In This Life 6
The only way for Su Wan to stop and stay by his side with complete peace of mind is to help her solve all her enemies.

Those who hurt Su Wan in the past are also Song Rui's enemies.

If he can't solve it by himself, he can go with Su Wan.

"You threatened me by leaving, how can I continue to stop you?" Song Rui looked at Su Wan's eyes, the deep affection in his eyes seemed to drip water.

Su Wan watched quietly.

My heart trembled.

But he was inexplicably relieved.

All of a sudden, I feel a little lucky, glad that Song Qi said this sentence.

In a blink of an eye, the slight gap between the two of them almost disappeared.

"You will help me, so I'm sure I'll be fine, don't worry." Su Wan knew that the root of all this was because Song Qi was worried about herself.

He cared about her and worried about her safety, so he let go.

That's why she was shaken by the threat of leaving.

If you don't really care, why bother to work so hard?

Song Rui touched the top of Su Wan's head helplessly, "I really can't do anything about you."

Su Wan giggled, and hugged Song Qi tightly in front of her.

His doting expression just now completely drew a heavy line in Su Wan's heart.

"I believe in you, I believe that you will not let me have trouble. I also absolutely believe that what you want will definitely be obtained. I am the same."

She and Song Qi will be the most suitable people in this world.

Because they both know the biggest secret hidden in each other's hearts.

Also understand what they want.

So in this life, between Song Qi and her, she will take good care of each other.

Since you can’t keep your own mind, you can’t keep your own heart either.


She will be as sincere as ever.

Only this time, she chose the right person, and she won't be killed by an adulterer again.

"Song Qi, do you know that I once swore that I would never fall in love with anyone again. But then, I couldn't control myself, so I changed, I couldn't help it, and gave away my sincerity gone."

Song Rui was startled, and looked down at Su Wan in his arms.

Without interrupting her, let her continue.

"Now I think clearly, since I can't take it back, I will treat him wholeheartedly."

"In the past, I have been severely deceived by others, so this time, I know that I will not misjudge anyone. I believe this last time, and I also hope that I will never misjudge anyone."

She lives only once.

The chance to come back is only this time.

So she hoped that the Song Qi in front of her was someone worthy of her entrustment for life.

Su Wan's words caused severe ripples in Song Rui's heart.

He could understand who Su Wan was talking about.

The one who lied to her in the past was talking about herself.

Now it is still yourself who gives your body and mind.

But he couldn't tell Su Wan everything after all.

He is afraid, afraid...

But there is only one thing he can guarantee.

"Su Wan, you can't misjudge anyone. This time, I will never let anyone hurt you." Including himself.

During Song Rui's speech, he even changed his own name.

The heaviness in the tone was unstoppable.

It was a heavy promise, and Su Wan believed it.

"Song Qi, I trust you this time." I also believe that this is the last time.

"This king will never let you down." Song Rui hesitated and said a pun.

What he said was that he would never fail her, but he did not mean that he would never fail her.

Su Wan was immersed in her emotions and didn't think much about it.

Song Rui understood that he didn't say a word more.

He never failed her.

Not in the previous life, not in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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