Chapter 126

"I can't afford it, I just can't afford it..." Han Quce was still lying on the bed.

Lu Yu picked up Han Quce, and worked hard to help the half-asleep Han Quce get dressed, wash his face and rinse his mouth.
Han Quce woke up almost after washing his face. He got off Lu Yu's arms, and his legs softened as soon as he hit the ground. Lu Yu held him up, "A Qu, are you okay?" Lu Yu was about to help Han Quce sit down, and Han Quce sat down I felt a burning pain in my back immediately, and immediately stood up, Lu Yu asked worriedly, "A Qu, are you okay, are you okay..."

Han Quce gritted his teeth and stared at Lu Yu, "Do you think I have something to do? My back hurts, there... it hurts... and you woke me up so early..."

Lu Yu looked at Han Quce feeling wronged, "I didn't do it on purpose."

Han Quce grabbed Lu Yu's ear, "You either did it on purpose, or you did it on purpose."

"Hey." Lu Yu felt a burning pain in his ears, A Qu's attack was really serious, and he couldn't fight back.

"Hmph." Han Quce let go, "How do you want me to get out?"

Lu Yu hurriedly found a soft cushion, put it on a chair, helped Han Quce sit down, and squeezed his waist, "I obviously took the medicine last night after finishing the work, and I should be fine. Do you want me to give you some medicine again?" a little?"

Han Quce glanced at him helplessly, "I'll take the medicine myself."

"But your back hurts."

"My hands don't hurt!" Han Quce glared at Lu Yu.

"I'll help you." Lu Yu went to find the medicine bottle, "This kind of thing is done for my husband." Lu Yu carried Han Quce to the bed and went to apply the medicine.

"Where are you touching?" Han Quce said dissatisfiedly lying on the bed.

"No. No..." Lu Yu said pretending to be confused.

"Be honest with me, if you get angry with yourself, you can solve it yourself."

"Okay..." Lu Yu nodded helplessly.

"hurry up."

"Yes, Your Lady Queen."


Lu Yu dragged the reluctant Han Quce to the Wu Mansion, but Xiao Yun was very energetic. When he heard that he was going to the Wu Mansion again, he could play with Wu Mo. He immediately regained his energy, and came with Xiao Han when he yelled. , Xiao Han has always been unable to resist the demands of his younger brother, so Xiao Yun also came early in the morning.

As soon as Xiao Yun stepped into the Wu Mansion, he ran to look for Wu Mo.

"Mo Mo, Mo Mo." Xiao Yun found Wu Mo's room familiarly, and pushed open the door. Wu Mo hadn't gotten up yet, and Mrs. Wu was feeding him the medicine that the old doctor gave him last time.

"Yun'er, how can you be so rude?" Xiao Han said seriously.

Xiao Yun lowered his head, "I'm sorry."

Mrs. Wu said with a smile, "It's okay, I like Yun'er."

Xiao Han clasped his fists and saluted, "Hi Madam Wu."

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Hello Guard Xiao, I would like to thank Guard Xiao for bringing Yun'er here often, so my Mo'er won't be so lonely."

Xiao Han smiled and did not speak.

"Mo'er, after drinking the medicine, you can go play with Yun'er." Mrs. Wu smiled and refused to take the medicine Wu Mo.

Wu Mo shook his head, flattened his mouth, "This medicine is more bitter. I don't want to drink it..."

Xiao Yun lay down beside the bed, "Mo Mo, I can go out with you after you finish drinking."

"But it's really bitter." Wu Mo frowned, and wanted to go out to play again, but the medicine was too bitter.

"I'll give you candy." Xiao Yun smiled, and took out a candy from his bosom, "Here you are."

Wu Mo took the candy, "This candy is really delicious." Wu Mo thought of the taste of the candy, and babbled.

"This is Qilixiang's candy. When you recover, I'll take you to buy it together, okay?" Xiao Yun said.

Wu Mo nodded, "Okay!" Wu Mo took the medicine from Mrs. Wu's hand, pinched his nose and gulped it down, opened the candy Xiao Yun gave, and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Mo'er is so obedient." Madam Wu patted Wu Mo's head, then looked at Xiao Yun, "If you hadn't come, Mo'er wouldn't have taken the medicine so obediently."

Xiao Yun smiled and said, "Hey, then I will come and drink medicine with Yun'er every day from now on."

"As long as you don't find it troublesome, our family welcomes you every day." Wu Mo said loudly.

Madam Wu nodded, "Mo'er is right."

"But I still have to practice calligraphy at home." Xiao Yun said, "You can also play with me."

Wu Mo nodded, "Okay, I'll come to you when I feel better."

"Okay, then get dressed quickly, and we'll go out to play now." Xiao Yun smiled.

"Okay!" Wu Mo jumped up from the bed at once, "I have clothes, I want to wear clothes."

Madam Wu carefully took the clothes from the bedside and handed them to Wu Mo, "Put on clothes quickly, don't catch a cold."

"Okay." With the help of Mrs. Wu, Wu Mo got dressed.

"Don't catch a cold." Madam Wu knelt down and helped him put on the last layer of coat, "Okay, you can go out and play."

"Thank you, mother." Wu Mo kissed Mrs. Wu, dragged Xiao Yun and ran out, Xiao Han also followed.

Mrs. Wu covered her face in a daze. This child finally agreed to call her mother. Mrs. Wu instantly felt that the ice and snow had melted, and she was very happy now.

Wu Mo dragged Xiao Yun to the garden in one breath, panting from exhaustion, Xiao Yun said, "It seems that you don't exercise much."

Wu Mo wiped his sweat, "I've been lying in bed for so many years, how do I exercise?"

"Yes." Xiao Yun nodded.

"Then what are we playing?" Wu Mo tilted his head.

Xiao Yun looked around and suddenly saw fish in the pool, "Mo'er, have you ever caught fish?"

"No." Wu Mo shook his head.

Xiao Yun saw Wu Mo shook his head and smiled, "Then let's go fishing."

Wu Mo nodded, "Okay."

"Then where can I find the fishing rod?" Xiao Yun looked around for a while but didn't see it. He saw Xiao Han who had been guarding the side all the time, ran to Xiao Han, and tugged at Xiao Han's sleeve, "Brother~Brother~"

"What's wrong?" Xiao Han looked at his younger brother who was acting like a baby.

"Brother, find me two fishing rods." Xiao Yun said.

"Fishing rod?" Xiao Han said, "Why do you want this?"

"Fishing, hehehe..." Xiao Yun laughed.

Xiao Han pinched Xiao Yun's nose, "Naughty."

Xiao Yun continued to tug on Xiao Han's sleeve and act coquettishly, "Brother, help me."

"Okay." Xiao Han couldn't stand his younger brother's coquettishness, so he had to go find him.

Later, the three of them fished harmoniously together..Why three people?
because..In order to pass the time and prevent them from falling into the water, Xiao Han could only fish with them.

Different from the cheerful atmosphere of Xiao Han, Xiao Yun, and Wu Mo, the atmosphere in the hall seemed dull.

"Lord Lu, what advice do you have for coming this time?" Lord Wu bowed his hands and bowed.

Lu Yu nodded, "This time it's about Master Wu's sister, Jiang Xi'er."

"My sister Jiang Xi'er?" Wu Yuan said, "She offered incense yesterday and hasn't come back yet..."

"Master Wu, according to my investigation, the old man who died outside the city last time is also related to Mr. Wu's sister?" Lu Yu said.

Wu Yuan opened his eyes wide and said, "This... how could this happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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