Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 498 Since I Promise, I Will Do It 1 In My Life

Chapter 498 Since I Promise, I Will Do It Forever 8
However, after all, she has come here, and it is impossible to avoid it.

I just hope that Song Rui didn't see her, didn't see her...

Su Wan kept chanting silently in her heart, and in the end, she was stopped directly when she passed by Song Rui's side.

"Su Wan."

It was Song Rui's voice that directly hit Su Wan's heart, making her feel so uncomfortable that she wanted to tremble.

Su Wan bit the voice in her throat, inexplicably regretting that she shouldn't have appeared in women's clothing just now.

It was such a coincidence that he met Song Rui here.

Thinking of the night before yesterday, talking about Song Rui with Song Qi almost aroused the long-lost hatred in Su Wan's heart.

But after all, she couldn't avoid it.

Su Wan nodded casually, and mumbled something in her mouth. She wanted to deal with it, and rode her own horse around Song Rui's side.

Before Su Wan could go far, someone grabbed her wrist, and immediately afterward, someone wrapped her tightly behind her.

The familiar breath made Su Wan's whole body stiff.

Hatred, after all, is unbearable, "My lord, please leave!"

Right now, when he was entering the palace gate, there were so many soldiers guarding him, so he was so blatant.

Is it too much?
She is Princess Qi, can she really let him be unscrupulous like this?

Song Rui was terrified, and immediately took the reins, turned around and left directly away from the capital.

He gave Su Wan three days, but he didn't expect Su Wan to leave early.

There are some trivial things to go out of the palace today, just by chance, I happened to see the background of Licheng.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Qing received news that Su Wan had left the Meng Mansion ahead of time and was preparing to go back.

He had time to leave, or put on Song Qi's makeup directly.

But when he thought about the events of the past few days, he felt even more uncomfortable. He didn't want to pretend to be Song Qi in front of Su Wan at this moment.

He just wanted to be himself once, even in the face of Su Wan who was full of hatred.

Therefore, Song Rui turned a deaf ear to Su Wan's warning.

Su Wan was forcibly imprisoned in her arms, unable to move.

But his hands could still move, he caressed the small bundle beside him, and quietly took out the dagger inside.

Holding it in the hand, the words are the last warning, "My lord, please let me go. I am Princess Qi."

Song Rui still responded indifferently, "This king knows."

But physically, Su Wan was imprisoned even tighter.

That being the case, really don't blame her for being rude.

Su Wan gritted her teeth, quickly pulled out the small dagger from her bosom, pointed it at Song Rui's arm, and stabbed it suddenly.

Song Rui gasped, his eyes still resting on the top of Su Wan's head.

The hatred in Su Wan's eyes seemed to have dissipated a bit, revealing a trace of joy, "Song Rui, let me go."

Even if she was asked to leave the horse, she would not want to share a ride with Song Rui.

Even though she was even more unclear about what Song Rui wanted to do right now.

But no matter what she did, she would not participate, let alone have any entanglements with him.

Song Rui still didn't say anything, but he could feel that the aura on Su Wan's body had dissipated a bit.

After hurting herself, in Su Wan's heart, there was only joy in the end.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit it.

"Don't let go." Those two short words were Song Rui's last words.

In this life, he will never let go.Absolutely not.

(End of this chapter)

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