Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 449: Secretly Training Troops 1

Chapter 449: Secretly Training Troops 1
a few days later.

Just as Su Wan's guess was true, Meng Wenzheng really didn't let her idle in the Meng Mansion for too long.

Overtly and covertly, they sent too many people to investigate her. By the way, they also investigated her background clearly, and finally came to her at noon one day.

Meng Wenzheng only thought that Su Wan didn't know the mechanism of the court, and someone who had never been in the court could not tell which troops were appointed by the emperor and which were soldiers he trained in private.

So after Meng Wenzheng investigated Su Mian, he knew that he would not know about this, and after being cold for many days, he finally came to look for him at ease.

Leaving such a talent unused is definitely his biggest loss.

So Meng Wenzheng will never endure for too long.

What Su Wan was waiting for was today.

She knew all about Meng Wenzheng's little thoughts, and Song Qi helped her deal with the forces and problems behind it, as well as the flaws.

So right now, she is Su Mian with a clean fortune.

Being able to let Meng Wenzheng come to find her naturally shows that Meng Wenzheng really trusts her.

Su Wan simply sat in the center of the room and looked at the military book calmly. In fact, she had heard Meng Wenzheng's footsteps a long time ago.

When he really pushed the door and entered, Su Wan still looked terrified, looked at Meng Wenzheng and asked, "Why is the general here free today?"

Meng Wenzheng looked at the military book in Su Wan's hand and subconsciously nodded.

Just like the investigation, Su Mian is indeed a bookworm.

This is true.

At this time, I always like to hold a military book in my hand.

That's why he has her own unique views on various formations.

"Today, you go to the barracks with this general." Meng Wenzheng had nothing to hide, so he just said it.

Su Wan nodded, and didn't react too much.

She is Meng Wenzheng's military adviser, it will be a matter of time.

It's just that she expressed her doubts a little bit, "I thought that the general had already forgotten me."

It's really strange to leave her in this remote yard for such a long time and never let her go to the military camp.

Meng Wenzheng felt a little embarrassed for a moment, but he had no choice but to try to change the subject, "Recently, I am busy with the affairs of the court and China."

Su Wan could tell that this was Meng Wenzheng's excuse, but she didn't hesitate to expose it, "I'm afraid the general doesn't trust me, if you don't trust me, you can speak up, I won't be overwhelmed."

After all, when he came up with the answer, he used the Imperial Mausoleum Soldier Talisman that few people in the court knew.

So if she had nothing to do with the court, Meng Wenzheng would not believe it.

As for the control of the North Korean army, I don't need to be clear about which people are the North Korean army and which are Meng Wenzheng's own people.

But if you can't even hear Meng Wenzheng's clumsy excuse, it's too fake.

She would not think that she would agree with Meng Wenzheng.

If no matter what Meng Wenzheng said, he would blindly believe it.

Over time, it is undoubtedly a warning signal to Meng Wenzheng.

She has problems.

After all, I am his military adviser, not his subordinate. If I pretend not to see some obviously problematic things, there is only one possibility.

That's what I did on purpose.

Staying with Meng Wenzheng has a purpose.

Such doubts will become time bombs after a long time, and she must not give Meng Wenzheng such a feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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