Chapter 111 Iron Begonia

"The flowers in that sachet are actually not poisonous when you smell them occasionally, but it's not good if you smell them often. Mr. Xiao is weak, and the poison developed in half a month. Mr. Wu is more poisonous than Mr. Xiao. Often Over time, this poison has been deeply ingrained in Young Master Wu's body, so Young Master Wu's health sometimes goes up and down, but this poison is not very domineering, just take good care of it."

"Mo'er has been recuperating and often taking medicine, so why is it still not working?" Wu Yuan remembered that Wu Mo was drinking soup and medicine in a flowing manner, but his health has not been well.

The old doctor shook his head, "I haven't read the prescription, so I don't know much about it."

"Thank you, old doctor, what's in that sachet?"

"It's Tie Haitang."

"Tie Haitang?" Wu Yuan pondered.

"What did Master Wu think of?" Lu Yu asked.

"I." Wu Yuan shook his head, "I didn't think of anything."

"This iron crabapple can be used as an ornamental plant. Most people don't know that it is poisonous, so be careful." The old doctor said.

"Thank you doctor for reminding, Xia Yan sent the old doctor out." Han Quce smiled at the old doctor.

"Yes, Master." Xia Yan replied.

"Thank you, doctor." Wu Yuan cupped his hands in thanks.

"Master Wu, you are welcome." The old doctor stroked his beard and nodded.

"Doctor please." Xia Yan took the old doctor down and sent him out.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for being with Master." Wu Yuan sighed.

"Master Wu, you're welcome, we just feel sorry for Mr. Wu, after all, he is a child." Lu Yu laughed.

"Wu is very grateful." Wu Yuan thanked.

"However, the cause of the disease, young master, seems to have not been found out yet." Han Quce said from the side.

"That's right, I have to ask the old doctor to come to see it again." Wu Yuan frowned.

"But isn't it inappropriate to bring the old doctor to your home?" Han Quce laughed.

"Master is really right. It's not appropriate to take the old doctor home. So please sir." Wu Yuan looked at Lu Yu.

"Let me go to your house again and take the old doctor to see Wu Mo." Lu Yu took over Wu Yuan's topic.

Wu Yuan nodded, "Master Laolu is here."

"It's okay, it's easy to do." Lu Yu waved his hand.

"After the child recovers from illness, I will definitely come to pay my respects again." Wu Yuan bowed.

"Please get up." Lu Yu helped him up. "We are both officials in the court, so naturally we have to help each other."

"I will try my best to repay Mr. Lu in the future."

"You're welcome, by the way, Mr. Wu, what happened to the case outside the city?" Lu Yu remembered the case of the deceased outside the city. This matter was handed over to Wu Yuan, and he doesn't know what's going on now.

"Oh, this case has been sent to investigate, the deceased is indeed the patriarch of the Jiang family."

"The patriarch of the Jiang clan?" Lu Yu asked.

"Yes, someone has come to recognize it. It is said that he was the previous patriarch, and now he is the elder of the Jiang family. He came to Qingzhou this time to handle business, and he died for some reason." Wu Yuan shook his head.

"What is he doing?"

"This lower official doesn't know yet, and the person who came to recognize him said he didn't know."

"Speaking of which, it's interesting that Mr. Wu's elder sister's surname is Jiang, but Mr. Wu's surname is Wu." Lu Yu laughed.

"Speaking of which, the lower officials don't know. But my sister treats me very well."

"So that's it. Master Wu, it's almost noon, why don't you have lunch here."

Wu Yuan waved his hand, "No, Master Lu is polite, my wife and sister are still waiting for me and Mo'er to have dinner at home, so we won't stay any longer."

"Then, Mr. Wu, go slowly." Lu Yu said with a smile.

"Lord Lu, you don't have to give it away." Wu Yuan said with a smile.

Wu Quan led Wu Mo to Wu Yuan, and Wu Yuan took Wu Mo home.

Lu Yu looked at their backs and breathed a sigh of relief...

(End of this chapter)

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