Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 427 The king will take a good look 3

Chapter 427 The king will take a good look 3
This... this... this is clearly in...

Completely confirm his hooliganism just now.

Song Rui glanced at Su Wan leisurely, but ignored him.

Sitting down, he tore off the bed vine with one hand.

Su Wan immediately realized that Song Qi was going to be serious.

But now it is still in the Meng Mansion!
Su Wan was so frightened that she sat up straight away, took a few steps back, and pressed herself against the wall, trying to discuss with Song Qi, "Song Qi, it's broad daylight, you! Here is Meng Manor, don't mess around."

What if it is discovered?
What's more, she is still a man in the Meng Mansion.

Moreover, she, in the Meng Mansion, really didn't have such a mood.

At that time, it was part of the reason why he came to the Meng Mansion so quickly.

After all, the first night someone brought her, the psychological shadow was a bit serious.

"You are my concubine." Song Rui was a little unhappy when he heard Su Wan say two random words, and corrected him righteously.

She is his princess, so it should be.

Su Wan felt that she was going to cry soon.

That's not what she meant.

"Song Qi, look, this is the Meng Mansion, what should I do if someone from outside comes in?" Su Wan really didn't want to, but looking at Song Qi's burning eyes, she seemed to realize that she couldn't escape. fact.

But before she took action, she still couldn't help but want to struggle for a while.

"There will be no one." The hidden guards he placed in the Meng Mansion are not for nothing.

Su Wan suddenly understood what Song Rui meant, and became more and more unwilling, "What about you, your subordinates!"

It is true that no one will come to disturb him, but he still has many hidden guards.

She has no penchant for performing in front of these people.

It's too embarrassing, okay?
Originally, he just wanted to coax someone, but the coaxing was unsuccessful, and he had put himself into a trap.

"They are interesting." Song Rui focused slightly, already a little impatient.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Su Wan's little feet, pulling her over and crushing her under him.

The hidden guards he raised naturally knew at this time that they should retreat to a place where they could not see or hear.

They are their own hidden guards, so they naturally understand what to see and what not to see.

Su Wan faced the face in front of her for a moment, her breathing was short for a moment, and she stammered, "Look, if you can't see it, what should you do if you hear it..."

She understood what Song Qi meant.

But Song Qi's subordinates, there are a few people who are waiting for nothing.

People who practice martial arts have very good ears.

Even if she was heard, she still felt that her image in the future would be lost.

His face was ruined.

While Su Wan was struggling to speak, Song Rui seemed to have washed her off completely.

Whispered in her ear, "I'm afraid to hear you, just keep your voice down."

Su Wan's whole body seemed to be on fire.

"Song Qi, you did it on purpose!"

He came here on purpose to fix her.

"Yeah." Song Rui lowered his head, hummed vaguely, kissed her directly, and swallowed the rest of the words.

Make him angry, don't listen to his advice.

No matter what, let her learn a lesson.

But he was reluctant to fight and scold him, and when he got angry with her, he was defeated in an instant by her teasing.

(End of this chapter)

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