Chapter 197 Quote 2 Pregnancy

Citation 【2】

"Mr. Chen." Zhao Xue looked at Chen Yuan in plain clothes in a dilapidated room, looking a little downcast.

Chen Yuan looked at the woman he loved, and then at his current situation, feeling a little embarrassed, "Miss Zhao, we, let's not meet again?"

"Why?" Zhao Xue shook her head choked with sobs.

Chen Yuan turned his face away, "I am no longer good enough for you."

Zhao Xue hugged Chen Yuan, "No, we like each other, there is no such thing as worthy or unworthy."

Chen Yuan hugged Zhao Xue affectionately, "Miss Zhao, no, Xueer, I have to go."

Zhao Xue also looked at Chen Yuan affectionately, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to Beijing to catch the exam."

"This is a good thing, so you can revive the lintel." Zhao Xue said.

Chen Yuan nodded, a little embarrassed, "But, but I'm penniless."

Zhao Xue held Chen Yuan's hand, "I have."

"No, I'm a man, how can I ask for your money."

"No, we are lovers, husband and wife." Zhao Xue buried her head in Chen Yuan's arms.

Chen Yuan touched the woman's hair in front of him, tears welled up, "Xue'er."

That night, Zhao Xue did not come out of the broken house.

On the second night, Zhao Xue took Chun'er to go. Chun'er knew that the young lady hadn't come back the day before, so she understood that although she didn't know about men and women, she had heard people say that she knew that the young lady was no longer chaste. The biggest hope now is that my uncle can go to Beijing to catch the exam as soon as possible, and then get the first place in high school, come back, and marry the young lady.

Zhao Xue put the silver bag into Chen Yuan's hands, "You have to come back soon."

Chen Yuan stroked Zhao Xue's hand, "Xue'er, believe me, when I become famous, I will definitely come to marry you."

However, this is just a promise, illusory.

***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************
Two months later, Zhao Xue felt more and more sleepy, "Chun'er, why am I so sleepy?"

Chun'er smiled and said, "Miss, it should be that spring is here, you should be sleepy in spring, miss, you should sleep a little longer."

Zhao Xue nodded, "I want to drink porridge, you go and make some, I want to have a few sips when I get up."

Chun'er said, "Yes, miss, you can sleep in peace."

"Okay." After saying that, Zhao Xue lay down and continued to sleep.

After Chun'er closed the door, she felt a little worried. Recently, she felt that something was wrong with Miss. She ate too much, was still sleepy, and was tired. Besides, she hadn't had her period for two months.

Chun'er thought of a possibility, could it be?Miss.Miss her. .pregnant?

Chun'er shook her head, no, it's impossible, Chun'er felt a little troubled in her heart, bit her lip, and went to ask a doctor, but it's better not to let the master know for the time being.

When Zhao Xue woke up, she saw an old grandfather in front of the bed, and Chun'er was beside her. Zhao Xue looked at Chun'er curiously, "Who is this?"

Chun'er smiled and said, "This is Doctor Zhong. I think Miss is not in good health recently, so I invited a doctor."

Zhao Xue has always trusted Chun'er, nodded, "Oh." Then she stretched out her arm.

Dr. Zhong put the handkerchief on Zhao Xue's pulse, and then felt the pulse, "This, is this happy?"

"You are happy?" Zhao Xue's complexion changed, not only Zhao Xue's complexion, but also Chun'er's complexion.

Chun'er calmly invited Dr. Zhong out, gave him some money, and asked him to keep it secret.

Chun'er hurriedly ran to Zhao Xue, "Miss, what should I do?"

Zhao Xue also looked blank, and suddenly said anxiously, "Does my father know?"

Chun'er shook her head, ""Master doesn't know that I have invited a doctor, but miss, paper can't cover fire." "

Zhao Xue had a sad face, "It's a while to hide it."

Chuner nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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