Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 407 Su Mian is Princess Qi pretending to be 1

Chapter 407 Su Mian is Princess Qi pretending to be 1
The next day.

After all, Su Wan woke up in the Meng Mansion, and Song Qi had arranged many hidden guards to protect the dark places, so she wouldn't worry too much about her own safety.

Early in the morning, he received news from Zhao Qing that he was already in the dark.

Just like when she was in Su's residence, it was protected in a place where she could not see.

This small courtyard is considered to be in a relatively remote place in the Meng Mansion. Meng Wenzheng would not want too many people to know of her existence, let alone the emperor's people knowing about the competition he held.

Because of her low profile, Su Wan also took the opportunity to speak, saying that she didn't need anyone to come and serve her.

There are people from the Meng Mansion everywhere, and she won't worry about it.

So right now, except for the servants doing rough work outside, there seems to be no one in the house.

Among those people, there were also a few of Song Qi's confidantes.

"Dong dong" the door was suddenly knocked.

"Come in." Su Wan said, she was going to investigate in the Meng Mansion today.

To put it bluntly, she is now one, a guest of the Meng Mansion, and she is also temporarily staying in the Meng Mansion. If Meng Wenzheng had other plans, she would not have such an opportunity.

"Master Su, this is something my master asked me to give you." The person who came was a strange face, and what he handed over was a token.

Su Wan was puzzled, and went forward to look, it was the token of Prince Qi's residence.

He frowned and asked, "Are you from Song Qi?"

At the beginning, she used this token to enter Prince Qi's Mansion.

For the prince of the Song Dynasty, this token is more like a status symbol, so it is difficult for outsiders to get it.

"Yes, my subordinates are servants of the Meng Mansion. From now on, my subordinates will be responsible for all matters in Mr. Su's courtyard."

Su Wan understands, the feelings are Song Qi who has been planted in the Meng Mansion, one of the eyeliners.

Su Wan took the token and asked, "What's your name?"

"Subordinate Qi Er."

The face is ordinary and the figure is inconspicuous.

Su Wan looked at Qi Er up and down, he was no different from ordinary servants.

But Su Wan understood that the person who could be sent by Song Qi to protect her at this time would definitely not be an idle character.

"In the future, you will live in the side hall. You don't have to live in the servant's room." Su Wan ordered.

Since Qi Er is the steward of this courtyard, it is understandable to live in the side hall.

The servant's room is too far away, and if there is really something to do, it will be inconvenient for her.

After all, it is Song Qi's confidant. Hearing such a request, he still does not change his expression. He doesn't ask any questions at all, just follow the order, "Yes, my subordinate obeys."

Su Wan clicked her tongue, she really belonged to Song Qi, even with the same temperament.

Most of these confidantes are dead men, and the master told them to die immediately, and I'm afraid they would obey without blinking an eye.

"Young Master Su, there is still one thing that needs to be reported." Qi Er was always bending over in front of Su Wan, looking in front of him.

Since he was sent by Song Qi, he naturally knew that the person in front of him was their Princess Qi.

So right now, it is natural not to dare to go beyond half a point.

No one in Qi Palace knows how much his prince attaches importance to his concubine.

"What happened?" Su Wan's expression turned cold instantly.

Did something happen on the first day in Meng Mansion?
"Master Su, the Second Miss of the Su Mansion, came over early this morning, and is making a scene in the front hall right now."

Second Miss of the Su Mansion?

(End of this chapter)

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