Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 496 Since I Promise, I Will Do It 1 In My Life

Chapter 496 Since I Promise, I Will Do It Forever 6
Song Rui's smile froze, and then he lost his expression, "Since I promised, I will definitely do it."

If possible, he never wanted to hide this identity from her.

Su Wan smiled, and the messy thoughts in her heart seemed to dissipate a lot at once.

In the end, I still want to confirm what happened yesterday.

"Song Qi, are you really not angry about what I said yesterday?"

She thought that knowing what Song Qi would ask, no matter how bad it was, she would ask her why.

Although he only asked lightly, Song Qi's current appearance showed that he didn't care at all.

It was as if she was talking about it, and it was always someone else, who had nothing to do with Song Rui.

Song Rui shook his head, "No." There's no reason to be angry about something he knew all along.

Now, it was Su Wan's complete turn to be puzzled, "Why? Song Qi, your relationship with Song Rui is not very..."

This point, she should not be wrong.

If it wasn't for a normal relationship, Song Rui wouldn't be there for such a secret event as the fire in Prince Qi's mansion.

Song Rui thought up his words early in the morning, "Compared with him, you are more important and more worthy of my trust. After getting married, have you ever seen me meet him in private?"

Su Wan subconsciously shook her head.

This is really not.

During her marriage, she met Song Rui a few times, and she almost couldn't control her temper a few times.

But after she married Song Qi, she seldom saw Song Rui.

Although he didn't have too much contact with Song Rui on weekdays, he didn't deliberately avoid Song Rui, it was normal to meet him by chance.

Naturally, if the relationship between Song Rui and Song Qi is really good, as Song Qi's wife, I can see Song Rui more or less.

At least, Song Qi should also take him to meet him.

But in fact, none of these.

It seemed that it was really not as friendly as she imagined.

Could it be that I have misunderstood myself?

Su Wan sneaked a glance at Song Rui, wanting to ask what happened on the day of the fire.

But Su Wan herself was not sure whether Song Qi knew that Song Rui had been there.

If she asked rashly, it would undoubtedly prove that she had already met Song Rui before she went to find Song Qi.

Was it brought back by Song Rui?

How can she explain these things clearly?
What's more, even though Song Qi has been treating her very well, but the matter with Song Rui, those few contacts.

But she never dared to tell Song Qiming.

The more Song Qi cared about him, the more she dared not speak out, after all, she was already Princess Qi.

A man's possessiveness has always been terrifying, not to mention Song Qi's possessiveness towards her is even more terrifying...

So forget it.

Su Wan herself has been thinking about it in her heart all the time, and after deliberation, she decided to forget it.

In the current situation, more things are worse than less things.

It's better for her situation to ask less.

Since Song Qi said that the relationship with Song Rui is not that good, it seems that she can have a lot less worries.

What she has been worrying about is actually these.

But after a long time, it will naturally be fearless.

Without such worries, the conversation has already been made with Song Qi, and it will be more convenient for her to do things in the future, and she will no longer be restrained.

This is just a good thing for her.

Facing Song Rui, Su Wan nodded heavily, "Well, I'll be relieved if you don't get angry, and I won't have any worries from now on."

Song Rui let her go, "You can do whatever you want, and I will obey you."

No matter what it was, he would follow Su Wan.

(End of this chapter)

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