Chapter 139 Qingli Palace

Axiu said, "Someone brought a bunch of tea leaves this morning, saying that they were tea leaves ordered for your lord, so we accepted them."

Lu Yu nodded, "Yes, I ordered it."

Several people tasted it and nodded, "It tastes really good."

Han Quce breathed a sigh of relief, "It's finally time to change the tea..."

Lu Yu said, "The emperor's order is hard to break."

Several people looked at Lu Yu strangely, "My lord, what is the emperor's order?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "My wife's order."

Several people looked at Han Quce with knowing eyes and nodded.

Embarrassed, Han Quce glared at Lu Yu and continued drinking tea.

In the evening, Wu Yuan came to pick up Wu Mo, and several people were talking in the hall.

"Master Wu, regarding yesterday's case, my subordinates have found some clues, and I need to discuss it with you, my lord." Lu Yu said to Wu Yuan.

Wu Yuan smiled and said, "Master Lu, please tell me."

Lu Yu nodded and said, "This matter has something to do with the Su family."

"The Su family is the richest man in Qingzhou?" Wu Yuan said.

Lu Yu continued, "Yes, do you still remember the pair of gold bracelets?"

"Remember. It's on that maid."

"Yes. The fifth lady of the Su family bought the pair of gold bracelets."

"Then why is it on this maid?"

"That's a suspicious point."

"There is another corpse, also belonging to the Su family, named Su Zhong."

"These are all servants of the Su family, so they must be related to the Su family."

Han Quce stroked his chin and said, "However, it is normal for most rich families to deal with maids and servants."

Lu Yu said, "But it seems wrong to throw corpses in the wilderness. Besides, you can't kill people casually."

Wu Yuan agreed even more, "How can human life be trifling!"

Lu Yu said, "This matter has to be handled by Master Wu."

Wu Yuan nodded, cupped his hands and said, "I will definitely try my best, Lord Lu's subordinates are really amazing, I am ashamed of myself."

Lu Yu waved his hand and said, "It's just a small matter."

While talking, Wu Mo and Xiao Yun came, Wu Mo threw himself into Wu Yuan's arms when he saw his father, "Daddy."

Wu Yuan hugged his son, cursing, he is still acting like a baby at such a young age, but he is very happy in his heart, his son is getting healthier and healthier.

Wu Yuan took Wu Mo away, and Xiao Yun followed Wu Mo reluctantly to say hello, "Goodbye, Mo Mo."

Xiao Han stroked Xiao Yun's head, "Wu Mo will come tomorrow."

Xiao Yun nodded, "It's time to eat."

Lu Yu smiled and said, "You still eat? Look at your little belly coming out."

Xiao Yun is eleven or twelve years old, but his stature has not grown, his face is plump, pink and tender is very cute, there are some small meats on his belly, which are soft to hold and rub, adults would like to He likes to pinch his little face and stomach, but when Xiao Yun saw someone pinching his face and stomach, he covered his face and ran away, shouting, "You are all big villains~~~" Lu Yu Every time I laugh at him as a chubby paper, Xiao Yun can only stomp his feet, but Aunt Song likes him very much, saying that children are lucky if they are chubby, and often cooks for Xiao Yun. , snacks~
Xiao Yun stomped his feet, "Anyway, I'm not a chubby paper!"

Everyone smiled and saw Xiao Yun's cute appearance, and they were all happy.

Axiu pinched Xiao Yun's small face, "You are so cute."

Xiao Yun covered his face, "Don't pinch my face, I'm a man!"

Axiu said, "Yes, man. It's time for us to eat."

Xiao Yun cheered, "Yes! I want to eat roast chicken!"

"Pfft." Han Quce laughed, "There is no roast chicken today."

Xiao Yun tilted his head, "Braised fish is also fine."

Everyone was happy again, and said in unison, "Little Fatty."

Xiao Yun stomped his feet and jumped up, "I want to lose weight!"

Xiao Han stroked Xiao Yun's head, "You, you'd better eat with peace of mind, you probably have no hope of losing weight."

Xiao Yun puffed his face, "Brother, you are really bad!"

Xiao Han said dotingly, "Good boy, it's time to eat."

Xiao Yun became happy again, "Okay."

Everyone shook their heads, guessing that Xiao Yun couldn't lose weight anymore.

Aunt Song came with a roasted chicken, "I'm going to eat in the dining room. I bought a roasted chicken today. Yun'er likes it, so I bought it specially."

As soon as Xiao Yun heard that there was roast chicken to eat, he danced happily and hurried to the dining room.

Everyone shook their heads seeing Xiao Yun's petite appearance.
The next day, Han Quce woke up early, and Lu Yu said that he took Han Quce to Qingli Palace.

Lu Yu directly dug Han Quce up from the bed and took him away.
Lu Yu took Han Quce to the Qingli Palace on horseback. Han Quce woke up jolting on the horse. Han Quce yawned. Lu Yu looked at him with a smile, "A Qu, you haven't woken up yet..."

Han Quce said, "When did you see me wake up?"

Lu Yu nodded, "That's right... Even when I was doing it on the bed, I was half asleep and half awake, so tempting."

Han Quce glared at him, "If you talk nonsense, I'll let you go to the study."

Lu Yu smirked, "It turns out that Ah Qu still likes to do it in the study."

Han Quce was angry, pinched Lu Yu's waist hard, watched Lu Yu cry out in pain, and smiled contentedly.

Lu Yu endured the pain and still teased, "Actually, it will be more interesting if you do it right away."

"Damn Lu Yu!"

"If I die, you will feel bad!"

Han Quce blushed and didn't speak, and ignored Lu Yu. Lu Yu looked at Han Quce's little daughter-in-law and was very happy. He pecked Han Quce's face and laughed.

"Hmph." Han Quce turned his head.

After riding for an hour with Han Quce, Lu Yu came to a forest.Lu Yu tied the horse to a tree, pulled Han Quce and started walking in the forest, and came to a red gate with Qingli Palace written on it.

Han Quce asked Lu Yu strangely, "Why is the headquarters of Qingli Palace built in Qingzhou?"

Lu Yu said, "Because my master, the previous Palace Master is from Qingzhou, so Qingli Palace is located in Qingzhou."

Han Quce nodded, "Oh."

The palace people of Qingli Palace saw that Lu Yu was coming, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute Lu Yu, "Your subordinates join the Palace Master."

Lu Yu hummed coldly, and dragged Han Quce in.

The outside of Qingli Palace is surrounded by whitewashed walls, green willows hang around, three gate towers with hanging flowers, and verandahs on all sides.The corridors in the palace are intertwined, dotted with mountains and rocks, and a plaque of "Yihong, Quickly Green" is hung on the five buildings.The whole courtyard is magnificent, graceful and luxurious, with beautiful and exquisite gardens, and the backyard is full of roses, treasures, and a pool.In the courtyard, there is only a strange fragrance, and the colder the strange grass and fairy vines, the greener they become. The vines and vines are so lovely.Strange grass and fairy vines pierced the stones and wrapped around the eaves, trying to grow upwards.Looking at the Polygonum flowers and reed leaves on the bank, and the emerald water chestnuts and water chestnuts in the pool, they all feel swaying and falling, as if they are reminiscing about their old friends, which is far from the usual showy beauty.After appreciating such a desolate and desolate scene, I couldn't help it, so I sang a song: "The pond was cold overnight in autumn, blowing away the red jade shadows of lotus."Polygonum flowers and water chestnut leaves are full of worries, heavy dews and heavy frosts press the slender stalks.I don't hear the sound of Yongzhou knocking chess, and Yan mud stains the chessboard.

Han Quce couldn't help praising, "This Qingli Palace is really magnificent..."

(End of this chapter)

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