Chapter 196 Chen Yuan
A few days later, Chun'er, Zhao Xue and Aunt Hua welcomed an unexpected visitor.

"Knock knock..." Someone knocked at the door of the inn.

Chun'er got up hastily, "I guess it's the delivery of medicine." Chun'er opened the door, and stared at the person in front of her in a daze.

"Chun'er?" A gentle male voice sounded.

Chun'er came back to her senses, "Grandpa?" Chun'er looked at the man in front of him, he was still as handsome as in those years, less clear and bright, but more with an unexplainable feeling, just felt that he had changed, but not know where.

This person is Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan nodded, "Where's your lady?"

Chun'er hurriedly turned sideways to let people in, "Master, Miss is inside."

Zhao Xue felt a little more comfortable today, so she woke up early, but she was still weak. She just fed the child and looked at the child's smiling face. Zhao Xue only felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.

Zhao Xue was dressing up, and when she heard Chun'er went to open the door, she thought it was just a medicine delivery man, but a familiar voice made her froze all over.

"Xue'er." Looking at the familiar forehead and back, Chen Yuan couldn't help but have mixed feelings, but it's a pity that everything has changed, and he feels guilty and misses her.

Zhao Xue turned her head and looked at the person she was thinking about day and night, and she couldn't help crying, "Msg.."

"Xue'er." The two hugged each other, Chun'er watched the scene and retreated silently, she knew that these two people must have a lot to say, she knew.

Zhao Xue cried in Chen Yuan's arms, "Sanggong, Xianggong, I thought I would never see you again."

Chen Yuan put his arms around Zhao Xue, just like before, he put his arms around her, "Didn't you see that, Xue'er, I miss you so much, I miss you so much."

"Me too."

"Wow..." A baby cry broke the tenderness between the two of them.

Zhao Xue pulled Chen Yuan to the bed, "This is your son."

Chen Yuan looked at the two fresh little lives in front of him. Chen Yuan felt that his life had a little more brilliance. Chen Yuan hugged the two little guys and smirked, "They, are they my son?"

"Yes." Zhao Xue also wept with joy, is this fatherly love?She waited a long time.

Chen Yuan took Zhao Xue's hand, "When were they born?"

"I was only half a month old, and I was pregnant when you went to rush for the exam." Zhao Xue said.

Chen Yuan counted the time, and it turned out that he had been away for more than ten months, "Xue'er, I'm sorry, when you were pregnant, when they were born, I wasn't by your side, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Zhao Xue shook her head, "It's okay, it's okay. As long as you stay with them now."

"Now? Now. I..." Chen Yuan pulled out a smile, "I will be by their side, but... I am now, I should go back now, I have too many things recently, wait for me to clear things up After it's settled, I'll come pick you up, okay?" Chen Yuan said to Zhao Xue gently.

Zhao Xue stroked Chen Yuan's face and nodded seriously, "Okay, you should pay attention to your body, don't be too tired."

"En." Chen Yuan tore off a bag from his body, "There is some silver in here, you use it first."

Zhao Xue nodded, took the money, "OK."

Chen Yuan played with the child for a while, then left.

Chun'er came up with the medicine, just in time to watch Chen Yuan leave, put the medicine down, "Miss, the medicine is used up, I'll go buy it."

Before Zhao Xue could speak, Chun'er ran out, Zhao Xue shook her head, why is this girl more restless than herself recently?

Chun'er followed Chen Yuan all the way, watched him enter the teahouse, sat for a while and then got up to leave, Chun'er continued to watch, because she wanted to know if something was true, until Chen Yuan entered the consort's mansion.

Only then did Chun'er realize that it was really my uncle Chen Yuan that day, but why did he pretend not to know that jade pendant?Also, he actually married the princess?Miss, Miss, what is she?
Chun'er went back in a trance all the way.

Zhao Xue looked at Chun'er, "Didn't you go to buy medicine? What's going on?"

Zhao Xue and Chun'er said a few words, but Chun'er didn't respond.

Zhao Xue was a little anxious, and hurried to find Aunt Hua. Aunt Hua called Chun'er a few times, but Chun'er still didn't respond.

Aunt Hua picked up the kettle, scooped up some water with her hands, and splashed it on Chun'er's face, only then did Chun'er react.

Chun'er stared blankly at the two people in front of her, "Miss, Aunt Hua."

Zhao Xue hugged Chun'er, "You scared me to death."

"What's wrong with me?"

"You are amazing." Aunt Hua said the common saying. "Maybe you are too tired, good girl, go and have a rest."

In the past, Chun'er helped Zhao Xue, but today Zhao Xue helped the silly Chun'er to go to bed, she knew that Chun'er was really, really tired.

(End of this chapter)

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