Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 428 The king will take a good look 4

Chapter 428 The king will take a good look 4
Since this is the case, he doesn't mind, and uses another method to let Su Wan know that he admits his mistake...

After a long time, I don't know how long it was.

Su Wan's crying voice became hoarse, but she didn't dare to make it too loud. Thinking of the many eyeliners of Song Qi around here, Su Wan felt that she was not well.

I'm afraid that there will be secret guards who will hear it.

Staring at a pair of watery eyes, she looked at the man in front of her with annoyance.

She didn't want to, but she knew clearly in her heart that this man's anger had been provoked, and she couldn't avoid it today.

What's more, this is the Meng Mansion, she can't just run out.

Even if she wasn't in the Meng Mansion, she couldn't do anything, because she couldn't beat Song Qi after all.

Su Wan was also miserably bullied.

It felt like my whole body was about to be torn apart.

It's finally over now.

Su Wan was so tired that she didn't even want to open her eyelids, she was so annoyed.

Song Rui looked satisfied, and raised his hand to embrace Su Wan in his arms.

He didn't notice it in the past, but today he has an upright reason, and he used it to make trouble, and the extraordinarily well-behaved Su Wan made him happy.

Song Rui tilted his head, looked at the sparkling teardrops still hanging from the corners of Su Wan's eyes, leaned forward lightly, and kissed away Su Wan's tears.

Get a little closer to Su Wan.

Su Wan seemed to be trembling uncontrollably, "Whoa, Song Qi, I was wrong, don't be angry..."

This delicate voice, listening to Song Rui...

There was annoyance in the voice, "If you don't want to come again, don't use this voice to talk to this king."

Know she is tired.

If it was in the palace, she would have already fallen into a deep sleep by this time.

But now in the Meng Mansion, and it's daytime, it's not very convenient anyway.

Su Wan was startled, and opened her eyes in a daze.

Looking at Song Rui, he cleared his throat slightly.

Feeling the temperature of his body, she naturally knew that her voice just now was indeed very seductive.

Hearing Song Qi's threat, she naturally didn't dare to speak casually.

After calming down his mind, he stretched out his hand and pinched Song Qi feebly.

The puffy look is very cute.

Song Rui chuckled, his mood naturally improved, and he didn't care about Su Wan's matter just now.

"Aren't you angry now?" Su Wan's voice was also full of sarcasm.

Really treacherous man.

He was so angry just now that he was in a hurry, but now he is not angry anymore.

To put it bluntly, it's just a routine. It's too much to deliberately lure her into the bait!

Su Wan's teeth itch.

Song Rui was obviously in a good mood at the moment, and completely ignored Su Wan's petty temper.

Jiang Song Rui didn't speak, Su Wan hummed a few words, and didn't say any more.

It's not easy for someone not to be angry with her, so naturally she won't go up to make trouble.

What's more, if she continues to be angry and does it again, she really can't bear it.

That's it, perfect solution, perfect solution.

Su Wan secretly applauded for herself in her heart.

Even the price of deceiving people is really too high.

After being silent for a while, Su Wan suddenly remembered something, raised her head in Song Rui's arms, and asked him directly, "Song Qi, I have something to ask you."

(End of this chapter)

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