Chapter 214 Disgusting Hou Ping

Lu Yu's voice called Xia Yan and Xiang Hua, who also surrounded Han Xiang.

Lu Yu briefly checked Han Xiang's injuries. The injuries were not serious, but mainly because Han Xiang fainted.

Lu Yu pinched Han Xiang, Han Xiang woke up slowly, looked at the three people in front of him, they were quite familiar, "Xia Yan, Xiang Hua, and, Master Lu, you guys."

Xia Yan and Xiang Hua set up Han Xiang, "Han Xiang, what's wrong with you?"

"Item, halfway through my walk, a group of men in black suddenly appeared, taking advantage of my unpreparedness, and knocked me unconscious." Han Xiang recalled, remembering that he went to the post station and was about to come back, but just after he left, he felt Something was wrong, suddenly, a group of men in black killed him by surprise, but they didn't seem to be aiming at him, they knocked him out and left. "That's right, what about the young master?"

"He's at home." Lu Yu said, "No, he won't be in any danger."

"Master doesn't know martial arts." Xia Yan was a little worried.

Lu Yu felt that something was wrong, so he immediately went to Lu's mansion with his feet and light kung fu.

***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** *********** Here Han Quce was waiting for Han Xiang at home, but unexpectedly some unexpected guests came.

A group of men in black clothes stood in front of them, and in the middle of the men in black stood a young man who thought he was dressed in brocade clothes, but it was a pity for his brocade robes, because he had a chest.Obscene face.

Han Quce frowned, "You are, who are you?"

The wretched face smiled, "I'm Hou Ping, I didn't expect that Young Master Han didn't know the little one anymore, we played together when we were young."

"Hou Ping?" Han Quce recalled that when his father held a banquet for guests when he was a child, he played with some children in the back garden. As for Hou Ping, he was that cowardly boy with a snot face, who liked to cry at every turn, and Threatening others to say that his father is the Minister of the Ministry of War. Now that he has grown up, why does he still look obscene? He is really three years old. "It's you? Why are you here?"

Hou Ping laughed and said, "That's because the prime minister, that is, your father has no eyesight, and actually helped the sixth prince ascend the throne."

"The sixth prince is the one who inherits the throne. I think your father is blind." Han Quce smiled indifferently.

Hou Ping smiled mischievously, making people even more uncomfortable, "The second prince is the one who inherits the great line, and the sixth prince is just a little boy, hmph."

"Then what is the purpose of your coming now?" Han Quce asked unhurriedly. In fact, he was delaying time until...They came back and now feel that it was the most unwise choice for them to stay here.

"It's for you." Hou Ping leaned closer to Han Quce, "Tsk tsk, I never thought that I was a beauty when I was young, and I'm still a beauty when I grow up."

Han Quce snorted coldly, and took a step back, "Hmph, I didn't expect you to be so ugly when you grow up. It's so ugly that it's unsightly."

Hou Ping flicked his sleeves, "If you give you some good looks, you can put on your face. Now that you are in my hands, you still don't obey me obediently, little beauty, stop doing those boring struggles."

Han Quce narrowed his eyes, and now, he can't provoke him, otherwise, he has no force now, so he can only delay for as long as he can, Han Quce suddenly smiled and said, "Unexpectedly, when you grow up, you will become so courageous ? Tsk tsk, it's incredible."

Hou Ping couldn't turn around. One second Han Quce was scolding him for being a mischievous, and the next second he was actually praising him for his courage. However, for a person like this with well-developed limbs and simple mind, as long as someone praises him, he will immediately become smug. Very happy, "That's right, I'm a man now, working for my father."

"Really? Then why did you arrest me?" Han Quce asked.

The man in black next to him said, "Master Ping, we should arrest him and go back."

Hou Ping glared at him, and the man in black had no choice but to back down, "Little beauty, well, I can't tell you yet."

Han Quce smiled lightly, fascinated Hou Ping, "So you came to arrest me without knowing, so your father valued you so much?"

Hou Ping swallowed, this man is really charming, "How is that possible?"

"Then you said, it's for the sake of the eldest prince. If you arrest me, you can threaten my father?" Han Quce guessed, in fact, Han Quce also guessed very closely.

Hou Ping nodded, "A beauty is a beauty, so smart, beauty, come with us."

Han Quce laughed, "Then is this the last time, am I going to die?"

Hou Ping shook his head immediately, with regret on his face, "How could it be, how could I let the beauty die, if the beauty is willing to marry me, maybe you don't have to die."

"Marry you? What's the benefit?" Han Quce said.

The man in black next to him saw that Hou Ping was still talking to Han Quce, and he was a little anxious, "Master, we should go."

"Leaving in such a hurry, you can't be afraid of someone." Han Quce deliberately provoked them.

Hou Ping was originally a simple-minded man with well-developed limbs. Hearing Han Quce say this, of course he had to look a little more manly, "How could that be? I'm Master Hou. Who am I afraid of?"

"Then why do your subordinates feel so scared?" Han Quce continued to delay as much as possible.

Hou Ping glared at a few people, and looked at Han Quce with a smile, "These are useless, how can they compare with this young master."

"Okay, then let's continue talking, what do you like about me?"

Hou Ping squinted at Han Quce, "I like your good looks."

"There are a lot of people who look better than me."

Hou Ping shook his head, "But you are more special than them, tsk tsk, think about the sound you make under your body, ah, think about it, it is so wonderful, absolutely wonderful, just think about it, it makes people feel like a beast." Hou Ping Even more nasty and wretched.

Han Quce felt disgusted to death, but there was no other way, so he swallowed his breath and said together later, "Really?"

Hou Ping nodded, "It's comparable to those in brothels..." Before Hou Ping finished speaking, he fell to the ground in a daze.

The man in black next to him panicked, and hurriedly needed to find the person who issued the hidden weapon.

"Whoo, whoosh, whoosh." Several times, several men in black fell to the ground.

Before they fell down, they saw a pair of feet appearing in front of their eyes.

Han Quce looked at Lu Yu in front of him, and his heart dropped. Lu Yu hugged Han Quce, "It's all my fault, I shouldn't leave you here alone."

Han Quce shook his head, "It's okay, it's fine if you come." Han Quce hugged Lu Yu back, "Did Han want to find it?"

"Found it, he was injured, but not seriously."

(End of this chapter)

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