Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 497 Since I Promise, I Will Do It 1 In My Life

Chapter 497 Since I Promise, I Will Do It Forever 7
In the current situation, more things are worse than less things.

It's better for her situation to ask less.

Since Song Qi said that the relationship with Song Rui is not that good, it seems that she can have a lot less worries.

What she has been worrying about is actually these.

But after a long time, it will naturally be fearless.

Without such worries, the conversation has already been made with Song Qi, and it will be more convenient for her to do things in the future, and she will no longer be restrained.

This is just a good thing for her.

Facing Song Rui, Su Wan nodded heavily, "Well, I'll be relieved if you don't get angry, and I won't have any worries from now on."

Song Rui let her go, "You can do whatever you want, and I will obey you."

No matter what it was, he would follow Su Wan.


the next day.Song Qi had already left here, but Meng Wenzheng still did not come back.

That formation really trapped Meng Wenzheng there.

Haven't come back until now.

Su Wan sealed the letterhead in her hand, found the person Meng Wenzheng left for her, and asked him to deliver the letterhead.

Even if the servants can't get in, but she has something to do, these people will naturally find a way to let Meng Wenzheng see the letter.

Gradually, the atmosphere of the New Year's Eve began to take hold in the Meng Mansion, and she really didn't want to stay here during the reunion.

"Qi Er, come in." Su Wan said.

Qi Er entered from the door, "What orders does Mr. Su have?"

Su Wan stuffed the small bundle on her side, and said, "I'm going back home today. General Meng is back, so you can report to him."

Right now, although Song Qi said that he would give her three days, she knew that Song Qi couldn't wait for three days, and neither could she.

Qi Er understood what Su Wan meant, and responded, "Yes, my subordinates will report the truth."

"Okay." While speaking, Su Wan had already gone out, this time through the main entrance.

I don't worry about being seen by Meng Wenzheng's men.

This is the time to go out in an open and honest manner.

Around the direction of leaving the city, Su Wan rode a horse and arrived at the outskirts of the city. The background of Su Mian's hometown was arranged by Song Qi to be outside the capital.

Now, if he wants to leave under the name of Su Mian, he has to go around from the outskirts of the city.

Su Wan knew that there were many eyeliners of Meng Wenzheng in places she couldn't see.

Su Wan didn't dare to act rashly, and after a long distance, she finally dared to take off her mask, put on a woman's attire, and headed towards the capital.

However, on the way back to the city, Su Wan met someone she least wanted to see.

Song Rui!

Standing at the gate of the city, I don't know whether I want to go out or enter the city.

Su Wan just stood watching from a long distance, lowered her head subconsciously, trying to avoid Song Rui and enter the city.

To this day, she never wanted to see Song Rui for a moment, she really didn't want to!
However, after all, she has come here, and it is impossible to avoid it.

I just hope that Song Rui didn't see her, didn't see her...

Su Wan kept chanting silently in her heart, and in the end, she was stopped directly when she passed by Song Rui's side.

"Su Wan."

It was Song Rui's voice that directly hit Su Wan's heart, making her feel so uncomfortable that she wanted to tremble.

Su Wan bit the voice in her throat, inexplicably regretting that she shouldn't have appeared in women's clothing just now.

It was such a coincidence that he met Song Rui here.

Thinking of the night before yesterday, talking about Song Rui with Song Qi almost aroused the long-lost hatred in Su Wan's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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