Chapter 210 Wedding
March [-]th was also the day Axiu got married.

Axiu was wearing a bright red wedding dress, and the bride was always the most beautiful that day.

Ahu's house where he married from Lu's house, now it can be said to be their common home.

Axiu sat on the sedan chair, feeling a little happy, disappointed, mixed feelings, tears could not help running down her cheeks, she had no father or mother, she was taken to the yamen by Lu Yu, taught her some self-defense martial arts, and gave her a place to live , since that day, she made up her mind to follow Lu Yu, and later she met Xia Yan, Xia Yan took care of her like a big brother, she had a heart for him, but it was all in vain, and then met Ah Hu Song Auntie, they treat themselves like a family, especially Ah Hu, who has always been so kind to her. She has only realized it until now. Now that she is married to him again, it can be regarded as a lover who finally gets married, and then it is Master Xiang. Hua. Xiao Yun. Xiao Han. Han misses them..She couldn't bear to part with Lu's mansion, and the group of people in Lu's mansion. Of course, she would come back. Axiu wiped away her tears, took a hard bite of the apple in her mouth, and found that the apple seemed inedible after eating.But, she is willing, today is her wedding, she decides.

The yard was boiling, guests were everywhere, and the congratulations were one after another.

"The bride is here." The matchmaker shouted, causing everyone to focus on the bride who came in. Ah Hu came in wearing a groom's suit, holding A Xiu.

The matchmaker said a lot of auspicious words, and the two began to get married.

Aunt Song and Lu Yu sat on the high hall. Lu Yu was unwilling at first, how could he be Axiu's high hall, but later Axiu said that if it wasn't for Lu Yu, she wouldn't be where she is today. High position.

"A bow to heaven and earth."

"Second worship high hall."

"Happy husband and wife."

"Enter the cave."

Watching the bride and groom go in, the guests gave their best wishes.

Aunt Song can be regarded as today's host, she stood up and said, "Thank you all for attending my son and daughter-in-law's wedding, I have already prepared a banquet, please take your seats."

After some frolicking, night had already begun.

Lu Yuxia said that Xiang Hua was still holding on to Ah Hu and kept drinking, which made Ah Hu almost overwhelmed.

Han Quce had no choice but to shake his head and smile at the group of people.

Han Xiang received the instruction just now and sat beside Han Quce, "Master, the master has answered."

"How to say?"

"Everything is going well, and the enthronement ceremony is only three months away."

"That's good." Han Quce nodded, "As long as there are no more troubles in these three months."

"Master, I want you to rest assured that those who murdered you have been caught." Han thought.

Han Quce still nodded, "My father has this strength."

"There is nothing else."


"Master, do you want to reply?"

Han Quce shook his head, "No need."

Xiang Hua looked at Han Xiang who was still whispering to Han Quce, and dragged him over, "Come and have a drink, you two don't whisper, let's talk later tonight." "

Han Xiang had black lines all over his head, "No, I still want to protect the young master."

"There are no bad guys here, what are you protecting, besides, there are a large group of policemen here, who would dare?"

Han Quce said, "Han Xiang, you go to the bar, I'm fine."

Han Xiang had no choice but to nod, and was dragged by Xiang Hua to drink.

It took a while for several people to let Ah Hu go back to the bridal chamber. They wanted to make trouble in the bridal chamber, but they couldn't stand on their feet.

Ah Hu wobbled back to the bridal chamber by himself.

In the middle of the night, most of the guests had left, only Lu Yu and the others were left, and Xiao Yun, a little glutton who had been eating vegetables.

Aunt Song draped blankets over a few people who were lying on the ground and couldn't get up, and said to Han Quce with a smile, "Master, Yun'er, there is still a vacant room, why don't you two live together?"

"Okay." Xiao Yun looked at his brother who was drunk and collapsed on the ground, then looked at Han Quce, he was naturally sleeping with the master

"Then thank you, Mrs. Song." Han Quce looked at the group of people lying on the ground, and Han Xiang, who lost his composure and fell to the ground, looked at them with disgust, shook his head, and went to the guest room with Mrs. Song.

The guest room has been tidied up very clean, Mrs. Song even brought blankets for Han Quce and Xiao Yun to rest.

After helping Xiao Yun wash his face, let Xiao Yun go to bed first.

Han Quce sat by the window, looking at the moon in the sky with some emotion.

Today when he watched Axiu get married, he couldn't help but think of himself, if he was still at home, maybe his father would find a lady from the door to marry him, and the two of them would treat each other like a guest and have sons and daughters.

If Xuanyuan Mo was still his younger brother, he might watch him marry a wife and have children, and the two brothers would still be the same as before.

If he was still at home, he would not have met Lu Yu.

If he was still at home, he would not know what it was like to like.

if.. .

Han Quce shook his head, not so much if.

He's fine now, very...Happiness, that's it, is enough.

"Master, it's time to sleep." Xiao Yun's childish kneeling voice sounded on the bed.

"Okay." Han Quce blew out the candles and went to bed.

"Master, tell me a story."

"it is good.."

(End of this chapter)

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