Chapter 183

"Is that really the case?" Su Xiang's angry voice came out, "If Nizi doesn't tell the truth, I will take you to hell and never be reborn."

As soon as Su Qing heard that Su Xiang was going to take him downstairs, she was immediately frightened, "No, no, dad, dad, please forgive me, me and me. I just want to get the property of the Su family, and I also want to know about Su The treasure of the family, so. That's why I poisoned you, please forgive me."

"Then ask if the criminal law can forgive you." The gate of the ancestral hall was kicked open.

Su Qing turned her head and saw Lu Yu, Han Quce, Su Yan, Da Furen and others.

Su Qing turned her head and looked back at her father, seeing him slowly descending and standing straight in front of her, Su Qing widened her eyes, seeing how frightened she was when her dead father stood in front of her.

Suddenly, a person appeared behind Su Xiang, that is Hei Yun, and Su Xiang was able to go to the sky because Hei Yun was holding Su Xiang behind Su Xiang all the time, soaring into the air with light work, this strange thing happened.

Su Qing's face was ashen, only to find out that this was a bureau, knowing that the matter had been exposed, she had nothing to say.

This is a situation discussed by Lu Yu, Han Quce and Su Yan. It is of course necessary to let someone as cautious as Su Qing utter the truth.They negotiated with the eldest lady to find out the real culprit who killed Su Xiang. After the eldest lady agreed, they let Heiyun drag Su Xiang, showing a picture of Su Xiang begging for his life.

Su Yi has always had a violent temper, pointing at Su Qing and cursing, "You bastard, you actually killed Daddy, you are not as good as a beast, thanks to Daddy being so kind to you."

Su Qing sneered, "He treats me well? He never looked at me. He left me alone in the yard. It sounds like he raised me outside. In fact, he just let me fend for myself and left me alone. He didn't take care of me when he was in the yard, if Su Yue hadn't died, I guess I would still be waiting to die in that small yard, Su Xiang would be worse than a beast."

"But once Su Xiang dies, you will have no backing, and you still want to kill him?" Han Quce said.

"If he doesn't die, how can I get the seat of Patriarch? Although my wish has come to nothing now, he is still useful. He told me the location of the treasure, but I just can't find it." Su Qing's face has been deformed ferociously.

Han Quce laughed, "Treasure? I might know where it is."

"Where is it? Where is it?" Su Qing looked at him eagerly, not only him, but everyone in the Su family looked at him.

Han Quce looked at the greedy look of this group of people, helplessly, "But it may not be as rich as you imagined."

Han Quce pointed to the floor tiles, "It's just under here."

Everyone looked at the ground, Su Yi shook his head, with a look of disbelief, "Do you have to pry open so many floor tiles?"

Han Quce shook his head, "Just open one."

"Which one?"

"The floor tile with chrysanthemum engraved on it is where the treasure is hidden." Han Quce pointed to the floor tile with chrysanthemum engraved under his feet, "I have seen Su Xian's paintings, and his hobbies are basically related to chrysanthemums, so I I can be sure that the treasure is hidden under this floor tile." Han Quce said, he had been to Su Xian's place before, and saw that there were many chrysanthemums in his yard and in his paintings, so the treasure was indeed inside. .

Su Qing looked at this small floor tile, "Impossible, how could the treasure be so small."

The eldest lady Li Xin also became interested, "Could it be an emerald, a gemstone?"

Han Quce looked at this group of people who are changeable and hard to change, and shook his head, "Just open it and take a look."

Su Yan called some servants to pry open the floor tiles. As soon as the floor tiles were opened, a delicate box came into view. Su Qing hugged the box with lightning speed, startling people, the eldest lady Li Xin naturally Not reconciled, how can a murderer take the treasure, "Master Lu, Su Qing killed the master, why don't you bring him to justice?"

Lu Yu nodded, she naturally understood what the eldest lady was thinking, "Xia Yan, arrest him and bring him to justice."


Xia Yan walked in front of Su Qing, Su Qing was like a frightened deer, "Treasure, this is my treasure, this is mine, no one can take it away."

Xia Yan frowned, this man seemed to be in a state of madness, "Su Qing, you still haven't pleaded guilty."

Su Qing shook her head, "I'm not guilty, no, I'm not guilty." Su Qing opened the box as he spoke, and only saw a pair of calligraphy and painting in the center of the box. Su Qing threw the calligraphy and painting aside, looking for other things, " What about gems, what about gold?"

Xia Yan grabbed Su Qing and threw him to the policemen, who were quick-eyed and quick-handed, and subdued Su Qing in three or two strokes. Su Qing still murmured, "Where is the gem, where is the gold?"

The eldest lady Li Xin was anxious, picked up the calligraphy and painting, Su Yin also stepped forward, she was also very anxious, how could the treasure become like this, the eldest lady Li Xin opened the calligraphy and painting, and saw four big characters written on it, diligent and thrifty, and the following It was Su Xian's signature and seal, and nothing else.

Therefore, the so-called treasure is a calligraphy and painting of diligent and thrifty housekeeping, and this is the treasure that everyone is trying to find.

When Su Qing was escorted away, she was still muttering to herself, "Impossible, impossible, where are my gems and my gold." So Su Qing deliberately planned to kill Su Xiang, and all his plans were in vain. , and now he is still facing jail time, it's really nothing.

Su Yue and Su Xiang are dead, Su Qing is in prison, Su Zhe is in the army, the Su family has begun to decline, and now they only rely on Su Yan.

Su Yan sat on the head of the family and began to rectify it, and everyone from top to bottom obeyed.

It turns out that Su Yan, who is a romantic, has not set foot in the brothel for a long time after becoming the head of the family, and has become a well-known good man, so there are many people who come to matchmaking, which really annoys Su Yan. In the end, Su Yan Speaking out, he likes men, and those matchmakers rarely come to his door. It's just a pity, how can a man like a man fall in love with a man.

In fact, the most important thing is that there is still someone in Su Yan's heart, that is Moran, he has been thinking about him all the time, I don't know if that person who is far away can still remember him?

(End of this chapter)

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