Chapter 140

Lu Yu laughed, "Who made Qingli Palace rich?"

Along the way, many people saluted Lu Yu, but Lu Yu just nodded indifferently.

Han Quce laughed, "This is different from your usual routine."

Lu Yu said, "There must always be something majestic."

Han Quce said, "Do you still have dignity?"

"You don't need to be dignified to your wife."

Lu Yu dragged Han Quce to his room, where there was a large rosewood marble case, on which were various famous postages, dozens of precious inkstones, various colored pen holders, and the pens inserted in the sea of ​​pens were like forests.On the other side, there is a big Ru Kiln flower pouch, filled with white chrysanthemums filled with crystal balls.In the middle of the west wall hangs a large rice Xiangyang "Picture of Misty Rain", and on the left and right hangs a pair of couplets, which are written by Yan Lugong.There is a big tripod on the case.On the red sandalwood stand on the left is a large plate of a Daguan kiln, which contains dozens of delicate yellow and exquisite big buddhist hands.On the right side of the paint rack hangs a white jade chime, with a small hammer hanging beside it.On the east side is a couch, and on the Babu bed is a gauze curtain with green and double embroidered flowers, grass and insects. "

Han Quce looked around, "I can't see that you are quite elegant."

Lu Yu proudly said, "That's natural..."

Han Quce glared at him, "Stop yelling."

Lu Yu smiled, and handed the account on the table to Han Quce, "My wife, all the belongings are clearly recorded here. Please read it."

Han Quce took the account and smiled, "I can't tell, you're quite conscious."

Lu Yu smiled, "Being self-aware is also beneficial."

Han Quce nodded, "Yes, there is progress."

"That's good. By the way, I'll go to the warehouse to look for Qiwuqin Aqu, are you coming?" Lu Yu said.

Han Quce shook his head, "I won't go."

Lu Yu said, "Don't you see how much furniture your husband has?"

"That's all mine, don't look at it."

"I'm yours too."

"Are you worth anything?"

Lu Yu nodded, "It's worth money, of course it's worth money, the bed is the most valuable."

"Get out!" Han Quce kicked Lu Yu, and Lu Yu walked away foolishly.

Han Quce shook his head and smiled, sat on the chair, looked at the account book, and was surprised after reading it. This Lu Yu is really capable, tsk tsk. He has opened many branches.This kid is probably richer than his father now.

Han Quce was looking at the accounts in the study when he heard a woman's voice, "Palace Master, you are here."

A woman in a green shirt rushed into the room with a sword in hand. She wanted to find Lu Yu, but saw Han Quce sitting on a chair and asked, "Who are you?"

Han Quce looked at the woman with a bad tone, Han Quce only said lightly, "Who are you?"

The woman in the green shirt said proudly, "I am Luqiao, the younger sister of Guardian Zuo."

Han Quce still looked down at the account book and said indifferently, "Oh."

Seeing that the man didn't care about him, Luqiao said, "Who are you?!"

Han Quce raised his head, "I, I'm just the wife of your Palace Master."

Luqiao said disdainfully, "Ma'am? You really laughed me to death. It’s fine if a woman wants to marry our Palace Master, but you, a big man, still want to marry our Palace Master. It’s not bad to see you like this. Are you a young man from a brothel? .”

Han Quzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly, "What did you say?"

Seeing Han Quce's sneer, Luqiao felt a little timid, but said unforgivingly, "I...I said you are... a young lady from a brothel."

Han Quce sneered, "That's better than you, a girl who doesn't know how to behave."

"You!" Luqiao pointed at Han Quce, and suddenly saw Han Quce looking at the ledger, "How dare you peek at our palace master's ledger!"

"So what if you read it?" Han Quce threw the ledger aside.

"This is peeping at the privacy of our palace." Lu Qiao drew out her sword, "I'm going to deal with you on the spot!"

Han Quce snorted coldly, and said disdainfully, "Is this Qingli Palace an indiscriminate place? Are all the people taught by Lu Yu like you?"

"You." Lu Qiao married the sword on Han Quce's neck, and Han Quce didn't dodge it. He is a frail scholar who doesn't know martial arts. It's shameful that he can't beat this little girl, and it's even more embarrassing to be on the run.

Seeing that Han Quce was not afraid, Lu Qiao took the sword closer to Han Quce's neck, drawing a bloodstain on Han Quce's snow-white neck, which frightened the little girl. They didn't dare to kill, and drew the sword just to frighten Han Quce, who knew he wasn't afraid, Lu Qiao bit her lip and continued to say forcefully, "You still haven't pleaded guilty."

Han Quce only felt a trace of heat on his neck, and sneered, "What's my crime?"

"Break into Qingli Palace, privately visit the palace lord's room, and leak secrets."

"Breaking? I broke in. Does no one know? Is Qingli Palace a waste? Leak? I haven't gone out yet, how can I leak it?" Han Quce sneered, "I don't dare to accuse you of this crime?"

Luqiao was speechless, "I don't care, you are guilty."

"I think your palace master is just a waste, raising a group of wastes like you."

"Stop talking nonsense, our palace master is the wisest, no one can compare to him!"

Han Quce knew at a glance that she was a girl who didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, who had grown up in a honey pot. Seeing him hurriedly looking for Lu Yu, and seeing her admiration for Lu Yu, he knew that this green girl liked Lu Yu. Han Quce sneered, Lu Yu's There are a lot of peach blossoms, the two are confronting each other, Lu Yu came in with Qi Wuqin, and Zuo Hufa was beside him, Zuo Hufa saw Lu Yu in the warehouse, Lu Yu told him that the wife of the palace lord was here, Zuo Hufa wanted to see him See Madam Mistress.

As soon as the two entered the room, they saw Lu Qiao with a sword on Han Quce's neck.

Lu Yu was very angry, and the consequences were serious.Lu Yu knocked Luqiao to the ground with one palm, and ran to look at Han Quce, but Han Quce just snorted coldly and ignored him.

Zuo Hufa stepped forward to help his younger sister quickly, Zuo Hufa saw how nervous the palace lord was towards the man, and knew that it was the palace lord's wife that the palace lord was talking about, and then saw his sister put the sword on the palace lord's wife's neck. Hurt him, now the palace master really got angry, Zuo Hufa hurriedly pleaded guilty, "Palace master, my little sister is young and ignorant, I hope the palace master will forgive me, and I hope this young master will forgive me."

"Brother, why do you plead guilty to this young man?" Lu Qiao was not convinced.

Lu Yu frowned, "Xiao Guan?"

As soon as Zuo Hufa heard Luqiao's words, he knew it was terrible, and slapped his sister on the face, "Who taught you nonsense."

Lu Qiao looked at her brother with tears in her eyes, her brother had never hit him before, but today she beat him because of a young man, her tears immediately flowed down, "Brother, you actually hit me."

Zuo Hufa has no intention of coaxing his younger sister, if he doesn't plead guilty for Luqiao, maybe Luqiao's life will not be saved, he believes that the palace lord will do this for the palace lord's wife. "Palace Master, my subordinates have no way to teach my sister, so I ask Palace Master to punish her."

(End of this chapter)

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