Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 459 Invitation from the Su Mansion 4

Chapter 459 Invitation from the Su Mansion 4
She probably also understands.

In addition to the people who are constantly guarding the Meng Mansion, even if he is now in the Qi Palace, he will still follow some people secretly to protect himself on a regular basis.

No matter where you are going.

Su Wan understood instantly, and subconsciously asked, "I just went to the military camp, did someone follow me?"

Zhao Qing didn't hide anything from Su Wan, "Yes."

No matter where the princess is going, they must follow in secret.

This is the death order from the prince.

After all, the Meng Mansion is different from the Su Mansion. The Second Miss Su and Mrs. Meng of the Su Mansion will take the life of the princess if they don't dare to be blatant.

It's different now.

In the tiger's den, the princess is still incognito.

Not many people knew of Su Mian's existence. If anything happened, the princess would be in danger at any time.

That's why the prince ordered them to protect the safety of the princess all the time.

Hearing this, Su Wan immediately regained her spirits, "That is to say, you already know where I went when I was blindfolded?"

Although she already knew the exact address, that was her special situation.

But if the hidden guard who followed him knew, it would be different.

This means that if Meng Wenzheng wants to take her to some hidden places in the future, it will be useless to hide her words.

Because apart from her alone, there are countless other people in the dark.

Zhao Qing obviously misunderstood what Su Wan meant, thinking that Su Wan was worried that they couldn't protect her better.

Then he immediately assured, "Your subordinates know, don't worry, Mr. Su, no matter where you go, there will be someone to protect you."

Including those hidden places.

Su Wan let out an 'ah', then waved her hand, "No, that's not what I meant, I just feel lucky that I don't have to look for the exact address now."

After all, he was blindfolded.

Although I know where it is, it is not impossible to tell Song Qi directly when the time comes.

But if Song Qi asked how she knew, she really couldn't answer for a while.

Can't think of a good reason.

It's impossible to tell Song Qi directly that he was reborn, and he found out before, right?

It's all right now, there's no need for her to say anything, Song Qi's hidden guards already know about it.

Su Wan expressed her liking for this kind of operation.

More importantly, from the beginning to the end, Meng Wenzheng did not discover the existence of these people.

Su Wan felt more at ease.

Although Meng Wenzheng has made great military achievements, his martial arts are naturally not weak.

But in this arena, there are many people with good martial arts.

Especially those who work as secret guards, their ability to hide with light work is even more top-notch.

Most of Meng Wenzheng's martial arts methods are very lethal.

It is different from the lightness of the dark guard.

In terms of lightness kung fu, right now it seems that they are really inferior to these hidden guards of Song Qi.

Can hide under Meng Wenzheng's nose, not to mention Meng Wenzheng's subordinates?
Su Wan immediately felt relieved.

He paid for her belongings directly, and asked Zhao Qing to escort her back to Qi Palace.

The sky seemed to have darkened a lot.

When the night is dark, it happens to be a good time to hurry.

The distance between Meng's Mansion and Prince Qi's Mansion is not too far. In order to attract people's attention, Su Wan chose to walk.

(End of this chapter)

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