Chapter 213 Dragon Boat Festival
Aunt Song looked at her daughter-in-law more and more satisfied. She was beautiful and clever, so she must show off to the old vegetable sellers. I heard them say their daughter-in-law before, and now it's their turn. When she said it herself, Mrs. Song took some steamed buns for Axiu, "Come on, daughter-in-law, eat more."

"Thank you, mother, you can eat too." Axiu also took a steamed stuffed bun for Aunt Song, and then another steamed stuffed bun for Ah Hu, "Ah Hu, eat more too."

"Okay." Ah Hu felt warm when he took the steamed stuffed bun. When he returned home, there would always be someone waiting for him by the candlelight, eating and sleeping with him. Just thinking about it made him feel warm.

Xiang Hua also booed, "Sister Axiu, I want it too, we want it too."

"You know how to make noise." Xia Yan was really helpless, shaking his head.

Xiang Hua said, "I just want to eat."

"Don't you have hands yourself?"

"Yes, but am I not a guest?"

"You two are really happy friends." Han Xiang, who had been silent all this time, said this.

The audience froze for a moment, and then collectively looked at Xia Yan and Xiang Hua.

Xiang Hua waved his hand hastily, "I don't like men, I mean, I do, I like Cece."

"Don't think about my Aqu." Lu Yu gave Xiang Hua a look of contempt.

Xiang Hua pointed at Han and thought, "Then, then I like him."

Han Xiang also looked at him with contempt, "I'm not interested in you."

Xiang Hua had no choice but to change the target, pass Ahu and Axiu. No, they are all married, and they can’t destroy their family. Pass, Lu Yu. No, you will definitely be despised. Pass Aunt Song. Uh, forget it Bar..Pass Xiao Han. Yes, "I actually like Xiao Han."

"Ah?" Xiao Han hadn't reacted yet.

Xiao Yun hugged Xiao Han, "My brother is mine, you bad guy, don't rob me of my brother."

These words made Xiao Han feel happy, he patted Xiao Yun's head, "Brother won't, I like him, my brother only likes Yun'er, Yun'er is good."

Xiang Hua feels like a failure. They all have men. But I don't.Xiang Hua looked at Xia Yan... .Unexpectedly, Xia Yan also looked at him with disgust..God..I still like women. Whether to go to Chunxiang Pavilion or Green Willow Pavilion tonight, I have to think about it.It seems that Comrade Xiang Hua is also lonely to a certain extent.. .But Xia Yan is such a good choice...

***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************** The next day is the Dragon Boat Festival, the big and small maids and servants at home and The housekeepers were all put on leave by Lu Yu. After all, they had just arrived, so the benefits would naturally be better.

The huge Lu Mansion is as empty as before, and Aunt Ahu, Axiu and Song are still missing. Lu Yu allowed them to go home to visit their relatives, so Lu Yu still has a few noble young masters left.

When Han Quce went to bed together, he knew that Lu Yu would not be by his side, because he usually went to practice martial arts.

Standing in front of the window, Han Quce had to say that he was homesick. He used to spend the Dragon Boat Festival with his father, but now that he has left home, he doesn't know what happened to his father.

Han Quce sat on the desk, wrote a letter with a pen, and sealed the envelope. Later, Han Xiang sent it to the post station, and sent it to the prime minister's residence quickly. Dad should receive it at night.

It's been a few years since I came out. In the past, although Dad was very busy, he could see him many times, but now, he hasn't seen each other for a year. He is a little homesick, really misses.

Han Quce always thought that he didn't love home, and he often wanted to go out for a break, but now, he is away, but his heart is still at home, is this the taste of missing.

Han Quce took the envelope to find Han Xiang, Han Xiang naturally woke up early, and his duty is to protect Han Quce.

Han Quce explained some things to him and handed him the envelope, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Young master is serious, I'll go right away." Han Xiang took the envelope and went out.

At this moment, Han Quce suddenly misses Lu Yu very much. Since he came out, the people who have been with him all the time, the people who never leave him, if it is not heart-warming, it is not true.

Han Quce stood on the porch and watched Lu Yu wipe the sweat on his forehead. The fine beads of sweat covered his wheat-colored skin, which gave him a special taste.

"It's time to eat, it's time to eat." Xiang Hua and Xia Yan carried a lot of packed breakfasts, because today was a holiday, so they had no choice but to do it themselves to have enough food and clothing.

Xiang Hua and Xia Yan are in charge of breakfast, Lu Yu and Han Quce are in charge of lunch, and in the evening...Naturally, Han wants to be responsible..However, how to be responsible, no one knows... .

So Xia Yan dragged Xiang Hua to the restaurant early in the morning and bought a lot of morning refreshments, which was simple and convenient.

When several people were cooking breakfast, Xiang Hua suddenly asked, "Where is Han Xiang, why don't you see Han Xiang?"

"He went to help me with some errands, save some breakfast for him, he should be back soon." Han Quce replied.

Everyone nodded, not paying much attention.

Han Xiang still didn't come back until noon, and Han Quce became a little anxious. The station is not far from here, and he can go back and forth in half an hour. What's more, Han Xiang is good at martial arts, and it won't take long. Why hasn't he come back yet? ?
Han Quce anxiously walked back and forth in the pavilion, did Han think of something?Impossible, isn't the remnants of evils eliminated, how could he run into trouble.

Lu Yu looked at Han Quce's anxious look, and comforted him, "Maybe he encountered something on the way, or saw something novel, so he should go and have a look."

Han Quce shook his head, "Impossible, Han didn't think he would do that."

Xiang Hua suggested, "How about we go find it?"

Xia Yan also nodded, "If Master is really worried, then we'll go out and look for it."

"Okay." Han Quce also agreed.

"However, someone has to stay. What if Han wants to come back?" Lu Yu said, "Ah Qu, you can stay, you don't know martial arts."

Han Quce nodded. He doesn't know martial arts, and it's useless to go there. We still wait for Han to come back, "Then if Han wants to come back, how should we notify you?"

Lu Yu said, "Before sunset, if we don't find it, we will come back and discuss it."

"Well, be careful."

A few people are very efficient and leave as soon as they say it.

Xiang Hua took the small dagger, although he has the potential of a dandy, but he was forgotten that he is the son of a general, can he learn martial arts, or his father will beat him to death.

So. In the already empty Lu Mansion, Han Quce was left alone waiting for news.

Lu Yu, Xia Yan, and Xiang Hua went to the post station and asked Han Xiang if he had been there. Han Xiang had indeed been, but he left soon. I don't know where to go?
But they asked the general direction, and it was indeed the way they came.

But they walked all the way without finding any trace of Han Xiang. Xia Yan looked at the small woods on both sides of the road and asked, "Could it be that Han Xiang went to the woods?"

Xiang Hua said, "What is he doing in the woods?"

Lu Yu walked over, "Let's look for it first."

Several people split up in the woods to find it, but they didn't hold out much hope.

Lu Yu vaguely smelled a bloody smell, following the bloody smell, Lu Yu pushed aside the grass.

Han Xiang fell to the ground covered in blood, Lu Yu hurriedly helped Han Xiang up, "Han Xiang, how are you, Han Xiang, Han Xiang."

Lu Yu's voice called Xia Yan and Xiang Hua, who also surrounded Han Xiang.

Lu Yu briefly checked Han Xiang's injuries. The injuries were not serious, but mainly because Han Xiang fainted.

Lu Yu pinched Han Xiang, Han Xiang woke up slowly, looked at the three people in front of him, they were quite familiar, "Xia Yan, Xiang Hua, and, Master Lu, you guys."

Xia Yan and Xiang Hua set up Han Xiang, "Han Xiang, what's wrong with you?"

"Item, halfway through my walk, a group of men in black suddenly appeared, taking advantage of my unpreparedness, and knocked me unconscious." Han Xiang recalled, remembering that he went to the post station and was about to come back, but just after he left, he felt Something was wrong, suddenly, a group of men in black killed him by surprise, but they didn't seem to be aiming at him, they knocked him out and left. "That's right, what about the young master?"

"He's at home." Lu Yu said, "No, he won't be in any danger."

"Master doesn't know martial arts." Xia Yan was a little worried.

Lu Yu felt that something was wrong, so he immediately went to Lu's mansion with his feet and light kung fu.

***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** *********** Here Han Quce was waiting for Han Xiang at home, but unexpectedly some unexpected guests came.

A group of men in black clothes stood in front of them, and in the middle of the men in black stood a young man who thought he was dressed in brocade clothes, but it was a pity for his brocade robes, because he had a chest.Obscene face.

Han Quce frowned, "You are, who are you?"

The wretched face smiled, "I'm Hou Ping, I didn't expect that Young Master Han didn't know the little one anymore, we played together when we were young."

"Hou Ping?" Han Quce recalled that when his father held a banquet for guests when he was a child, he played with some children in the back garden. As for Hou Ping, he was that cowardly boy with a snot face, who liked to cry at every turn, and Threatening others to say that his father is the Minister of the Ministry of War. Now that he has grown up, why does he still look obscene? He is really three years old. "It's you? Why are you here?"

Hou Ping laughed and said, "That's because the prime minister, that is, your father has no eyesight, and actually helped the sixth prince ascend the throne."

(End of this chapter)

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