Chapter 211 Derailed??

So someone is awake, awake and asleep.

When Han Quce pulled Xiao Yun out of the room, a few familiar people fell in the yard.

Han Quce sighed, how much did he drink...

Han Quce dragged Xiao Yun to the lobby. In the lobby, Aunt Song had already sat on the top seat, of course she was waiting to drink daughter-in-law tea. When she thought of her son getting married and holding a grandson, she couldn't help but be overjoyed.

A little maid ran in and said a few words into Aunt Song's ear, and Aunt Song was very happy, while that little maid blushed.

Aunt Song said happily, "Seeing red is a good sign."

"The old lady, I'll go down first." This person's name is Mei Xiang, a maidservant of Lu's residence. Lu Yu asked the housekeeper to send two maidservants to help Aunt Song, and the other is Dongxue.

Aunt Song was having fun when she saw two people, one big and one small coming in, "Master, Yun'er, you got up so early."

Han Quce laughed, "Madam Song got up earlier, is it because she wants to drink daughter-in-law's tea?"

Aunt Song nodded, "Of course, I have been waiting for this cup of daughter-in-law tea for more than 20 years, and my wish has finally come true."

"They're probably coming soon." Han Quce pulled Yun'er to sit down.

Yun'er bit her finger, "Can my daughter-in-law still drink tea?"

Aunt Song and Han Quce looked at Yuner and laughed, Han Quce patted Yuner's head, "You will know later."

Xiao Yun still nodded with a vague understanding.

Soon, Ahu brought Axiu along.

Axiu was still in her bridal attire from yesterday, but she was full of femininity.

Axiu shyly took Ahu's hand, the ugly daughter-in-law also wanted to see her in-laws, the two of them knelt in front of Aunt Song, Dongxue was holding a tray with two cups of tea on it.

Mei Xiang brought two cups of tea to Ahu and Axiu, "Young Master, Young Madam."

Ah Hu took the tea and called out to his mother, Mrs. Song took the tea and drank it down in one gulp, handing over a red envelope, "Thank you, mother."

Ahu looked at Axiu, and Aunt Song also looked at Axiu expectantly, Axiu blushed again and again.

"Mother." Axiu called out, "Please drink tea."

"Hahaha, I finally got my daughter-in-law's tea." Aunt Song took the daughter-in-law's tea and smiled from ear to ear, "I've been waiting for 20 years, and this cup of tea is missing." After drinking the tea, Aunt Song took out a The big red envelope was handed to Axiu, and a lot of intimate words were said, which should be regarded as some words of confession.

"Get up." Aunt Song helped Axiu up, "We will be a family from now on."

"Yes, mother." Axiu nodded.

Aunt Song smiled and said to Axiu and Ahu, "Go and meet Master Han, he has helped you a lot."

Ahu pulled Axiu up to Han Quce, Han Quce stood up, Ahu said, "Master, thank you for helping me and Axiu a lot, and we, husband and wife, thank you very much."

Han Quce cupped his hands, "We are all friends, I wish you a happy union for a hundred years and grow old forever."

"Thank you, Master."

"So this is daughter-in-law's tea." Xiao Yun said thoughtfully, "So it's not for daughter-in-law to drink."

Han Quce pinched Xiao Yun's face, "You will know when you marry a wife."

Xiao Yun also replied cutely, "Then when can Master get married?"

Han Quce was stunned for a moment before someone answered.

Axiu laughed, "Master can get married whenever he wants, adults agree at any time."

Han Quce was a little embarrassed, suddenly remembered, looked at Aunt Song, and saw that Aunt Song was still smiling at him with a normal face.

Aunt Song said, "Don't think I'm an old antique."

Han Quce shook his head, "There is no such thing."

Ah Hu asked, "By the way, my lord, what about Xia Yan and the others?"

Aunt Song patted the table, "Oh, I forgot, they are still lying in the yard."

Han Quce shook his head and smiled, "Let them sleep, who made them drink so much."

"Will you catch a cold?" Axiu asked with concern.

"The few of them are in good health, they should be fine." Han Quce shook his head. "But let's go and have a look, I'll take Yun'er to see."

"Master, wake them up and have breakfast later. It's a custom in our family. On the first day of the bride's arrival, our family cooks breakfast for important guests, so we'll make breakfast, daughter-in-law, you won't Don't think it's troublesome." Mrs. Song said with a smile.

Axiu shook her head, "Why, mother, let's go now."

"Well, that's cool." Aunt Song smiled and took her new daughter-in-law and son to make breakfast.

Han Quce dragged Xiao Yun to the yard, and a person in the yard was already half asleep and half awake.

Han Quce said, "Yo, this is finally waking up."

Lu Yu rubbed his hair just after waking up and smiled at Han Quce, "I almost forgot about this."

"This is Ah Hu's house, why did you drink so much last night?" Han Quce sighed. "I'll take you back to your room to wash up."

"This is not Ah Hu's marriage, happy." Lu Yu took Han Quce's hand, and the two went to the guest room.

There were a few people who were still a little dizzy, Xiang Hua snorted, "If you have a husband, abandon us."

Xiao Yun ran to Xiao Han's side, smelling his brother who smelled of alcohol, "Brother, how are you?"

Xiao Han saw that it was his younger brother, and he was more than half awake from the wine, "Yun'er, brother is fine, did you sleep well last night?"

"Sleep well, I slept with Master." Xiao Yun said with a smile.

Xiao Han nodded, "That's good, brother, I drank too much yesterday."

"Then you are still not feeling well?"

Xiao Han shook his head, "There is nothing uncomfortable, just drink some hot water and it will be fine."

"Then I'll pour it for you." Before Xiao Han said no, Xiao Yun ran to pour hot water.

Han Quce took Lu Yu back to the guest room and poured him a basin of cold water to wake him up.

"Pfft." Lu Yu splashed cold water on his face, instantly sobered up a lot, took the towel handed by Han Quce, and wiped it off.

"I made you drink so much." Han Quce frowned, "I told you not to let you drink."

Seeing that Han Quce frowned, Lu Yu immediately flattered him, "I didn't, it's just that I was too happy last night, I promise I won't drink anymore, okay?"

"Okay, okay, it's time for breakfast later." Han Quce said helplessly.

Lu Yu smiled cheekily, "It's fine if you don't get angry. By the way, where did you sleep without drinking last night? Could it be that you also slept in the yard?"

"Of course not, I sleep in the guest room."

Lu Yu nodded, "Does it sound good to sleep alone? You can't sleep without me."

Han Quce looked at Lu Yu so helplessly with black lines all over his face, and had an idea, "How is it possible, I slept with someone else."

"What?" Lu Yu suddenly...Frozen, "Which man?"

"Why tell you?" Han Quce snorted coldly and walked out of the room.

Lu Yu immediately caught up and took Han Quce's pitiful little hand, "Who the hell is it? I'll beat him up."

Lu Yu couldn't bear to beat Han Quce, so naturally he could only beat that man.
"I won't tell you." Han Quce didn't say anything, anxious to death.

"Say it. Say it."

"No, okay, shut up, we'll have breakfast later." Han Quce glared at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu was even more pitiful, "My wife doesn't want me anymore, so what's the point of me being alive."

"Who made you drink so much?"

"I swear I'll never drink that much again, so tell me. Who the hell?"

Han Quce still shook his head, "I told you, I won't tell you."

" won't lie to me..." Lu Yu thought.

"Do I seem to be able to deceive people?" Han Quce turned his head, ignored him and left directly.

"Wait for me."

(End of this chapter)

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