Chapter 209 Pregnancy
Princess Zhaowu naturally knew it, but acting had to be complete, especially to lie to such a silly woman in front of her. Princess Zhaowu looked a little sad, "Why did he want to take your child away, why didn't he tell me about your existence?"

Chun'er said, "Don't you know now? It's because of you."

Princess Zhaowu sighed, "He told me that he never had other women, and I believed him, so I married him. Later, he told me about your existence, so... I came here."

Chun'er sneered, "Come to kill my young lady and young master?"

Nanny Wang pointed at Chun'er and cursed, "Why are you talking to our princess, you little hoof."

Princess Zhaowu waved her hand, she didn't seem to care much, "No, I want to help you, I didn't expect him to be such a person, wanting to abandon your mother and child, we are both women, I naturally know how you feel, I can only blame you Blame him, I'll help you."

Zhao Xue was a little unbelievable, "Will you help us?"

Princess Zhaowu nodded, "Naturally, am I watching you fend for yourself? No, no."

"Are you really going to help us?"

"Well, because, I don't want to harm people, and I don't want him to harm people. He was not like this." Princess Zhaowu looked a little sad, "If I had known about your existence earlier, I would have persuaded him to take you back, and it is the same now. So, don't worry." Princess Zhaowu looked at Zhao Xue firmly, "Trust me, I won't harm you."

Zhao Xue was stunned for a moment, but still nodded, she believed that she was also a little helpless, because she didn't know what to do.

Princess Zhaowu walked to Zhao Xue's bed, looked at the two lively little guys, and felt a bit of magic, this was the first time she saw such a small child.

Zhao Xue saw her mood and said, "Do you want to hug her?"


"En." Zhao Xue nodded.

Princess Zhaowu hugged one of them. The child's body was soft, like a feather, so tender, and there was a faint milky fragrance on her body, which made people feel a little better after smelling it. Princess Zhaowu felt a touch in her heart.

After holding the baby, Princess Zhaowu untied the silver bag under her body and put it on the table, "Use the money first, and I will go back and persuade my husband."

Zhao Xue said sincerely, "Thank you."

Princess Zhaowu left the inn and sat in the carriage with Wang Momo.

Princess Zhaowu leaned on the carriage, "I, I don't want to harm them."

Seeing Princess Zhaowu giving up, Wang Momo felt a little disappointed in her heart, "Princess, you are a golden branch and jade leaf, do you really plan to share a son-in-law with that woman?"

"No, I don't want to, but I don't want to hurt them either."

"But they will harm you. Think about it, this woman used to be a woman that the son-in-law liked."

"But he doesn't like it now."

"But princess, don't forget that woman gave birth to two sons. Maybe the son-in-law is soft-hearted and divorces you. Where else can you go? Princess, don't tell me you haven't lived in the deep palace yet?" Have you lived enough?" Wang Momo once again "educated" Princess Zhaowu with "speaking earnestly and sincerely".

When Princess Zhaowu thought of the dark and dark palace, she couldn't breathe. She, she managed to escape from this palace, she couldn't go back, she didn't want to...

"Mother Wang."

Seeing Princess Zhaowu's firmness, Wang Momo laughed, the princess must have made up her mind. "What is the princess' order?"

"Go and send them some tonics. In the end, it's the medicine that she can't get up for the rest of her life."

"Yes. Princess." Wang Momo said.

Princess Zhaowu smiled, opened the curtains, looked at all the blurred scenes flying past in front of her, and made up her mind a lot, she, she must get it, she doesn't want to lose these things
But these things, I have to let Chen Yuan know, but I have to use another method.

Standing at the door of the study, Princess Zhaowu took a deep breath, and went in with a teacup in hand.

"Sir, drink tea." Princess Zhaowu said.

Chen Yuan looked at his wife with a smile, and saw a trace of unhappiness on Princess Zhaowu's face, and asked, "Princess, is there anything wrong with you?"

Princess Zhaowu looked a little embarrassed, and after a pause, she said, "Master, do you have something to hide from me?"

Chen Yuan shook his head, "No, what's wrong?"

"Today. I met a young lady named Zhao Xue." Princess Zhaowu said tentatively, "I feel that she is quite a nice person, and I chatted with her a lot today."

Chen Yuan's face changed, but he quickly covered it up, "Then, the princess talked to her, what did she talk about? How can the princess chat with these country girls?"

"She told him that she came to find her husband-in-law." Princess Zhaowu continued.

Chen Yuan's complexion became ugly, no, no, the princess knew about this, right? Is there still room for maneuver in confessing now? If the princess is kept hidden, the consequences may be more serious. However, it is still possible to hide it.Try to hide it as much as possible, I just hope that damn woman doesn't have so many words. "and after."

"Later she found her, but his husband-in-law didn't want her anymore. Do you think her husband-in-law is very cruel?" Princess Zhaowu looked at Chen Yuan's face turning blue, and she already had some understanding in her heart.

Chen Yuan stood up all of a sudden, "No, that woman deserves to die."

Princess Zhaowu's face darkened, "I don't know what you mean."

Chen Yuan swallowed, "Princess, let me tell you the truth."

"You are finally willing to speak." Princess Zhaowu slapped the table angrily.

"Princess, do you know everything?" Chen Yuan said.

"Just tell me what's going on."

Chen Yuan paused, and rolled his eyes, "My family was originally a wealthy family. That time, the lotus flowers were in full bloom, so I went to enjoy the flowers by boat. Later, I met Zhao Xue. He fell in love with me at first sight, but I didn't like it at all If I don’t love her, it’s because of this woman who seduced me, princess, you know, when I was young, I had sex with her, and later my family fell into ruin, in fact, all of this was caused by his father.” Chen Yuan said in a tone Sad, but full of lies. "I started to hate her and left her to go to Beijing to take the exam. I was the top student in high school. I didn't realize that I fell in love with you until I saw you, Princess, in the imperial garden, so I begged the emperor to marry you to me. Who knows The princess is so kind to me, and she is willing to marry me, so I will treat the princess wholeheartedly."

Princess Zhaowu looked at her husband's sad look, she didn't seem to be fake, and then she thought about her husband's best self, and she believed it, "later."

Chen Yuan looked at Duke Zhaowu's vacillation, and felt a little complacent in his heart, "Later when we came to Qingzhou, who knew that woman would send a servant girl to the door, didn't she just come to ask for money, so I'll give them money."

"Is that the jade pendant sent by the guards when we were playing chess in the garden that day?"

Chen Yuan nodded, "Zhao Xue took it by herself, she insisted on some token of love, but I don't love her at all, it's just her wishful thinking. I gave them money, but they were not satisfied, so I went to them later, thinking If we want to break up with them, who knows that she gave birth to my son, I want to take it back and make it our son, but who knows that Zhao Xue is a bitch, people don't know what to do, so I definitely don't want to."

"Then when are you going to hide it from me?"

"I've been planning to tell you. I wanted to bring Zhao Xue's child back and tell you." Chen Yuan said.

Princess Zhaowu secretly clenched her fists, she was saying that she couldn't have a baby, but what can she do, so... "I am pregnant."

Chen Yuan was stunned for a moment, "Princess, tell me, what did you say? You, are you pregnant?"

Princess Zhaowu nodded, "Yes."

Chen Yuan couldn't help laughing, "What you said is true." Chen Yuan couldn't help touching Princess Zhaowu's stomach, "The doctor said it."

Princess Zhaowu nodded, "If you don't believe me, I'll ask a doctor again."

Chen Yuan nodded.

Princess Zhaowu called in Wang Momo, "Wang Momo, go and get a doctor. Last time the doctor said that she was pregnant, I didn't believe it, so go get another one."

The word please is very heavy, how could someone as shrewd as Wang Momo not know, "Yes."

Chen Yuan hurriedly supported Princess Zhaowu to sit down, "Great, my Chen family finally has a queen."

Princess Zhaowu looked at Chen Yuan and asked, "What about Zhao Xue's two sons?"

"Oh, those two don't know whose sons they are."

Princess Zhaowu nodded, her eyes darkened, "Okay, but you have to promise me one condition, you will sever ties with them, including your two sons."

Chen Yuan nodded quickly, "No problem, no problem."

After a while, Mother Wang came in with a doctor.

With Sipa on her veins, Princess Zhaowu, who had already greeted her, was very relieved, "Doctor, I'm sorry to trouble you."

The doctor nodded, "It is my honor to be able to feel the pulse of the princess."

The doctor checked the pulse, and after a while, "Congratulations princess, you have a happy pulse, the princess is already a month pregnant."

Chen Yuan grabbed the doctor and asked, "Is this true? Boys and girls?"

The doctor nodded, "It's a boy, congratulations to Princess Consort."

Wang Momo also had a look of "joy", "The princess has been looking forward to it for a long time, and finally she has it."

"Nurse Wang, send the doctor out quickly." Chen Yuan was so happy now that he didn't have time to talk to the doctor, and looked at the princess's belly with a smirk.

Nanny Wang sent the doctor out and handed him a bag of silver, "This is the reward you deserve."

The doctor took over the silver, which was a bit bumpy. At first, Wang Momo asked him to report a false happy pulse, but Princess Zhaowu was really happy, and he also told the truth. He said that the princess has a happy pulse, so it's none of his business to believe it or not.

Chen Yuan still looked at Princess Zhaowu's stomach with a smirk on her face. Princess Zhaowu looked at Chen Yuanda's appearance, and felt a little bit of joy and a little bit of loss in her heart. The joy was that her husband would never have anything to do with Zhao Xue and the others, and the loss was that , she was not pregnant with a child, she knew very well in her heart that it was just a fake, "Okay, don't look at it."

"I, I'm just happy. From now on, I will serve you at home every day until my son is born." Chen Yuan couldn't help but talk nonsense.

Princess Zhaowu glared at Chen Yuan coquettishly, "Don't talk nonsense, you still have business to do, how can you just focus on me."

"Of course you and your son are more important." Chen Yuan took the princess's hand, "However, you are more important, princess."

Princess Zhaowu was a little shy, "By the way, I'm pregnant, and we have to sleep in separate rooms." This is what Princess Zhaowu expected, so that Chen Yuan would not find out the false fact that she was not pregnant.

Chen Yuan nodded, "This is only temporary, we will have a second, third child..."

(End of this chapter)

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