Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 450: Secretly Training Troops 2

Chapter 450: Secretly Training Troops 2
Meng Wenzheng was exposed in front of him, and he was even more embarrassed, but the last trace of doubt in his heart towards Su Mian disappeared.

His temper is exactly the same as the one in the investigation, and he doesn't give anyone face at all.

Even if he is a general, it is the same.

But right now, he understands that it's not appropriate to be too suspicious of someone like Su Mian, so he directly explained his behavior just now, "I don't doubt the general's employment, and I don't need to be suspicious. Now I will take you to the barracks. Naturally, I trust your ability."

These words are high-sounding.

It simply made Su Wan unable to answer.

It is clear that he has been exposed by himself, but he can still say such words in such a calm and composed manner.

It is also okay to say that black is white in front of others.

It's just that Su Wan's goal has been achieved, so naturally she won't continue to compete with Meng Wenzheng on such boring issues at this time.

He nodded casually, and went straight out.

The horses outside the house were already prepared.

It is for their travel.

Su Wan stood aside and did not move. Although she could be a little more arrogant, she still had to have proper manners.

After waiting for Meng Wenzheng to get on his horse, Su Wan quickly got on the horse, followed behind Meng Wenzheng, and headed towards the barracks.

Sure enough, Meng Wenzheng was very cautious. He didn't take anyone with him to go to the military camp, only her.

Probably because he was worried that someone else would leak out the army he secretly trained.

Probably, this is also what the prince requested.

It's fine if others don't know about Meng Wenzheng's army, but Su Wan did.

On the surface, Meng Wenzheng supported the soldiers with self-respect, but in fact, these troops were trained to help the prince.

The Meng family has always relied on Prince Song Qian.

His Royal Highness also trusted Meng Wenzheng very much.

In fact, Meng Wenzheng is not the only general in the court, but with the help of the prince, basically whenever there is a war, he will recommend Meng Wenzheng to go.

What military generals need most is military merit.

Over time, Meng Wenzheng became the most accomplished general in the dynasty.

The prince will not be satisfied with this situation. Meng Wenzheng has military power in his hands, but the prince has greater ambitions and wants to have more rights.

He began to secretly arrange for Meng Wenzheng to train his own army.

Even though it cannot be compared with the Emperor's Mausoleum army, it is definitely a sharp blade in the hands of His Highness the Crown Prince.

It is absolutely beneficial to use in all kinds of battles in this dynasty.

So Meng Wenzheng was also overly cautious.

And on the surface, this matter has nothing to do with the prince. Even if he is himself, he only knows the relationship between these people because he knows the past.

If he hadn't known it in advance, even if the situation on Meng Wenzheng's side was exposed, at most it would be Meng Wenzheng's own self-respect, and he couldn't get involved with the prince.

Meng Wenzheng is also smart.

He has fought so many victories, and he knows that in the heart of the emperor, he is already the master of meritorious service.

It won't last forever.

That's why Meng Wenzheng was in a hurry and took the lead in finding a new backer.

The next emperor is a good choice.

It is not a bad move for Meng Wenzheng to bet his chance on the prince.

After all, judging from the current situation, it is indeed His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who finally hopes to obtain the throne.

(End of this chapter)

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