Chapter 204

Several people stopped in their tracks, "We just finished our work, let's see if your invitations are finished, and want to help you."

Han Quce nodded, "You guys are here at the right time, hurry up and write."

Xiao Yun raised his hand, "I want to write too, I want to write too." Xiao Yun happily ran to Lu Yu's side, "Lord Lu, I want to write too."

Lu Yu patted Xiao Yun's head, "Okay." Lu Yu stepped aside and Xiao Yun sat on the chair, "You write."

Xiao Yun nodded, picked up the pen, and wrote seriously, "Thank you for the invitation."

Xiao Yun wrote one, picked up the invitation, "Brother, look, I wrote this."

Xiao Han picked up Xiao Yun's invitation card, looking at the block letters on it, Xiao Han couldn't help feeling a little emotional, "That's great."

Xiao Yun was very proud, the biggest compliment was from his own brother.

Xiang Hua held a large list that Aunt Song brought, and pouted, "My god, how many people are there?"

Xia Yan said, "Ms. Song is very popular, and Mrs. Song is invited from the neighbors, so there are more people. For marriage, it is better to be more lively."

Han Quce also agreed, "There are so many people, and these are all neighbors in the neighborhood, there will be a care in the future."

Xiang Hua said, "I can't see that you, a noble son who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world, still understand the ways of the world."

"A noble son who is greedy for food and fun like you also knows how to bargain." Han Xiang retorted, of course he had to defend his son.

"Hurry up and write." Xia Yan smoothed things over, "If you don't write, you won't be able to finish it."

"Isn't there still a few days left..." Xiang Hua asked, there are still many days left for the wedding here, so there should be no rush.

Xia Yan said, "This invitation has to be sent out after it's finished. It has to be sent door to door, and there are still many things to be busy."

Everyone nodded, and began to write invitations in a division of labor.

Of course, so many people can finish writing early, but after finishing writing, it is already after noon.

Xiao Yun stroked his rumbling stomach, "I'm so hungry."

Of course Xiao Han felt sorry for his younger brother, but when he thought about how much he had eaten in the morning, he said, "Yun'er, you ate a lot in the morning."

Xiao Yun pouted, "But it's all been digested, and it's already lunch time."

Xiao Han nodded, "I'm just afraid of your indigestion."

"It's okay, Yun'er's stomach is fine."

Xiang Hua interjected, "And he's still a chubby paper."

"You little shou, don't call me fat man." Xiao Yun said unhappy.

Han Quce touched Xiao Yun's small face, "Don't listen to his nonsense, children can only grow taller if they eat more, what if they don't grow tall like him?"

"I'm not tall?" Xiang Hua jumped when he mentioned his height. This was his pain, but he didn't.Lu Yu.Xia Yan. .Han Quce. .Han thought.He's just tall, but he's taller than Xiao Yun, hmph.Xiang Hua stood beside Xiao Yun, "I'm not tall, what do you call me not tall?"

"Hahahaha, don't compete with Yun'er if you have the ability, and compare yourself with adults if you have the ability." Xia Yan looked at the childish Xiang Hua and laughed.

Lu Yu raised his eyelids, "I'm afraid he hurt his self-esteem too much."

Xiao Yun crossed his hips and said to Xiang Hua, "Hmph, I'm still young, and I can still grow taller, unlike you, who will never grow taller."

Xiang Hua had a toothache in anger, "You people know how to discriminate against me."

Han Quce shook his head, "I'm not discriminating against you, who made you a living treasure."

"Hmph. Me." Xiang Hua also stroked his rumbling stomach, "The treasure is also hungry."

Han Quce laughed, "Since we've finished writing, let's go have dinner together."

"Okay." Lu Yu stood up and put his arms around Han Quce, "Let's go."

Everyone went to the dining room.

But there was no one in the dining room, and there was no food. .

In the past, there were maids and servants in the dining room, and the meals had been arranged long ago, and some people went to ask them to eat. .Why is it so empty today?

"It's not like I don't even have to eat." Xiang Hua looked around for someone, but there was no trace.

Lu Yu patted his forehead, "I remembered, the housekeeper told me yesterday that Mrs. Song wanted a group of maid servants to help clean the new house, and I agreed, they will come back tonight, I forgot This matter."

Xiang Hua sat down on the chair, "Am I going to starve to death here? No wonder there were no beautiful maids to greet me along the way. So I ran to clean up."

Xiao Yun touched his stomach, "Yun'er is also hungry."

Han Quce said, "Otherwise, let's go out to eat. Just after dinner, let's take a look at their new house."

Lu Yu nodded, "Okay, how about you?"

The others naturally agreed, and the group went to the restaurant.As for the gate of the Lu residence. .Surely the butler still has some servants to guard the door. .

(End of this chapter)

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