Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 451: Secretly Training Troops 3

Chapter 451: Secretly Training Troops 3
Meng Wenzheng led Su Wan to more and more remote places, and soon turned into the mountains.

Su Wan understood the reason in her heart, but she pretended to be good, "General, didn't you go to the barracks, why did you come here?"

Meng Wenzheng was not surprised by Su Mian's question, and immediately explained, "The barracks outside are just for display. The royal army has always trained in the mountains."

Song State's army has always been the most powerful among the surrounding countries, so this is also the reason why Song State is becoming more and more powerful, and most of the surrounding small countries dare not attack.

But the small country has been bullied for too long, and it is inevitable that some spies will be sent to sneak into the Song country.

Trying to steal a lesson.

The emperor of the Song Kingdom discovered this very early on. In order to prevent other countries from spying, the most direct way is to hide all the troops of the Song Kingdom secretly in the mountains when they need training.

The barracks in the capital outside are just for outsiders to see.

Not really.

The real military training barracks are actually in the mountains on the outskirts of the capital.

After listening to Su Wan, she suddenly realized, and couldn't help but admire, "Sure enough, you are farsighted."

Such a method is indeed very good.

But Su Wan couldn't help but sneer in her heart.

It is indeed a good idea to hide the army in the mountains.

But as far as she knew, the army that the Song State needed to train was on the outskirts of the capital, among the largest mountains and forests, there was a natural flat land surrounded by mountains, and there was only the exit of the cave.

Outsiders are hard to find.

That's where Song Guo really trained his soldiers.

But the place Meng Wenzheng brought him here had already passed by the outskirts of the capital.

Meng Wenzheng was careful, and led himself to deliberately bypass the original military training ground, spared a few laps, and then brought her to the place where Meng Wenzheng trained soldiers privately.

What he wants is to train his secret army himself.

But I, in Meng Wenzheng's eyes, don't know this.

All I know is that this is Song's army.

After all, from the outside, it really doesn't look like anything.

This place was not so far away, and it was Meng Wenzheng who was leading her around the long way.

Meng Wenzheng was obviously keeping himself back.

The purpose is to bring myself to the real training place in the future so that she won't find out.

After all, Zhi Meng Wenzheng is here, she is just a military adviser.

A military advisor who trains soldiers for the emperor.

If this group of troops trained by myself did not show up on the battlefield by then, they would definitely be suspected.

So in time, Meng Wenzheng will take himself to see the real military camp in the mountains.

When the time comes to find out that they are not in the same place, something will happen.

That's why today, he deliberately led himself around the mountain.

Now that he was deep in the forest, Meng Wenzheng stopped suddenly, ready to dismount.

Here, there is still a distance from the place where he actually trains soldiers.

In the previous life, she and Song Rui worked hard to find this place.

Song Rui's subordinates sacrificed a lot to get such an address.

Su Wan knew that Meng Wenzheng was still playing tricks.

But right now, she is pretending not to know, and is about to dismount after following Meng Wenzheng, "General, is this here?"

Meng Wenzheng waved his hand, signaling Su Wan not to think about coming down.

"Su Mian, no need, you continue to sit on the horse and cover your eyes with this." Meng Wenzheng directly threw a black cloth strip to Su Wan.

(End of this chapter)

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