Chapter 193 Good-looking Boy
Chun'er nodded, then shook her head again.

Seeing Chun'er come back, Zhao Xue asked happily, "Chun'er, have you found Chen Yuan?"

Chun'er looked at Zhao Xue's expectant face, bit her lips, "I found it, I was watching Mr. Chen at the gate of the mansion, but Mr. Chen has something to go out on business, he asked me to tell you to come when he comes back You also gave me a bag of silver for you to use first." Chun'er only handed the silver to Zhao Xue, but did not give Zhao Xue the jade pendant, because she was afraid that the young lady's thoughts would be wild and her chest would become depressed, and the young lady was not in good health.

Zhao Xue felt relieved, "That's good, I'm fine living here, I just hope he can come back safely."

Chun'er looked at Zhao Xue, "Miss, you are so stupid."

"Chun'er, what did you say?"

Chun'er shook her head, "Didn't say anything? Oh, by the way, miss, I met a benefactor, they want to see you and the young master, they are downstairs."

Aunt Hua smiled, "Then invite them up, they are all good people."

Zhao Xue also nodded, "You can't neglect the guests, Chun'er, please come down quickly."

"Yes." Chun'er went down to invite someone.

Han Quce, Lu Yu and Xiang Hua looked at Han Quce holding a lot of maternal and child supplies and tonics, and laughed. Han Xiang had black hair again. He was helpless when he was asked this and that by the aunt just now, and now he was asked again. ridiculed..

Chun'er went downstairs in small steps, and said to several people, "My lady invites you to go up, benefactor, please."

Han Quce nodded and went up with Lu Yu, Xiang Hua and Han Xiang who was carrying something also followed.

Han Quce looked at the two round little faces, which were very similar. Han Quce squeezed them, and they were very soft. The two twins smiled at Han Quce. Warm.

Looking at the smiling faces of the two children, Xiang Hua felt itchy in his heart. Xiang Hua stepped forward and hugged Xiao Shuang, smelled it, and a milky fragrance came to his nostrils. Xiang Hua rubbed the child's face, it was as soft as a feather .

Han wanted to put all the things on the table, and said to Chun'er, "This medicine is taken twice a day... and these..." Han wanted to tell Chun'er how to use these things one by one.

Chun'er covered her mouth and smiled, "I didn't expect you to be so powerful."

Han Xiang suddenly had black lines all over his head. He must have developed a lot of wrinkles today.Thinking of this, Han Xiang rubbed his face and went to see the two little guys who had worked so hard for them.

Han Xiang stood in front of the child Xiang Hua was holding, and suddenly found that the child smiled and stretched out his little hand. Han Xiang couldn't help pinching the tender white hand in front of him, it was very soft, and the child seemed to have a sense, holding Han Xiang's hand One finger, Han Xiang's heart softened, as expected, children were the most lethal.Han Quce and the others left after seeing the two children.

Auntie Hua looked at the things on the table, and looked at them one by one, "These are all good things. I'm an experienced person. These good medicinal materials should make your milk come back. I'll take them and let someone cut them up. No, I decocted it myself, and the medicinal material must be decocted to the right level to exert its medicinal properties, so I went down." Then he opened the door and went downstairs to decoct the medicine.

Chun'er smiled and closed the door that Aunt Hua forgot to close when she left, "Miss, do you think we have met a noble person?"

Zhao Xue nodded, "This is a very noble person, but unfortunately, I can't repay him."

Zhao Xue nodded, "This is a very noble person, but unfortunately, I can't repay him."

(End of this chapter)

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