Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 458 Invitation from the Su Mansion 3

Chapter 458 Invitation from the Su Mansion 3
Who knows how many eyes are hidden in the dark, how many ears are listening.

Su Wan's thoughts suddenly turned a little bit, Qi Er was still in front of her, and she immediately retracted her messy thoughts and went out.

When she first arrived in the courtyard, Zhao Qing was obviously already standing in the courtyard waiting for her.

Su Wan didn't react for a moment, and it took a long time before she said, "You heard what I said just now?"

Zhao Qing cupped his fists and saluted Su Wan, "Master Su, yes."

Su Wan's mouth was so surprised that she almost didn't close her mouth.

Sure enough, he was indeed a secret guard trained by Song Qi.

However, Su Wan was still a little worried about appearing in her courtyard so grandiosely, "You just came out so directly, won't you be seen by others?"

This other person refers to those eyeliners sent by Meng Wenzheng to look at her.

As for those people, he still doesn't pay attention to them.

Zhao Qing naturally understood what Su Wan meant, and immediately reassured her, "Don't worry, Mr. Su, no one will see me, and they are nothing to be afraid of."

Su Wan was speechless.

For such self-confidence, she really has nothing to say.

At the same time, I am a little lucky.

Fortunately, all these powerful characters obeyed her orders.

Indeed, those who can be trained by Song Qi are not simple characters.

Since she won't be seen, Su Wan naturally has no other scruples, and said directly, "Zhao Qing, now I need to avoid Meng Wenzheng's eyeliner and go back to the Su residence. Do you have a way?"

Su Wan is still very self-aware of her abilities.

Those people just now must have seen her come back.

So if she wants to go back now, she has to rely on the help of these people.

If no one helps her, her whereabouts will definitely be lost.

Zhao Qing nodded immediately after hearing this, and said to Su Wan, "Mr. Su, please wait a moment. In a quarter of an hour, the subordinates will be waiting for you in the courtyard."

It's easy for him to avoid the eyeliner of those people.

But Su Wan didn't know martial arts, and he was a princess after all, so he naturally didn't dare to overstep, and took the princess to leave directly with light kung fu.

If the prince finds out, something must happen.

So for those people in the dark, he needs to use a little trick.

Fortunately, Meng Wenzheng's subordinates have figured out the location of everyone in the past few days.

It is not difficult to avoid it now.

Su Wan nodded, and went back to the room to tidy up her things.

She will take away everything related to her identity.

to prevent unforeseen circumstances.

As for people like Zhao Qing, she didn't have to worry about them since they were waiting here.

Meng Wenzheng will not come back if there is nothing to do.

So she will be safe these few days, and if Meng Wenzheng is not in the mansion, those subordinates will naturally slack off a bit, there is no doubt about it.

A quarter of an hour later.

Sure enough, Zhao Qing showed up in the courtyard as promised.

This time it was more upright than before, and there were a few more people than before.

Su Wan had never seen these people before.

But looking at the attire, she was similar to Zhao Qing, so Su Wan could probably guess it.

These are Song Qi's hidden guards, basically here to protect her.

Seeing Su Wan appear, Zhao Qing took the lead in explaining, "Sign up to Young Master Su, the subordinates will protect Young Master later, these people will follow Young Master, but don't worry, Young Master, you won't see them."

(End of this chapter)

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