Chapter 194 In Collusion?

Han Quce, Lu Yu, Xiang Hua, and Han Xiang went directly to the restaurant, because Han Quce promised Xiang Hua to invite him to dinner, so they went to the restaurant.

Han Quce stood in front of the window holding a teacup, looking at the people who were about to close the stall, Han Quce smiled, after a tiring day, they all had to go home for dinner, Han Quce took a sip of tea, he was in a good mood, maybe it was a good day today the reason.

Lu Yu put his arms around Han Quce, put his head on his shoulder, and looked out the window, "What are you looking at?"

Han Quce said, "Look at them closing the stall and going home."

Lu Yu nodded, "But what's so interesting about it?"

"I watched it for the first time, and thought it was quite fun."

"Oh. It's actually the first time I've watched it." Lu Yu said with a smile, "Do you think it's okay to live like this?"

Han Quce was stunned for a while, okay?He doesn't know, maybe he knows, he used to be trapped in the prime minister's mansion, but now he is trapped here, but he is very happy, Han Quce nodded, "Okay."

"That's good." Lu Yu kissed Han Quce on the cheek.

Xiang Hua looked at the two people in front of him showing affection, a little jealous, and snorted, "Do you two have to do this in public?"

"Is this in public?" Lu Yu asked back.

"That's not it, me, and Han Xiang are all watching." Xiang Hua said.

Lu Yu smiled and said, "You don't have to appear in front of our eyes."

"What? It's obvious that you guys insist on appearing in front of us, okay?" Xiang Hua jumped.

Han Quce sat back on the chair, "Obviously you insisted on watching it yourself, can you blame us?"

Xiang Hua shook his head, "Tsk tsk, Cece, you have really changed, you have become more and more cunning, more and more... tsk tsk."

Han Quce smiled and said, "You are obviously too young."

Xiang Hua rubbed his chest and took a breath, "Forget it, I'm not your match."

Han wanted to watch the show on the sidelines, and it was lively, "You really need to practice."

"Even you don't help me?" Xiang Hua pointed at Han Xiang.

Han Xiang looked innocent, "Why should I help you?"

"Could it be that you just watched your young master collude with him?"

Han Xiang still replied, "Master's choice will never be wrong."

Xiang Hua sighed helplessly, "I'm really... a sin... ah."

The three of them looked at Xiang Hua and laughed. This is a real treasure, it's really interesting.

In a short while, a lot of dishes were served, and Xiang Hua was happy looking at the dishes, forgetting the blow he had just received, just like Xiao Yun, with a child's heart.

Xiang Hua picked up a chicken rack and tasted it, "It tastes good, but it still tastes good in Beijing."

"It's a pity that this is Qingzhou." Han Xiang took a bite of green vegetables, "As long as you can eat it, it's fine."

"Yes, there are still many people who can't eat it." Han Quce said with a smile, "Isn't this considered happiness?"

Xiang Hua nodded, "That makes sense, but well, people have to learn to enjoy themselves sometimes."

"That's right." Lu Yu agreed with what Xiang Hua said, "Isn't this just carpe diem?"

"Happy time?" Xiang Hua thought for a while, "Yes, why don't we go to the brothel to have fun."

"The brothel?" Han wanted to raise his eyebrows, "The place is full of smog."

"you've been to?"

Han Xiang shook his head hurriedly, "Of course I haven't been there, how could I go to that kind of place."

"That's it, let's go and have a look." Xiang Hua said with a smile.

Lu Yu suddenly laughed, "Just you little tender seedling, you won't be eaten by others even if you go to the brothel."

Xiang Hua looked at Lu Yu with interest, "What's the matter, have you been there?"

Lu Yu nodded, "I've been there."

Xiang Hua pointed to Lu Yu, "Tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to have been to this kind of place, Cece, you have to re-examine Master Lu Yulu, it turns out that he often goes to find flowers and ask Liu."

Lu Yu didn't care much, "Can't I see the brothel I opened, and Ah Qu knew about it."

Han Quce took a bite of Lu Yu's peeled prawns, "Yes, are you sowing discord?"

Xiang Hua had nothing to say, wrinkled his nose, let's eat with peace of mind.

Xiang Hua hiccupped and left the restaurant, holding the snacks for Xiao Yun in his hand, "It's so comfortable to eat, it's so supportive."

Han Xiang, the second one who came out with a sword, Han Xiang also took a breath, "I can eat too..." It's so full, Han Xiang has always been very restrained, if it wasn't for someone's reason, he wouldn't be so full
The next ones came out naturally were Han Quce and Lu Yu, they were tired and crooked, Lu Yu pulled Han Quce and whispered.

"Ah Qu, are you full?"

"I'm full, you're the one who gave me so many dishes."

"Didn't it make you full? See how thin you are."

"I can't eat so much even if I'm skinny. If you touch it, my stomach will come out."

Lu Yu reached into Han Quce's clothes, touched them, squeezed them, and ate tofu, "I'm not fat, I think I lost some weight when I hugged it."

Han Quce quickly patted his dishonest hand, "Who told you to hug me?"

"No one dares to hug you. Whoever hugs you will break his hand."

"You are really cruel."

"For you, of course I will do whatever it takes."

Han Xiang was holding the sword, Xiang Hua was holding his arms, the two looked at Han Quce and Lu Yu who were still whispering, and coughed, "Are you planning to talk until tomorrow?"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, "I don't mind."

Han Quce was thin-skinned. He blushed just now when he was teased by Lu Yu. Now that he was asked, he felt even more embarrassed. He pretended to cough, "Let's go back first."

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Of course I have to listen to old A Qu." Lu Yu stopped talking, he didn't want to be kicked out of the room.

When the few of them returned to the house, Xiao Yun was still awake.

Xiao Yun puffed his face, "You go to eat delicious food, and don't take me with you."

Xiang Hua pinched Xiao Yun's face, "I've brought you something delicious." As he spoke, Xiao Yun handed the snack in his hand to Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun immediately became happy, "That's great."

Xiao Han took the snack from the side, "No, it's so late."

Xiao Yun acted like a baby, "Brother~~~~"

Xiao Han still shook his head, "No, you have to wash up and sleep, and eat tomorrow."

Xiao Yun had no choice but to compromise, "Okay, but I will get up early tomorrow morning to eat, hehe."

Xiao Han looked helpless, and took Xiao Yun back to his room to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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