Chapter 203 The Busy Lu Mansion

Zhao Xue sat beside Chen Yuan, "Sir, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Chen Yuan took Zhao Xue's hand, he was a little speechless, and after a long time, he said, "Xue'er, I... I'm married."

"What?" Zhao Xue couldn't believe it, "You, are you married?"

Chen Yuan nodded with difficulty, "Xue'er, Xue'er, I, I thought you, I got married when you got married."

"I've never been married." Zhao Xue couldn't help but burst into tears, "I've been, have been waiting for you, but you didn't show up."

Chen Yuan touched Zhao Xue's face, and wiped away her tears with his fingers, "Xue'er, I thought you were married, and the emperor had betrothed the princess to me, so I got married."

Zhao Xue choked with sobs, tears came one after another, "I heard about you at the time, and I came to you desperately, but you were married, so why did you come to me? Why?"

Chen Yuan hugged Zhao Xue, "Because I love you, when Chun'er came to look for me that day, I came to look for you, I miss you so much."

Zhao Xue buried her head in Chen Yuan's arms, "You are married, I should, what should I do?"

Chen Yuan said, "I will tell the princess, don't worry, don't worry."

Zhao Xue shook her head, "Speak to the princess? Did you say it last time?"

Chen Yuan shook his head in embarrassment, "No, but me."

Zhao Xue interrupted Chen Yuan, "You don't know how to say it, do you?"

Chen Yuan closed his eyes and didn't speak, which was his default.

Zhao Xue pushed Chen Yuan away, "You're lying to me, you're lying to me, aren't you? You never thought about being responsible to me, did you? Tell me, tell me."

Chen Yuan shook his head, "It's not what you think, Xue'er, calm down." Chen Yuan hugged Zhao Xue who was a little mad, "Calm down, listen to me."

Zhao Xue seemed a little disappointed, "What do you want to say? Say you don't want me now?"

Chen Yuan gently stroked Zhao Xue's face, "I will be responsible for you, don't worry."

Zhao Xue calmed down a little, "Why are you responsible, are you going to divorce the princess?"

Chen Yuan shook his head resolutely, "Impossible."

"Impossible, then how can you be responsible to me?"

"I, I can take my sons back and raise them, give them the best environment, and you and Chun'er, I can buy you a big house and give you money."

"Yeah? Are you responsible for me like this? Take me as your concubine and take away my son? I'm not a tool for you to have a son." The more Zhao Xue thought about it, the more she felt sad. She had paid so much for him, and yet she got what.

"That's the way to do this." Chen Yuan made up his mind. If he didn't do this, his glory and wealth might be ruined, and his position as son-in-law would be lost.

"No, I won't allow you to take my son away." Zhao Xue was a little mad, she didn't allow this unscrupulous man to harm her son.

Chen Yuan sneered, "If you can't, you have to."

Chun'er pushed open the door and came in, hugged the young lady who was about to collapse on the ground, "Miss, are you okay?" Looking at Zhao Xue whose face was full of tears, Chun'er was a little angry, "Mr. Chen, please go out, if you don't If I go out, I will yell molestation, I think if I yell, the reputation of the son-in-law will be lost."

This trick really works. Chen Yuan doesn't want to make a big deal out of it. If it makes a big deal, let the princess know that he will lose his face. Chen Yuan shook his sleeves and said viciously, "Son, I'm still Come back and ask for it." After saying that, he left.

Zhao Xue, who had been struggling to support herself, fell limp to the ground.

Chun'er hurriedly helped Zhao Xue up and put her on the bed.

Zhao Xue was lying on the bed with blank eyes. Just now she said that husband and wife, father and son are in harmony, but suddenly they turned against each other, and her heart seemed to be overwhelmed.

Aunt Hua came up with the boiled medicinal soup, and saw the master and servant crying like tears, she hurriedly put down the bowl and asked, "What's going on?"

Chun'er looked at Aunt Hua with red eyes, and choked up, "Aunt Hua, my uncle, he is not human, he wants to take the two young masters away." Chun'er threw herself into Aunt Hua's arms.

Aunt Hua hugged Chun'er distressedly, "Don't cry, talk slowly, what's going on."

Chun'er looked at Aunt Hua, and told Aunt Hua everything in detail.

Aunt Hua sighed, "It's really not a thing, this child must not be given to him."

Chun'er nodded in agreement, and said to Zhao Xue, "Miss, we absolutely cannot give it."

After what happened just now, Zhao Xue became weaker and paler. "I can't give it to him. I gave birth to this child in October. How could I give it to such a heartless man!"

Chun'er looked at the stunned Zhao Xue, "Miss, you should take a rest."

Zhao Xue hummed, and lay down, Zhao Xue suddenly felt all the strength in her body was drained, and soon fell asleep, Aunt Hua hehe Chun'er exited the door, and gently closed the door.

(End of this chapter)

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