Chapter 182 Ancestral Hall 2
Today is Su Xiang's seventh day, and the family will keep vigil in front of the coffin, and the crying has never stopped.

Now that Su Yan is the Patriarch, she will naturally stand in front of her.In the past few days, Su Yan has dealt with a lot of things, the first is family affairs, and the family has settled down, and the second is the affairs of the chamber of commerce. The mess of the chamber of commerce has been cleaned up, and the shops closed earlier have made up for the mess. , so it is much better now, and the chamber of commerce is starting to go on the right track.

Su Qing also kept vigil in front of the mourning hall. Now that he is the son of the Su family, he naturally has to stay in the mourning hall. Recently, his family is undergoing rectification, and he has no chance to get close to the ancestral hall. Today, everyone is here to watch the night at home, so he must find There is no chance to go to the ancestral hall to find that treasure, even if you dig three feet into the ground.

"You can go." Su Yi knelt on the coffin money, burning the paper money, and said to Su Qing, but he didn't even look at Su Qing, "It's time for me to watch the night."

Su Qing nodded, didn't refuse, just patted the ashes on his body and left.

Su Qing was careful all the way. Of course his target was the ancestral hall. It was already night, but the ancestral hall was still brightly lit. Su Qing carefully closed the door of the ancestral hall and began to search.

He checked every portrait, and took a look at each spirit card, but found nothing. Su Qing wanted to find out if there was a secret room passage, but the walls were solid, and it didn't look like there was a secret room.

Su Qing stomped his feet, and there was a trace of ferocity on Jun's face, "Damn, where did you hide the treasure, maybe it's underground."

Su Qing is still looking for it seriously, even if someone, no, it should be a ghost, he doesn't even know.

The lights of the ancestral hall were flickering, Su Qing didn't care much, maybe the gate was not closed, and when she turned her head, the gate was indeed not closed, Su Qing was about to close the door, but suddenly her footsteps froze, how could the door open, he just You obviously closed the door very carefully, how could it open now?

Su Qing's sweat dripped down, and after a while, he checked that nothing was wrong, and relaxed again. There is no ghost in this world. I am a ghost myself, and I often scare others. This door must be closed by wind.

Su Qing closed the door again, and continued to search, but still couldn't find it after searching for a while, sweating profusely.

"Give me back my life..." A gloomy voice came from the ancestral hall.

Hearing the voice, Su Qing was shocked for a moment, then looked around, there was no one at all, it seemed that she was scaring herself, and then looked at the large pile of spirit cards in front of her, feeling a little scared in her heart, and suddenly saw Su Xiang's The spirit card broke out in a cold sweat.

Su Qing walked up to Su Xiang's spirit card, knelt down, "Father, son, I really didn't mean to harm you, don't come to me, don't come to me, it's all my uncle did, really Not me, not me."

After talking nonsense, Su Qing felt that she had settled down, and started to search again.Feeling a gust of cold wind blowing behind her, Su Qing froze, looked back tremblingly, and saw a white shadow drifting past in front of her.

Su Qing's legs went limp all of a sudden, and she squatted on the ground, "Impossible, there can be no ghost."

Su Qing swallowed her saliva and acted courageously, "Who is it? Come out for me! Get out! I'm not afraid of you."

Su Qing yelled for a long time, but the white shadow didn't appear. Su Qing wiped the sweat from his forehead, still a little scared in his heart, and he really complied with the sentence "Don't do anything wrong, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door."

Su Qing took a deep breath, her heartbeat gradually slowed down, not as fast or urgent as before.

With a swish, the white shadow flashed past Su Qing again, but this time the white shadow did not leave, but stood in front of Su Qing in the air. Su Qing saw that it was actually the face of the dead Su Xiang.

Su Qing suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, is this possible, isn't he dead, isn't he dead? !
"You beast, why did you want to kill me." Su Xiang's voice drifted out.

Su Qing was so frightened that she couldn't even stand up, she just felt sore all over and was very scared. Su Qing immediately knelt down, "Father, father, it's not me, I didn't harm you."

"It wasn't you?! King Yama told me that it was you who harmed me, it was was you..."

"Father, it's all. It's my uncle, Wu Da, Wu Da is because he hurt you, he let me hurt you, not me, it has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with me."

"It has nothing to do with you? Did you buy the medicine? Did you feed me the poison yourself?"

"Yes. But he forced me to do this."

"Why did he force you?"

"Because he wants to control the Su family through me." Su Qing became nervous, his mind turned quickly, and he put all the responsibility on Wu Da, yes, it was all his fault, it was all his fault.

"So you did it?"

"Yes. If I don't agree. He will. He will kill me."

(End of this chapter)

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