Chapter 181 Ancestral Hall
Su Qing looked at these perfunctory old foxes, and felt a little clear in his heart. These old foxes are nothing but grass, and they will fall to the side with the highest profit. Su Qing silently clenched his fists. He was already angry about the will just now. The same is true for these old foxes, even more angry, but there is no way, he has no rights now, only ambition.

Wu Da, the elder of the Chamber of Commerce, gave Su Qing a look, and Su Qing signaled that the two met secretly.

Wu Da, the elder of the Chamber of Commerce, is actually Su Qing's uncle, and he secretly colluded with him two mornings ago.

"Isn't the will changed? How could it be Su Qing?" When Wu Da heard the will, he actually didn't understand why it was still Su Yan after the will was changed.

Wu Da and Su Qing had already colluded. Su Qing changed his will and poisoned Su Xiang. It was also suggested by Wu Da.

Su Qing also looked puzzled, "Could someone change it?"

"Who would change a will under the patriarch's nose? Could it be that the will has already been with the patriarch?" Wu Da said.

Of course they don't know that Qingli Palace is full of masters, and such trivial matters as changing a will certainly don't require much energy.

Su Qing shook her head, "I really don't know."

"It's a foregone conclusion now, and there's nothing you can do about it, but you still have to take care of the chamber of commerce."

"How can you be sure! These old foxes are all fools, and once Su Yan takes over the family property, he will definitely take over the affairs of the chamber of commerce."

Wu Da sighed, he was very disappointed with this nephew now, all his hopes were pinned on him, but who knew it was all in vain, "By the way, have you found the treasure of the Su family?"

Su Qing said, "I know it's in the ancestral hall, I heard from my father, but I got nothing in the ancestral hall."

"Now we can only pin our hopes on the treasure."

Su Qing nodded, "I will try to find it." Su Qing also knew that this might be his last hope. Now that he has lost his family property, it can be said that he is penniless. Now he can only rely on these treasures. He poisoned Su Xiang at the beginning just to get the family property quickly, but now he gave the ready-made to Su Yan, this treasure must not be lost.

The secret conversation between the two was of course heard by Hei Yun sent by Lu Yu. Recently, Hei Yun has been staring at Su Qing to see what he does, and wants Su Yan to report it so that he can make the next move.

"Palace Master, that's all they said." Hei Yun told Lu Yu and others everything verbatim.

After listening to Heiyun's report, Lu Yu nodded, "You continue to monitor Su Qing."

"Yes." Hei Yun exited the room, jumped onto a tree, and disappeared.

"This Wu Da, I can't keep it." Su Yan said.

"We must get rid of him." Lu Yu also said, "But the treasure is actually in the ancestral hall."

"It seems that the treasure is really in the ancestral hall." Han Quce said.

Su Yan looked at Han Quce, "Your brother and sister, do you know?"

Han Quce nodded, "I'm just guessing, because I was close to the ancestral hall, someone came out to make trouble, or a ghost appeared. Now it seems that this ghost is probably played by Su Qing, so people can't get close."

Su Yan pondered for a while, then nodded, "That's true, those maids also said they were near the ancestral hall when they saw ghosts."

"There is nothing in the ancestral hall." Lu Yu said, the last time I went to see the ancestral hall with Ah Qu, there were only spirit tablets and portraits in the ancestral hall, and there was nothing strange about it.

"Is your grandfather's room still there?" Han Quce asked.

Lu Yu looked at Su Yan, how could he know that he hadn't been home for so long.

Su Yan nodded, "It's still there. Ever since Grandpa died, the room has been vacant. It's relatively remote and no one lives there."

"Can you take me to have a look?" Han Quce said.

"Okay, but no one has cleaned it for a long time, what are the brothers and sisters doing there?"

"I just wanted to see."

Su Yan led Lu Yu and Han Quce to a yard. The gate of the yard was clean, but the yard was covered with dust and leaves. I'm afraid these servants didn't clean it carefully.

There are a lot of flowers and plants in the yard, and when the door is opened, a burst of dust blows in.


The table is covered with dust, the paper is yellow and old, it looks like no one has lived in it for a long time.

Han Quce picked up the unfinished painting on the table, it looked like a withered chrysanthemum, but it was only half painted, Han Quce put down the painting, and picked up other completed paintings. Sure enough, this person is a person who loves calligraphy and painting, flowers, plants and trees, Basically all plums, orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums have been painted. It can be said that there is no place that is not a painting.

"I didn't expect Grandpa to be so interested." Su Yan shook the fan, fanning away the dust in front of her.

Lu Yu said, "This Su family really has something different."

Han Quce picked up a painting to admire, "Su Xian, Su Xian, really lives up to his name, he really has a leisurely mood."

"I don't have this gene." Su Yan shook her head.

"It's enough that you have the flair gene." Han Quce said with a smile.

Su Yan had black lines all over her head, while Lu Yu laughed out loud.

After the three of them visited the study room, they left the yard. Han Quce stood in the yard, looking at the unblooming flowers all over the yard, "This seems to be a chrysanthemum."

Su Yan nodded, "In my impression, Grandpa seems to like chrysanthemums."

Han Quce let out an oh, and they left.

(End of this chapter)

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