Master in charge of the case: Our county magistrate has a black belly

Chapter 112 Hitting in bed is kissing and scolding in bed is love

Chapter 112 Hitting in bed is kissing and scolding in bed is love

Lu Yu looked at their backs and breathed a sigh of relief...

Han Quce looked at Lu Yu with a look of relief, and said with a smile, "Why do you look like you are facing a big enemy?"

"No, Wu Yuan is indeed a good official, but he is too pedantic." Lu Yu took a sip of tea.

"This is the way to be an official."

"If I am like this, I will not be exhausted."

"That's it, exhausting you to death?"

"I was killed by the disaster of being an official. I don't want to be so hypocritical." Lu Yu said disdainfully.

"You only have the advantage of being thick-skinned." Han Quce said with a smile.

"I don't have it." Lu Yu quibbled.

"My lord, master." Xia Yan saw Lu Yu and Han Quce after seeing the doctor in. "Xiao Yun, where is Xiao Han?"

"Xiao Han took Xiao Yun to practice calligraphy." Han Quce replied casually.

Xia Yan nodded, "I haven't seen Ahu and Axiu recently."

"They were used as coolies by Aunt Song." Han Quce laughed.

"Being a coolie?"

"Isn't it for Lord Lu?"

"My lord? By the way, tomorrow is my lord's birthday." Xia Yan patted his head, "I'll go see if there's anything I can do to help. After Xia Yan finished speaking, he got up and went to the back to find Ahu and Axiu.

Han Quce shook his head, "Look at your birthday, you are busy."

"I don't think so either. They are too enthusiastic." Lu Yu couldn't hide his smile, "It means I'm popular."

"That sounds really nice."

"It's a fact."

"A Qu, speaking of it, Wu Yuan is really nervous about his son."

"Can you not care, just this one son."

"But if he really cared, he shouldn't be away every day."

"Do you think that everyone is like you, being idle and moldy?"

Lu Yu stood up and sat next to Han Quce, "A Qu, you have become more and more vicious recently."

"Poisonous tongue? I'm just telling the truth and you don't like to hear it."

"Who says I don't like to hear it? As the saying goes, hitting is kissing, scolding is love"

"Really?" Han Quce looked at Lu Yu with a smile, his fingers creaking.

Lu Yu covered Han Quce's hand, "But there are also occasions to score."


"Beating in bed is love, cursing in public is kissing."

"Really?" Han Quce narrowed his eyes.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lu Yu immediately stood up, "A Qu, I'm going to see what Auntie Song is cooking for lunch, I'll call you for dinner later, wait for me." After finishing speaking, he ran away.

Han Quce looked at Lu Yu who ran away in a flash, and shook his head.

Han Quce took out a piece of jade from his neck, wiped it with his hands, and remembered the past.

When he was a child, his mother brought a piece of jade around his neck. He asked his mother what it was, and his mother told him that it was given to her by his father on the wedding day. Now his health is getting worse and worse. The mother gave him this piece of jade and told him, if you have someone you like and want to spend a lifetime with him, give him this piece of jade.

Han Quce looked at this piece of jade and thought of Lu Yu, is it really for him?
Han Quce took Yu back carefully, shook his head, and heard Lu Yu calling him. "Ah Qu, let's eat."

"Okay, here we come." Han Quce got up and went to the kitchen to eat.

Wu Yuan took Wu Mo back to the Wu Mansion, Mrs. Wu, Jiang Xi'er and Jiang Yuan were already waiting for them at the dinner table.

Madam Wu stepped forward to greet him, took Wu Mo from Wu Yuan's hand, and led him to sit on a chair.

Jiang Xi'er was not very happy when she saw her younger brother coming back. She helped him take off his coat and said with a smile, "Why did you come here now?"

Wu Yuan saw that his sister Jiang Xi'er cared about him as always, and smiled, "Well, I've been busy outside for a while."

"Then why are you still taking Mo'er with you? Mo'er is not in good health." Mrs. Wu patted Mo'er's head.

"Is Mo'er in poor health?" Jiang Yuan looked at Wu Mo's pale face, "Look at her thin face."

"Yes, Auntie, Mo'er has been in poor health." Mrs. Wu replied.

"I think Mo'er hasn't gone out for a long time, this time I just happened to go to Mrs. Lu's house and take him to see Yun'er." Wu Yuan explained.

Madam Wu nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, last time Yun'er came, I thought he was a good boy, and he just happened to be with Mo'er as a companion."

(End of this chapter)

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