Chapter 205 The Man in Black

Lu Yu pulled Han Quce, "What's the matter, do you want to be alone with me?"

Han Quce looked sideways at Lu Yu, "Yes, what's the matter."

"Then I can..." Lu Yu smirked, "I don't mind finding an inn...then."

Han Quce raised his eyebrows, "Okay."

Lu Yu felt that happiness came too suddenly, and suddenly became excited, "Let's go, let's go..."

Han Quce nodded.

Lu Yu felt that Han Quce was so good today, but why did he feel a little abnormal, but he was still very excited and happy.

Of course Lu Yu was very happy. Although this kind of thing was often done, it was the first time that Ah Qu took the initiative, excited, excited.

Wait, the sharpness of martial arts practitioners made Lu Yu discover something.

That is, someone is following. Just now, I felt that someone was following, but I never paid attention.

Lu Yu looked around, the enemy was in the dark, he and Han Quce were in the open, by the way, A Qu, he still doesn't know martial arts.

This is troublesome, I still don't know who this enemy is.

Han Quce and Lu Yu went to Yuanlai Inn. There were not many people in the lobby of Yuanlai Inn, so it could be considered deserted.

The shopkeeper saw that Han Quce and Lu Yu were coming, and immediately went to meet them happily.

"You two guest officers, are you going to be a top student or stay in the shop?" The shopkeeper smiled.

Han Quce said, "Stay in the hotel, open a room and go to the room."

"Okay, Xiao Xiazi, hurry up and take the two guests to open a room." The shopkeeper called the waiter over, and asked Xiao Xiaozi to take the two of them up.

"Two guest officers, I'll take you in." Xiao Xiaozi brought the two of them up with a flattering expression.

Han Quce nodded, and the two went up.

The room was large, with a living room and a room inside.

"You can go." Lu Yu waved his hand.

"This..." The little box paused.

Lu Yu took out the broken silver from his bosom and threw it to the small box, "You go."

The small box was very happy to receive the broken silver, and immediately closed the door respectfully, "Thank you two guests."

Han Quce sat down, "Hey, what have you been watching?"

Lu Yu said with a sinister smile, "I'm looking at you, look at the environment, probably can fight for [-] rounds."

Han Quce said, "So you are so weak? A few thieves still have to fight for [-] rounds?"

"Huh?" Lu Yu was a little surprised, "How do you know?"

"Nonsense, they are here to kill me, how can I not know." Han Quce raised his eyebrows.

"What?! Killed you." Lu Yu slapped the table, "Why did you come to kill you, your father sent it?"

"How is it possible, why did my father kill me? You are stupid."

Seeing Han Quce scolding him, Lu Yu looked at Han Quce aggrievedly, "I don't know either."

"Hey, it's just something to do with my father."


"Xuanyuan Mo is about to ascend the throne," Han Quce said.

"Xuanyuan Mo, that kid who came last time, can he? Be? Emperor?" Lu Yu raised his eyebrows.

Han Quce said, "Could it be possible for you to board?"

Lu Yu waved his hand, "I won't do that."

"Let you climb, you don't have the ability." Han Quce said contemptuously.

Lu Yu snorted, "I don't care."

"Tch, these people are really not tired."

Lu Yu snorted coldly, "Let them not be tired anymore today, if you still don't get out of here for me."

Lu Yu said "greetings", and a few men in black came down with a big knife.

"Why are you the only ones?" Lu Yu said disdainfully.

"Hmph." The man in black pointed at Lu Yu with a big knife, "Just a few of us can kill you without a place to bury you."

"Really? Then come and try it." Lu Yu was even more disdainful, just a few young men.

*After a fierce battle, it wasn't a fierce battle, it was just a process of wolves eating sheep. Lu Yu was so relaxed, and the men in black didn't even touch Han Quce's clothes.

"A Qu, is your husband handsome?" Lu Yu posed a pose and asked Han Quce.

Han Quce shook his head, "It's so boring." Han Quce kicked a few people lying on the ground, "These people are really too weak, they are really useless."

"Your husband, I am very useful." Lu Yu looked at Han Quce proudly, as if begging for praise.

Han Quce made a black line, "But you only now know that there are men in black, which is quite impressive."

"Ahem, cough, I just haven't thought about it so much lately. The world is peaceful, and the man in black is all to blame for that Xuanyuanmo."

"Are you still blaming others? Han Xiang found out, or he told me."

Lu Yu immediately hugged Han Quce, "I will be careful in the future, I haven't fought recently, and my martial arts are rusty."

"Then I have to consider whether or not to go with you."

"Must! Must! Look at these few little thieves, I settled it in a few minutes, so powerful." Lu Yu immediately claimed credit, "If it weren't for me, you would have been miserable."

"And Han wants to protect me."

"Han thinks he has run away, how can he protect you?"

"I let him go."

"It's you." Lu Yu suddenly realized, "Ah Qu, do you know that I can protect you, so you let Han Xiang go, right?"

Han Quce looked up at the sky, "I just gave you a chance to perform."

"So I performed very well." Lu Yu was even more embarrassed.

Han Quce has black hair again, and he yells every day, "It's all right, let Xia Yan deal with it quickly."

"Going back so soon?" Lu Yu had a look of pity, "It's clearly agreed, so I came to open the room today."

"Isn't it over? Has it been open until now?"

"That didn't work either."

"What business are you doing?"

"That's right..." Lu Yu whispered in Han Quce's ear.

Han Quce pushed Lu Yu, "You bastard." Han Quce blushed slightly.

"I've always wanted to try page 23." Lu Yu blinked.

"Go away, now, immediately, immediately." Han Quce snorted coldly.

Seeing that Han Quce was furious, Lu Yu said, "Good boy, let's go back first."


Leaving the room full of people in black, the two went downstairs, threw a piece of silver to the shopkeeper, and left.

The shopkeeper was still happy that he had earned such a large sum of money, but unexpectedly a group of officers and soldiers broke in.

The shopkeeper was so scared that he ran out from the front desk immediately. The person who came was Ahu. Lu Yu and Han Quce had just left the house. Who knew that they happened to meet Ahu, Axiu and Aunt Song who had finished moving things, so Lu Yu asked Ahu to do it.

"You have rebels here, I'll search and search." Ah Hu is holding a big knife, with a dark face, if a child sees it, he will cry in fright, he doesn't look like a groom at all, but he has more manliness .

The shopkeeper was so frightened that he almost cried, "Hey, sir, where did we get a rebel here?"

The small box tugged at the shopkeeper, "Treasurer, look."

The shopkeeper followed the eyes of the small box, watching several officers and soldiers escorting a man in black, thinking about it, and then fell unconscious.

The little box hugged the shopkeeper, not knowing what to do.

Ah Hu waved his hand, "Let's go."

A small officer and soldier next to him asked, "What about the shopkeeper and the waiter?"

"It's none of their business, let them go." Saying that, Ah Hu led a group of people away.

Seeing that a group of people had left, the small box immediately shook the shopkeeper who was still lying in his arms, "Shopkeeper, wake up, wake up."

The shopkeeper opened his eyes slightly, "What's the matter?" His eyes widened suddenly, "Then, are those officers and soldiers gone? Are they gone?"

Xiao Xiaozi nodded, "The officers and soldiers are gone, get up quickly."

The shopkeeper immediately got up, his movements were ten times happier than before, "Let's go, just go." The shopkeeper wiped off his cold sweat, "Quick, go up and see, is there anything missing?"

"What's missing?"

"What the hell? You go and see."

"Yes." The little box quickly ran upstairs to check.

After Lu Yu and Han Quce greeted Aunt Song and the others, they returned directly to the Lu Mansion.

All the maids and servants in Lu's mansion have returned.

When the little maids were staying in the yard, Aunt Song kept asking them if they had someone they liked and could help introduce them.

The little girl is even more excited when she sees Lu Yu and Han Quce. As long as one of them can take a fancy to her, it will really be like a sparrow turning into a phoenix and flying on the branches.

Han Quce and Lu Yu thought it was strange that they met so many maids today.Almost all the servant girls in the whole house saw it, and the two of them were very strange.

Just accidentally bumped into a few, what happened to all of them today?Why are your legs unsteady?
A little girl in front of her threw herself into Han Quce's arms, Lu Yu pulled Han Quce, and the little girl fell to the ground, and the other girls rushed to help her up.The little maid who fell down stomped her feet, blushed and ran away.The other little maids covered their mouths and laughed.

The two were even more confused.

The housekeeper standing not far away frowned. These little maids are becoming more and more outrageous. Today, Mrs. Song said a few words about getting married, which made these little maids fall in love, and even turned their minds on Mr. Lu , on Master Han's head, don't you know that they are also a couple? [Master is also corrupted.. 】

When serving the dishes in the evening, the butler gathered all these little maids.

The little maids lined up in a row, and the housekeeper often scolded them, and they were afraid when they saw the housekeeper.

The butler looked at the group of little maids who shrank and hid, and frowned, "You people, you want to fly up to the branches, you want to go crazy, but you have all your ideas on Mr. Lu and Mr. Han. It's just your little tricks. Can the lord and the master be your high-ranking ones, don't use your brain to think about it, and if you dare to mess around, see if I don't pull your skin, do you hear me?"

"Yes." The voices were different, and there were gloating, sad, and pity voices in it.

"Let's all go away." The housekeeper waved his hand, "Go and do your own thing."

At dinner in the evening, these little maids were honest and did not dare to make mistakes. If they were not caught by the housekeeper, they would be kicked out.

So there was no incident of overturning the vegetables or overturning the water, otherwise it would be a lively night.

It's just that Han Quce and Lu Yu were still kept in the dark.

Lu Yu is still thinking about which page in the book to use tonight..

(End of this chapter)

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