Chapter 125

Han Quce rolled his eyes and pondered, "Isn't Jiang Tai looking for Jiang Xi'er and Wu Yuan? Then this must have something to do with Wu Yuan and Jiang Xi'er."

Lu Yu nodded agreeingly, "Indeed, but I don't seem to know who this is from Wu Yuan's appearance. It should have nothing to do with him."

Han Quce said, "Then this matter has absolutely something to do with Jiang Xi'er, maybe Jiang Tai was killed by her."

"Jiang Xi'er is so cruel?" Axiu asked in surprise.

"But Jiang Xi'er and Wu Yuan are so different, how could they get married?" Ah Hu said.

Xiao Han said, "This kind of thing can be seen everywhere. It is commonly known as a child bride. A young woman raises a baby in her infancy. When the child grows up, the woman will marry that child."

Lu Yu said, "Then isn't this ruining a woman's youth?"

Xiao Han shook his head, "Some people are poor, so they have no choice but to do this."

Xia Yan continued, "I heard from the current patriarch that there used to be an old woman in Siguotang, but she also disappeared inexplicably recently."

"Jiang Yuan?" Everyone said in unison.

Xia Yan said, "Yes, it is Jiang Yuan. I heard that Jiang Yuan was divorced by her husband, who also raised her by himself. After her husband divorced her, she seemed to be pleading for Jiang Xi'er. Yu Jiang Tai, that is, the former patriarch had a falling out, and the former patriarch Jiang Tai punished her to the court of thought, and she will never come out. These things were told to me by the Jiang country people."

"It seems that Jiang Guo knows a lot of things." Han Quce touched his chin and said.

"Yes, Jiang Guo has been in the clan for five or sixty years, and he knows most of the things." Xia Yan said.

"Is there anything else?" Lu Yu asked.

Xia Yan shook his head, "Basically, I know these things."

"These things are enough," Han Quce said.

"Girls' lives are really hard!" Axiu lamented, "How many women's youth is this?"

"But now such things are rare." Xiao Han said.

Ahu said, "This kind of thing probably happens in that city and state."

"It can't be killed, it can't be destroyed." Han Quce shook his head.

"This is all nonsense." Lu Yu slapped the table, "The main reason is that the emperor is incompetent."

Han Quce kicked Lu Yu, "Don't talk nonsense, you won't be the only one who died."

Lu Yu sighed, "I'm just too angry."

"We'll go find Wu Yuan tomorrow morning," Han Quce said.

Everyone nodded, and Lu Yu said, "Xia Yan has worked hard today, go to bed early, and you should go to Mr. Wu's house early tomorrow morning."

"Yes." The crowd dispersed.

***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** *********** Han Quce and Lu Yu returned to the room, and Han Quce began to sit on a chair and read a book.Lu Yu sat aside, "A Qu, why aren't you asleep?"

Han Quce glanced at him, "Can't sleep?"

"Think about tonight?" Lu Yu said.

Han Quce nodded, "Half yes, half no."

"The matter of Jiang Xi'er is indeed regrettable, but how can she explain that she killed Wu Yuan's wife and Mo'er?"

"Love turns into hate." Han Quce said concisely.

Lu Yu suddenly realized, "It turned out that Jiang Xi'er was jealous, and that's why Wu Yuan's wife and Mo'er were harmed."


"Then why didn't Jiang Xi'er explain? Just marry him?"

"Wu Yuan only regards her as an older sister, and has no relationship between husband and wife. How can she get married? I think Jiang Xi'er also knows this. For Wu Mo, she just hates that she can't have children, so she wants to harm him. I think she will soften her heart." .”

"This is why Wu Mo has good times and bad times."

Han Quce nodded, "And Jiang Xi'er doesn't want to embarrass his brother, so he can't tell Wu Yuan."

"Difficult? It's hard to accept that the relationship between siblings has become the relationship between husband and wife?"

"This is the first, and the second is that plaque, a loyal and strong woman. If Wu Yuanzhen marries Jiang Xi'er, wouldn't that be disobedience to the holy order, disobedience to the will of the sage, isn't this the capital crime of copying the family and exterminating the family?"

"The emperor has nothing to do and what's the order?" Lu Yu said disdainfully.

Han Quce squeezed Lu Yu's mouth, "Say less of this, it will make a difference if others don't hear it."

Lu Yu grabbed Han Quce's hand, "I know A Qu, he cares about me, I'm just talking casually."

"Hmph, it's good to know." Han Quce glared at Lu Yu coquettishly.

Lu Yu looked at it in a daze, "A Qu, let's go to sleep."

Han Quce saw through Lu Yu at a glance, "Hmph, don't think I don't know what you're thinking?"

Lu Yu touched Han Quce's hand, "Really?"

Han Quce shook off Lu Yu's hand, "I have to deal with the case tomorrow morning."

Lu Yu put his arms around Han Quce's waist directly.

Han Quce twisted his body, "If I say no, I won't!"

Lu Yu looked at Han Quce aggrievedly.

"Are you getting more and more crazy?" Han Quce glared at him.

"No way, it wasn't your fault." Lu Yu said with a playful smile.

Han Quce punched Lu Yu's chest with his elbow, "Isn't that why I can't beat you... How about this...!"

In the early morning, Han Quce hid under the quilt and refused to get up.

"A Qu, get up, the sun is drying your ass~~~~~" Lu Yu hugged Han Quce who was wrapped in a quilt.

"Well, I'm sorry...I'm not going..." Han Quce groaned unwillingly to get up.

"Get up, get up quickly, I have to go to Master Wu's house this morning." Lu Yu dragged Han Quce out of the quilt.

"Get out!" Han Quce slapped Lu Yu's face, "Get out..."

"Hey." Lu Yu covered his face, it was really painful to wake up A Qu, he had to be coaxed after being beaten. "Ah Qu, get up will be too late if you don't get up."

"I can't afford it, I just can't afford it..." Han Quce was still lying on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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