Chapter 202
Chun'er pushed open the door and came in, hugged the young lady who was about to collapse on the ground, "Miss, are you okay?" Looking at Zhao Xue whose face was full of tears, Chun'er was a little angry, "Mr. Chen, please go out, if you don't If I go out, I will yell molestation, I think if I yell, the reputation of the son-in-law will be lost."

This trick really works. Chen Yuan doesn't want to make a big deal out of it. If it makes a big deal, let the princess know that he will lose his face. Chen Yuan shook his sleeves and said viciously, "Son, I'm still Come back and ask for it." After saying that, he left.

Zhao Xue, who had been struggling to support herself, fell limp to the ground.

Chun'er hurriedly helped Zhao Xue up and put her on the bed.

Zhao Xue was lying on the bed with blank eyes. Just now she said that husband and wife, father and son are in harmony, but suddenly they turned against each other, and her heart seemed to be overwhelmed.

Aunt Hua came up with the boiled medicinal soup, and saw the master and servant crying like tears, she hurriedly put down the bowl and asked, "What's going on?"

Chun'er looked at Aunt Hua with red eyes, and choked up, "Aunt Hua, my uncle, he is not human, he wants to take the two young masters away." Chun'er threw herself into Aunt Hua's arms.

Aunt Hua hugged Chun'er distressedly, "Don't cry, talk slowly, what's going on."

Chun'er looked at Aunt Hua, and told Aunt Hua everything in detail.

Aunt Hua sighed, "It's really not a thing, this child must not be given to him."

Chun'er nodded in agreement, and said to Zhao Xue, "Miss, we absolutely cannot give it."

After what happened just now, Zhao Xue became weaker and paler. "I can't give it to him. I gave birth to this child in October. How could I give it to such a heartless man!"

Chun'er looked at the stunned Zhao Xue, "Miss, you should take a rest."

Zhao Xue hummed, and lay down, Zhao Xue suddenly felt all the strength in her body was drained, and soon fell asleep, Aunt Hua hehe Chun'er exited the door, and gently closed the door.

Chen Yuan went back to the mansion angrily, locked himself in the study room, and swept down everything on the desk, "Bitch, people don't know how to compliment."

Princess Zhaowu came back early, and when she heard that Xianggong was returning to the mansion, she immediately rushed to the study. Hearing the crackling sound, she hurried into the study, saw the mess everywhere, and asked concerned, "Xianggong, what's wrong with you, Xianggong?"

Chen Yuan waved his hand and smiled, "I'm fine, maybe I'm a little irritable because of official business, so... don't worry, princess, by the way, didn't the princess go to enjoy the flowers?"

Princess Zhaowu nodded, "I'm not feeling well, so I'll be back first."

Chen Yuan touched Princess Zhaowu's hand, and asked anxiously, "What's the matter, is there anything wrong, do you want to call a doctor?"

Seeing Chen Yuan caring so much about herself, Princess Zhaowu felt warm in her heart, and shook her head, "I'm fine, but I'm afraid of you. I have something to do."

Chen Yuan said, "As long as you're fine, I'm fine. Go and rest quickly."

Princess Zhaowu nodded, "OK."

"I will send you back."

"No, I'm accompanied by Wang Momo." Princess Zhaowu called Wang Momo, Wang Momo helped Princess Zhaowu out, and said before leaving, "Let someone clean up."

Chen Yuan nodded and watched Princess Zhaowu go out, staring at the book in a daze.

Zhao Xue is unwilling to give him the child, and he doesn't want to make a big deal out of it, but he still has to explain this matter to the princess. If it gets too big, he will be accused of deceiving the king, and he must get the child. , and the princess, he also needs to take care of it, but before he gets the child and settles Zhao Xue, he has to hide it from the princess. It is estimated that the princess will not know about it now.

Of course, this is what he thought.

This matter was already known to the eyes and ears sent by Princess Zhaowu and Mother Wang.

Wang Momo waved her hand, "Go down and get the reward."

A mouse-headed person nodded and smiled, "Thank you, princess, thank you, Wang Momo."

After the man went down, Wang Momo looked at the dazed princess worriedly, "Princess, princess, what are you going to do?"

Princess Zhaowu shook her head, "I, I don't know."

Wang Momo looked at the child she had raised since she was a child, and naturally she would not let her suffer, "I can't keep this woman."

"Do you want to kill people?" Princess Zhaowu shook her head, "No, how can I kill people."

"Princess, you are just too kind. Haven't you had enough of life in the palace? There are many things in the palace where people kill people without seeing blood."

Princess Zhaowu frowned, "But, but that woman is innocent."

"Innocent? If the son-in-law really changes his mind and abandons you, what will you do? Even if the son-in-law does not recognize him, if the emperor finds out about this, the son-in-law will be beheaded, and you will stay in the deep palace forever." . " Wang Momo said "sincerely".

Princess Zhaowu was a little shaken, thinking that she was not valued in the deep palace, even the eunuchs and maids did not pay much attention to her, and all the favored princesses had their own consorts in the capital, and married the prince long ago Minister, but he can only commit himself to marry. Even Chen Yuan is only able to marry because of her own opportunities. Chen Yuan is very kind to her, very kind. No one has treated her so well since she was a child. She Reluctant, she doesn't want to leave him, she doesn't allow him to leave her, Princess Zhaowu ruthlessly said, "She has to die, but let me look at her and her child."

Wang Momo looked at the mature Princess Zhaowu and nodded, "That person just now can't stay either."

Princess Zhaowu nodded, "Well, this matter depends on you, Madam Wang."

"Yes." Said Wang Momo and went out.

Princess Zhaowu looked at herself from the dressing table, her innocent appearance had been transformed into a mature woman, Princess Zhaowu touched her face, this is life, isn't it?
(End of this chapter)

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